Do almost nothing all dayWhen I was a kid, we used to joke about wanting a job where you could put your feet up on your desk, and get paid almost to do nothing all day. Paper-pushers were seen as having it easy and sometimes someone of my generation to this day will find or create a meme of a secretary playing solitaire with a deck of cards spread out on her desk.

These days, the picture has changed slightly. Young people still think a job where they do almost nothing is preferable to one where you hustle and get worn out at the end of the day. But the picture now has people in hammocks by the beach instead. Pictures of secretaries now have them playing solitaire on their computer screen.

What kind of job can even remotely come close to this type of work? Many scams out there claim you can earn money without putting out any work whatsoever, and if you pay, you can earn even more apparently. But for all the scams out there aiming to swindle you out of your hard-earned cash, sometimes a job comes along that greatly reduces the work required of you. This kind of job is not for everyone mind you.

receptionist jobPeople hard-wired for action need jobs where they are out in the bush, on the construction site, greeting people at the hotel or serving tables in a restaurant. We have to be honest and ask ourselves where we’d be if such people didn’t exist. Who would build the homes we live in? Who would stock the shelves where we shop? Who would ensure gas stations stay open when we go to fuel up? Who would man the banks where we do business? Who would deliver our packages? We need people who love to do these types of jobs and we need them to continue doing these jobs.

But there is another class of people who struggle to do these jobs. They have health issues. Maybe they are physically or mentally impaired in some way. They still need an income above what government disability cheques can give. Many in these groups would love to be independent and not rely on others to pay their bills, but there isn’t a job out there they can do. Many employers still are not sure how to employ someone in a wheelchair, or someone with a speech impediment, or someone with a mental challenge. I cheer every time I hear of an employer making a point to hire such people. A grocery store where I shop has hired several mobility-challenged or mentally-challenged people, and it is a pleasure to do business with them. A department store where I shop occasionally now has a wheel-chair bound mentally-challenged man in their electronics department, and he’s got quite the sense of humour. I enjoy talking with him as I put through my purchase. However, employers like these are few and far between.

Using a computer and the "netI have found a way to make a decent income that only requires general knowledge of how to use a computer, how to behave safely online, and the personal drive to learn anything necessary to get the job done. The actual daily time commitment is only one hour for the individual portion of the job itself. Building a team to help you however, will take the time you choose to give it. The task itself isn’t hard, if not a bit on the boring side. Learning to support a team might be new to some people, but again, it’s not hard to pick up on how to do it. Tools are available to aid in team building and management, track earnings, make withdrawals, etc, and the entire thing can be done with no out-of-pocket expenditures period. It’s even possible to build your team using various free methods of advertising.

So if you spend one hour every day doing the actual job, and perhaps a couple hours a day doing your advertising and team support, you could, if you stick with it, have a decent income within 2 month’s time. The trick is getting past the crowd that wants money for absolutely nothing! They don’t want to put out time, effort, or cash to get where they think they want to go. They also do not want to teach themselves anything and figure others have to do that task for them as well.

I am looking for a minimum of 4 people to join my team and commit to one hour per day. They must be eager to teach themselves new things and not afraid to explore and click around. I’d love to find an experimental team of 20 to 36 people in this group I have described. Those who don’t think they are good at any kind of marketing would be placed in my first row of team members. Those who don’t care for marketing but can do it if push comes to shove would go in the next row, supporting those I placed above them. Those who love to promote stuff and could sell ice cream to an Eskimo (white foreigner to Inuit country) would be placed under the second row. Because you need a team of four people to make this work in 51 days, that’s four under me. Then four under each of those under me. If we stop there, we have 20 people. However, if we go for that third row mentioned earlier, we need 16 more people to place one go-getter under each of the “will market if I have to” people. Those “will market if I have to” people would still need to find 3 other people on their own, but they have a kickstarter under them to help out.

We would start this experimental group as follows:

  • Day One: First four sign up using my affiliate link, get their 8 start-up tasks done with task eight requiring their own affiliate link being given to the four I place under them. They surf their 100 sites.
  • Day Two: Those four sign up under each affiliate they are assigned to. So the first four now each have their own four and help those four get their 8 tasks done, which includes getting their own affiliate links to give to the go-getter I’ve assigned to them. They surf their 100 sites along with myself and row one.
  • Day Three: The go-getters receive their upline’s affiliate url and sign up. They complete their 8 tasks. They surf their 100 sites along with myself and row’s one and two.
  • Day Four: 51 Day count down begins with each of us surfing our 100 sites every single day before midnight at ITB. I believe ITB is in the Eastern Standard Time Zone of the US because the daily rollover is at 9pm my time. I believe they also follow Daylight Savings Time, so midnight changes by one hour in March and then in late October/early November. This is important to note for those who do not observe Daylight Savings Time.

When the 51 Day count down reaches day 30, the snowball suddenly starts rolling, and with TPO packages priced as they are right now, that snowball could actually hit sooner than day 30 of the 51 Day count down. But when that day arrives, a maximum of 21 days later or sooner depending on the pricing of TPO advertising packages, this experiment could net everyone on the team a tidy sum of Bitcoin.

When that sum arrives, you will need a wallet to put it in. 99.9% of the wallets available don’t pay you any interest to store your money there. Whether you have your own wallet on your computer, phone, or a hardware device at home, or whether you use Xapo, coinbase, localbitcoin, etc, online, none of these pay you interest. Your deposit just sits there. One online wallet however DOES pay interest compounded daily on any balance you keep above 30,000 satoshi. Interest is calculated at 4.08% annually. This is your savings account and will continue to have your BTC earned at ITB earn interest until you wish to spend it.

When you are ready to begin spending your BTC, you have various options open to you. The best one is over at Sign up for a wallet there, deposit double the amount necessary to apply for and have their BTC debit card shipped to your address, and then make your first purchase, bill payment or withdrawal at your local ATM. One note however: Xapo does not ship to Canada and a few other countries. Make sure you look at their list of supported countries to know if you can use their BTC Debit card. If, like myself, you are not in their list of supported countries, check out Wirex, bitpay or Spectrocoin to see if your country is in their lists. If so, follow the same advice to get their card in hand. Even those sites don’t ship to Canada however so I have gone with Uquid.  I applied for their pre-load debit card on December 20th, 2017, it was marked as shipped on December 29th, and it arrived on my doorstep the morning of January 3rd, 2018!  That’s pretty fast processing! It should be noted that these last few options are not true BTC debit cards. Instead, they convert your funds into either USD, Euro, or GBD to use as currency in your corner of the world. For me, that means a 3% exchange fee on each purchase I do with the Uquid card, but it currently is my only option here in Canada. When better options become available to Canadians, I will let people know.
Earn 3.24BTC in JUST 51 Days!So to summarize: I have found the job of everyone’s dreams where you can put your feet up on your desk and do almost nothing for free, spending as little as one hour per day working the ITB earnings system. You must be willing to learn and willing to teach yourself as you explore the ITB system to familiarize yourself with how it works. This job is perfect for those who can’t do the myriad of more labour-intensive jobs that we all need people around us doing. If you need a less intensive job mentally or physically, this is for you. I want to put together an experimental group of 20 to 36 people willing to put this system to the test for 51 days. That’s a minimum one-hour daily commitment until the experiment is completed. When your earnings are ready for withdrawal to your BTC account, use the daily interest account I’ve mentioned above as your savings account. Use Xapo or another service as your active account you will use for daily spending on bills, groceries, etc.

Are you game? Will you be one of those 20 to 36 people I’m looking for? Do you know a group of people who would be game for such an experiment? 51 days is almost 2 months, so you could look at it in a more simplified way to say this is a 2 month one-hour per day commitment. People you know don’t have to be good at marketing either, as I will organize them according to willingness to advertise and promote. I just need a list of names and email addresses to get this ball rolling. If you are game, get in touch with me using this form.  If you use earlier links to sign up first, you will end up directly under me whether you want to be there or not.  If you want to be placed according to how much you do or don’t like marketing, then please send in the form below before signing up.  I will ensure you get the appropriate sign-up link so that you land where you will most benefit.

Please double-check your email address to be sure it has both an @ symbol as well as a period between the domain and the suffix. A comma instead of a period means you won't hear from me. A missing @ symbol also means you won't hear from me.
Love marketingHate marketingWill if I have to and reasonably successful at it
Your answer here will help me fit you in where the 51 Day experiment will do you the most good.