Hi there team!
Oh what a nice summer! I trust that you are enjoying a bit of warmth and energy rejuvenation! Here is just a touch of what is happening in the HMI Pacific world.

We have had some beautiful sunny days here in the Okanagan and I thought I’d share some fun shots from a bit of ‘down time’ that I have enjoyed with Lorraine, the love of my life!! Lorraine is an absolutely amazing life partner, a total blessing from the Lord!

I have recently been meeting with various league officials and commissioners, just getting to know them. It is in meetings like this that I suggest making a chapel program presentation to league coaches and General Managers. As a result, I will be meeting with the Kootenay International Hockey League coaches before the end of June and with the Pacific Junior and the British Columbia Hockey League coaches in the near future.

This summer, I have already started officiating at hockey weddings, which is a big part of summer ministry. Here are pictures of 2 different weddings. This is such a wonderful outreach; I am very thankful to the Lord for ministry opportunities like this.Without chaplaincy ministry, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to officiate like this, and touch the lives of so many.

In the ‘off season’ months, I like to connect with hockey fans outside of the realm of the game. We meet at coffee shops and of course, I always end with a prayer. This is my ‘fans version’ of hockey J&J. To bring Christian faith into people’s lives in ways like this is such an honour.

Every 6 weeks or so, I meet with some wonderful hockey guys for prayer and encouragement. These boys are my council and prayer support team. Please pray for these warriors as they stand behind me and help me carry on.

In late July, I will be travelling to Shawnigan Lake on Vancouver Island for our HMI hockey camp. Please be praying for the camp and for each camper that attends. I have included a picture of a meeting I had with the camp director Ted Neustaedter. Ted has directed camp each year at Shawnigan Lake and I am grateful for his dedication.
Just recently, the British Columbia Hockey League (BCHL) has left the covering of Hockey Canada, and has become an independent league. This has had some interesting ramifications, with a few more to come I’m sure. Please be in prayer as I continue to minister with BCHL teams and staff. The BCHL just lost the Wenatchee Wild hockey club to the Western Hockey League (WHL), and I’d like to see the Wild chapel program continue on in their new league.
Finally, chaplaincy has expanded a bit here in Kelowna. My primary chaplaincy is in the hockey world, but I also serve the local Junior baseball club, (the Kelowna Falcons) and the Junior football club (the Okanagan Sun). And…. I’m pleased to serve West Kelowna Fire Rescue (WKFR) as their chaplain. I am including a picture of my recent meeting at WKFR Hall #33.
Thanks for reading this, and remember to relax a bit this summer! God bless you all!
Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region
Prayer Points:
- Summer hockey camp (Shawnigan Lake)
- Various coaches meeting presentations
- New chaplains
- Summer hockey weddings
- Summer J&J times with fans and players
- My other chaplaincy programs
- Continued financial support