With Ron MacLean at Hometown Hockey
With Ron MacLean at Hometown Hockey

Dearest HMI Pacific team,

I hope that you are doing well as the winter slowly loses steam as we roll towards brighter days in the spring. I hope that you enjoy this latest ministry news info from my laptop to yours….
Most of the ministry in the last while has been done from my home base in Kelowna. While I have been on the road somewhat this winter, it has not been quite as often as other years.
With Canucks Kirk McLean at Hometown Hockey
With Canucks Kirk McLean at Hometown Hockey
One of the highlights of the past few months was when Rogers Hometown Hockey came to West Kelowna, and I was able to spend a few moments with CBC (Hockey Night in Canada) personality Ron MacLean and Vancouver Canuck alumni, goaltender Kirk McLean. I am convinced that part of this ministry is to continually show up in the lives of this hockey culture wherever it is. That is why I make it my business to be in the center of the action as much as I am able to. Also, it was on that same weekend that I sang the National Anthem at a Rockets game and was able to meet and chat with NHL veteran and former Kelowna Rocket Josh Gorges. What a fabulous weekend to show up and be counted!
With NHL veteran Josh Gorges
With NHL veteran Josh Gorges

It was an honour to be able to go on 2 road trips with the Warriors this year, taking in Victoria, Cowichan Valley (Duncan), Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Powell River and Chilliwack. On the trip I snapped a picture of the Warriors bus just in front of the Island Savings Centre in Duncan, about an hour before we played the Cowichan Valley Capitals. I was pleased to be able to hold 3 chapels in our hotels on road trips this year, which is more than I’ve done in any other year. One of my chapels I have named ‘the toothpaste chapel’ where I talk from the book of James about the power of the tongue and encouraging speech. Like toothpaste coming out of the tube, what is said cannot be put back in our mouths… The guys really understand that concept, and of course there is a wonderful biblical lesson to be learned there.

The Toothpaste Chapel
The Toothpaste Chapel

A standard practice that I have is to regularly take players, coaches and fans out for coffee, sharing in their lives and ending with a prayer. I call it J&J, which stands for Java and Jesus. I have had hundreds of ‘J&J’s’ over the years, and we always end with prayer, which is the second ‘J’. My common saying is that you never get away without the second ‘J’… I usually walk out to the parking lot beside on of our vehicles and we stop and pray.  You can see in the picture that I am ready for the second ‘j”, standing beside the Warriors truck. I took a picture of our Warriors team Captain and I as we visited during one of the road trips. These chats are perfect opportunities to end a chat with the second ‘J’….

J&J with Warriors Captain Cavin Tilsley
J&J with Warriors Captain Cavin Tilsley

In late January we had our first ever Kelowna Chiefs Faith Night and in mid February was our 10th Annual West Kelowna Warriors Faith Night. These nights are a celebration of the chapel program as well as the Christian faith community. The Chiefs event was much smaller because it was the first year, while the Warriors is well established now and was a one of the largest home crowds of the year. I like to call it a ‘faith party’, which is feel is wonderful in that it happens at a secular event such as a Junior hockey game. I would ask you to please pray that I would be able to have good conversations and beneficial results from these Faith Nights.

Ready for the second J
Ready for the second J

I thought that you might be encouraged to know that there have been a few good additions to the Hockey Ministries team here in BC in the last short while.  At UBC in Vancouver, Lewis Chifan has taken over as the Thunderbirds chaplain. As well, there are now new chapel programs in Chase, Castlegar and in Fernie and Dave Knudsen is the new chaplain in Port Alberni. Your prayers are so very much appreciated!

UBC Thunderbirds Chaplalin Lewis Chifan
UBC Thunderbirds Chaplalin Lewis Chifan

Finally, thank you for your support of Hockey Ministries in BC, both in your prayer and your finances. I am deeply grateful to serve the Lord in this area, and I will remind you again, that you are all  huge part of this ministry.

Warriors Faith Night table
Warriors Faith Night table
Still going strong,
Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region
With Port Alberni chaplain Dave Knudsen
With Port Alberni chaplain Dave Knudsen

Prayer Points:

-for Lewis Chifan at UBC Vancouver
-for Dave Knudsen in Port Alberni
-new chapel program in Fernie
-new chapel program in Chase
-new chapel program in Castlegar
-Williams Lake summer camp
-Hope summer camp (new)
-Shawnigan Lake summer camp
-playoff chapels
-good results from Faith Nights
-my financial support