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Infinity Traffic Boost Update 9 Mo Into Using the Service

Update report on how InfinityTrafficBoost has been doing since I joined in early August 2017:

Marketing efforts online can take anywhere from one to three months to get decent trends developing that one can work with. I spent most of the past year more focussed on the earning side of surfing than I did on the marketing side, although a free member does have their share of links and banners they can promote on the traffic exchange. However, in the past several months, I began noticing trends that I found rather encouraging on the advertising side of life.

simple chart illustrationCourses I’ve taken in marketing for on and offline efforts generally state that you have to show someone something at least 7 times before they take action. These courses also teach that you need at least 1000 views to your product or service online before you start seeing action. Some say in more recent years that this number has ballooned to 10,000 views or more. This is due to the fact that so many more websites are out there and so many more viewers to get over to your site who are now largely jaded by most advertising.

Safelists are coming back into vogue in a huge way to get human eyeballs back on company advertisements. Traffic Exchanges have become another big item on the scene again, to get real human beings viewing ads and websites once more. Many offer 2:1 or 4:1 or other odds whereby a free user of these services can get so many other eyeballs sent to their site in exchange for the number of sites that user surfs themselves. Safelists offer free members so many email sends in a week whether once per day, once every 3 days, every 5 days, etc. Some offer as little as 1 credit per email viewed while others offer up to 50 email credits per email viewed.

I am a free member of over 12 different safelists, several classified ad sites, and InfinityTrafficBoost as the only Traffic Exchange that I am actually working. I think I joined a couple others, but with ITB not merely giving me credits to send other surfers to my site, but also paying me to surf, I got spoiled and only really hang out there compared to the other TE’s.

But as I was saying, recent months began showing trends that I wanted to share today. The first is that I get, on average as a free member, roughly 750 views per month to the various links I’ve put up on ITB. The main link goes to SFI and is the one actually being surfed by other members as they participate in the TE. While I was getting sporadic sign-ups to SFI from my safelist efforts, I could go for up to two months or more at a time before anyone would sign up. Meanwhile over at ITB, I am averaging roughly 2 sign-ups to SFI per month! That totally blows those marketing stats I mentioned earlier out the window!

A friend of mine recently signed up in April 2018, and is promoting her husband’s blog. Hardly a week into using ITB, she reported that Google Analytics was saying surfers from ITB were spending on average, 2+ minutes each at the blog link she’s promoting. Now keep in mind that an ITB surfer must sit at each website for 15 seconds before they earn another .25 ad credit and work toward their surfer reward pool shares. A free member can earn up to 25 full ad credits per day minimum, and up to 10 surfer reward pool shares that pay them at midnight EST every day. With those stats, my friend got excited and asked if she could surf more than her 100 daily sites. I replied that yes, you can, as long as you understand you will only get paid on the first 100 sites.

There’s more to InfinityTrafficBoost than what free members can do for sure! Advertisers can purchase any of 11 Traffic Package Options (TPO) and each one lets them advertise more links the higher they go, and purchase more ad credits the higher they go as well. One of the co-founders of ITB recently began doing comparison research to see how ITB’s traffic packages compare to other traffic exchanges out there and discovered that ITB’s prices are anywhere from 30% cheaper to over 50% cheaper than many of the TE’s he’s already looked at. In addition, advertisers wanting to save even more money can now make use of a brand new feature on the site called “The Ad Credit Auction”. This is where surfers make accumulated ad credits available for sale starting in 1000 ad credit increments, for prices well below ITB’s usual TPO pricing. Of course all you’re buying at the auction are ad credits. No additional link capabilities come with it or other benefits. But the potential for purchasing human views of your site drops significantly in this auction room.

I got thinking recently myself, that ITB will now be attracting two types of users: The earner, and the advertiser. Earners can advertise, and advertisers can earn, with 80% commissions possible, but each type of user will have a larger focus. Advertisers can even turn off the earnings capability if they choose, in their settings. This step alone boosts the number of eyeballs they can get on their websites.

10 Steps to Financial Freedom

My own focus is primarily on the earnings side of things. if I can find 4 active referrals who will do their 100 sites every day for a month or more, the snowball will start roughly 30 days later and then I can start working my way out of debt! Earnings are in BTC, but can be paid out in Etherium or Litecoin. Coinbase, the service ITB uses to pay in BTC still has high fees even though other places have dropped theirs to almost nothing, so ITB is recommending users get paid in Etherium or Litecoin and then exchange that to BTC to send to their primary wallet. Qoinpro is a good place to go for those kinds of transactions by the way. I’ll be making use of their services in this regard hopefully soon.

I could have cashed out in BTC within a month or so already, but decided to take another stab at “TPO my way up” which lets you automatically purchase TPO’s based on what you’ve earned, rather than purchase out-of-pocket. If I can find 3 other active referrals between now and the end of June, that will be great. Otherwise I’m looking at my first potential cash out this coming summer. If I hadn’t been attempting the TPO my way up method all last year, I’d have cashed out twice by now. But the months where I only accumulated my earnings instead have been some very interesting months on the advertising end of things!

If you want these stats for yourself, sign up here using my referral link. I’d love to have you on board!

team songdove

ANNOUNCEMENT! InfinityTrafficBoost Webinar Today!

Passing on a quick announcement here that won’t fit in most Social Media status updates!  This is from Clinton Clark, Co-founder of InfinityTrafficBoost himself!  If you are looking for a less-stressful form of work that has the potential to pay the bills, sign up NOW!

Webinar Thursday! 
Okay, we are finally getting on track and starting to hold regular LIVE Webinars so you can learn more about the ITB system and opportunity AND invite your prospects and referrals!

We always hang out after each webinar to take any questions and to help you and your team to fully understand ITB and it’s potential to help you grow your income and online business.

Okay, so, we’ll eventually have a set schedule each week, but, for now, this week we’ll have TWO webinars on Thursday, April 12th at 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. U.S. Pacific Daylight Time (Check your local time on the registration page, easy to do!)

6:30 p.m. Webinar, Register Here:…/register/d6011a7ecb94db2fc5b9141539e44ee6

Thanks and we hope to see you and your referrals and prospects at one or both of the webinars tomorrow.


I’ve registered for the 6:30pm time slot.  Will you join me?

tiny salads

Passover and Bitcoin ~ As Seasons Change. . .

Spring has sprung, which means now you’ll start seeing more about foraging again as well as my BTC adventures and financial budgetting tips, thoughts and adventures.

Around our house, we celebrate Passover instead of Easter, which made the incredibly early lunar holiday a bit of a challenge for us this year. We visited one of our usual foraging grounds to see if any plants were poking above the ground yet, and managed to come home with a few samples to at least use in the ceremony portion of the meal if we couldn’t have them as an actual salad yet. Combined with a ground-ivy my daughter’s been nibbling on at work, we managed to have very cute symbolic salads this year!

On the Bitcoin front, Uquid still doesn’t have a replacement debit/credit card yet, but for Canadians that’s not a terrible thing just yet. Today I paid a tiny amount that was placed on a new high-interest-charging Canadian Tire MCRD, through This service lets Canadians pay their bills directly with Bitcoin! The service exchanges the funds on the spot and if the bill is below a certain threshold, there is no transaction fee at Bylls. You may still have to pay a transaction fee at your wallet’s end however, so if you live in Canada and want to use BTC to pay bills, make sure you are ok with the transaction fee your wallet wants before sending your funds through Bylls or any other service for that matter. In the same way you have to decide if it’s worth $5 to have someone else shop and deliver your groceries or spend $2.5 in gas to go do it yourself, you need to make similar decisions when spending your Bitcoin. Is the convenience of using a service such as Bylls wise for you, or is the convenience costing more than you wish to pay?

Always choose the option that leaves the most funds in your wallet. If that means a little extra work, or a little longer wait time, the delayed gratification of knowing you didn’t have to spend more than necessary will pay off. Fees add up and many people forget this, wondering where their funds went.