Happy summer days, HMI Pacific teammates!
What a summer day! As I type this update, beautiful sunshine is streaming through the window into my office, and I’m having a bit of difficulty concentrating…. So if my thoughts wander off and make little sense, blame the Okanagan summer.

This time of year sees a bit of a different vibe in chaplaincy ministry. Ministry among hockey chaplains is always happening, but the ice in most arenas is out and the players have long gone home. These months are a time to search for new teams who don’t have a chapel program yet and for new chaplains. It appears that we will begin some new chapel programs this fall: in Richmond, White Rock, Williams Lake and in Quesnel. I believe that I have found chaplains in 3 of these 4 places, and I would ask you to please pray more new teams would have a chaplain. (There are also a few more possibilities yet to come.) I recently returned from the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League’s AGM in Nelson, BC, where I was given a 10 minute presentation to all owners and head coaches. I feel that my presentation on chapel programs went quite well, and I am hoping for a few more teams to inquire about having their own chapel program.

This is also the time of year when I officiate summer hockey weddings. I’m including a few pictures of weddings that I have officiated since the season wrapped up and I ask you to pray as more weddings are scheduled in the upcoming months. These occasions are wonderful open doors; opportunities to share the love of Christ.
In the last month, I was pleased to connect with the new chaplain of the Cowichan Valley Capitals, Andrew Lacey. Andrew was referred to me by the outgoing Capitals chaplain, Kevin VanderVeen, who served well and was an excellent chaplain. (Kevin recently moved to Alberta.) It will be good to get to know Andrew; I am glad that he is on the HMI chaplains team here in BC.

A similar story has taken place in Alberni Valley, where Rob Penny has taken the chaplaincy reins. I want to thank Dave Knudsen who has served the Bulldogs in Port Alberni for a number of years.
During these warm weather months, I venture out into a few secondary areas of chaplaincy. I serve as the chaplain for the Kelowna Falcons baseball team and also the Okanagan Sun football club. By the time late August rolls around, I am ready to get back into the rink and start up with the hockey teams that I serve.

I ask you to pray for our Hockey Ministries camp at Shawnigan Lake, scheduled for July 21 – 26. I’m believing that this camp will be a very special week, and we need your prayers for campers and staff alike. This year, our camper registration is a bit larger than other years, and we are thankful for that. I pray that during the camp, many young campers will commit their hearts to Christ
Oh… one more thing…. I am significantly down on monthly financial support in the last year. If you know of anyone who might be interested in joining the HMI Pacific team, please let me know and I will connect with them. You can always call my cell at 250 808 5653. Thank you for your help with this.

May the Lord bless you all this summer!
Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region
Prayer Points:
-Shawnigan Lake Camp
-summer hockey weddings
-new chapel programs in Richmond and White Rock
-for a few new chaplains
-for new supporters to join
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