Happy Spring time to the best team; you are all HMI Pacific All Stars!
My goodness, is it ever nice to have a bit of warmth during this time of year! These sunny days give me energy and a ‘spring’ in my step… (pun intended.. 😀)

Okay, let’s get right at it… Approximately every 6 weeks, I meet with my HMI council boys. These guys are real beauties; encouraging, praying, and supporting me in every way. I am thankful for the time and support that Jayson and Kolby give to this ministry. When we meet, we go over what has been happening at HMI Pacific and of course we finish with a prayer. God bless these men and their families.

I average about 10 chapels each season with both the Warriors in West Kelowna and the Kelowna Chiefs in Rutland. I absolutely love chapel day, when I gather the players and talk about real life events. I always direct the conversation toward Christ, and the difference the He makes in people’s lives. We always finish off with a Bible verse, a group huddle prayer and with handshakes. Chapels are a regular part of the life of these hockey clubs. One day in early March when I walked into the arena, I noticed on the electronic sign in the arena, that the Warriors chapel was listed along with all the days hockey events. Seeing that was very encouraging to me.

One of the annual events that takes place in the West Kelowna Warriors season is Faith Night. (This year was the 13th annual.) This year the game was sold out; the evening was a tremendous success. Somebody took a picture of me with two wonderful hockey buddies at this year’s Faith Night. A few weeks later after the final home game of the season, the club handed out the team awards.

I have presented the Chaplaincy Award each year, and this year’s recipient was Chris Duclair. The Warriors were eliminated this year by the Vernon Vipers in the first round of the BCHL playoffs, and I thought I would get a quick picture of myself and play by play broadcaster Trevor Miller on the last home game of the year. I travelled to Vernon for the final road game, and got a picture with the Vipers chaplain David Hockley. David is a faithful servant, and does a wonderful job as the chaplain in Vernon.

In April, I made a few trips. I am so thankful to the Lord for the ability to travel a bit and to see chaplains, coaches, and players. First I headed to Prince George where I had a visit with the Cougars and Spruce Kings chaplain, Jim Brown Jr.. Jim is doing a fine job serving as the chaplain for both of these clubs. After the Prince George trip, I headed to Revelstoke for the Cyclone Taylor Cup Jr B provincial tournament. It was a valuable trip, where I was able to have meetings with the commissioners of two Jr B leagues, the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League and the Pacific Junior Hockey League. I feel that it is important to show up at tournaments like this and get to know the people that make things happen. It is through meetings like this that I am able to attend league-wide coaches meetings and explain chapel programs. While I was there, it was good to visit with the chaplain of the Revelstoke Grizzlies, Bob Loeppky and with Junior Hockey Operations Coordinator, Tim Kilbrai. These are two wonderful dedicated Christ-followers.

It is now the time of year when I turn my attention to the ‘after season’. This means events like hockey weddings, and summer hockey camps. I am still in touch with players, but most of them are now gone back home for the summer. This season is an opportunity of year to spend a bit of time with the coaches, who a still here in the city. As well, there will be many J&J coffees and perhaps a beach time or boat ride on the lake. Whatever form it takes, it will all be for the glory of God.

Thank your so much for your love and support, and for reading my latest update.
In faith,
Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region
Prayer Points:
-for summer hockey camps
-for upcoming coaches meetings
-for upcoming hockey weddings
-for continued financial support