Castlegar chaplain James McFaddin and his family
Castlegar chaplain James McFaddin and his family

Hi there to the HMI BC crew!

I pray that you are doing well, and that you are enjoying getting outside a bit more as warmer days settle upon us. That means that —  hockey season is slowly winding down! (However, ministry never winds down, because this ministry (as any ministry) is about people, not primarily about ice, skates and pucks.)c
Chase chaplain Tyler Harper
Chase chaplain Tyler Harper

Let me give you an inside peek into what is happening with Hockey Ministries in BC. Over the last while, I have connected with a number of chaplains, many of them brand new. Let me ‘introduce’ you to a few of them.

Surrey chaplain Chris de Monye and his family
Surrey chaplain Chris de Monye and his family

One of those is James McFaddin in Castlegar. He is the new chaplain of the Castlegar Rebels Jr B club. Another new chaplain in Tyler Harper in the small town of Chase. Tyler is the chaplain for the Chase Heat Jr B club. Another chaplain that I have connected with is Chris de Monye’. Chris is the chaplain for the Surrey Eagles Jr A club.c

Vancouver Giants chaplain Danny Stebeck
Vancouver Giants chaplain Danny Stebeck

When I was at a church conference in Vancouver recently, I was so pleased to spend a bit of time with Danny Stebeck, who is the chaplain for the Vancouver Giants of the Western Hockey League. At that same conference I met up with Lewis Chifan, who is chaplain with the UBC Thunderbirds club. Also, I was recently able to connect with the chaplain of the Powell River Kings, Terry Dyer. All these chaplains are fabulous servants of Jesus, and I’d ask you to keep them on your prayer list.c

Presenting the Warriors Chaplaincy Award
Presenting the Warriors Chaplaincy Award

As the Hockey season came to a close for the West Kelowna Warriors, I was able to present the Warriors Chaplaincy Award to Lucas Bahn, a wonderful young man from Tennessee. Moments like these are precious, as these awards are presented on the ice after the final home game. I believe that the Lord is pleased as people hear about the team chapels in settings like this. Right after the season was over, I was able to have a good coffee with Chase Dubois, another one of the Warriors players. Of course, coffee is always followed by a prayer. Chase is from Williams Lake, and has been a regular chapel attender.

Chaplain Josiah Olson and the Champion Revelstoke Grizzlies
Chaplain Josiah Olson and the Champion Revelstoke Grizzlies

I also wanted to show you a picture of our chaplain in Revelstoke, Josiah Olson. Josiah has done a fantastic job holding team chapels with the Revelstoke Grizzlies Jr B club. His team won not only their league title, but also the Cyclone Taylor Cup which is the championship for British Columbia. Josiah is in this picture (blond hair holding his boy) with some of the players and coaches along with the championship trophies and banners.

With UBC chaplain Lewis Chifan
With UBC chaplain Lewis Chifan

I close my letter with a very sad heart for two reasons. On March 22, when I was in Revelstoke at a Kelowna Chiefs playoff game, (I serve as the chaplain for the Chiefs) Grant Sheridan, the part owner and GM of the Chiefs was there. He wasn’t feeling well, and I assumed he would feel better after a good night’s sleep. Well, i was wrong. He had contracted bacterial meningitis, and was rushed to the hospital. Grant is still in the Kelowna hospital. The doctors still do not know what the level of his recovery will be. I know that you will pray for Grant and his family.

With Warriors Chase Dubois
With Warriors Chase Dubois

On Tuesday, April 23rd in Saanichton BC, at 92 years of age my Dad passed away into the presence of Jesus. Lorraine and I rushed to the Island on the evening of the 22nd and were able to be with him at his bedside as he crossed into eternity with the Lord. The feelings that I have are such a paradox: sadness at missing my dad, yet triumph at knowing that he is in Glory right now. Thank you for your prayers at this time.

God bless you, you are great teammates.
Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region
With Powell River chaplain Terry Dyer
With Powell River chaplain Terry Dyer

Prayer Points:

-summer HMI camp in Shawnigan Lake
-summer HMI camp in Williams Lake
-trip to Jr A Championship in Brooks AB
-team chaplains as the summer approaches
-ministry travels this spring/summer
-our family with my Dad’s passing
-Grant Sheridan and family
-ongoing financial support


With Ron MacLean at Hometown Hockey
With Ron MacLean at Hometown Hockey

Dearest HMI Pacific team,

I hope that you are doing well as the winter slowly loses steam as we roll towards brighter days in the spring. I hope that you enjoy this latest ministry news info from my laptop to yours….
Most of the ministry in the last while has been done from my home base in Kelowna. While I have been on the road somewhat this winter, it has not been quite as often as other years.
With Canucks Kirk McLean at Hometown Hockey
With Canucks Kirk McLean at Hometown Hockey
One of the highlights of the past few months was when Rogers Hometown Hockey came to West Kelowna, and I was able to spend a few moments with CBC (Hockey Night in Canada) personality Ron MacLean and Vancouver Canuck alumni, goaltender Kirk McLean. I am convinced that part of this ministry is to continually show up in the lives of this hockey culture wherever it is. That is why I make it my business to be in the center of the action as much as I am able to. Also, it was on that same weekend that I sang the National Anthem at a Rockets game and was able to meet and chat with NHL veteran and former Kelowna Rocket Josh Gorges. What a fabulous weekend to show up and be counted!
With NHL veteran Josh Gorges
With NHL veteran Josh Gorges

It was an honour to be able to go on 2 road trips with the Warriors this year, taking in Victoria, Cowichan Valley (Duncan), Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Powell River and Chilliwack. On the trip I snapped a picture of the Warriors bus just in front of the Island Savings Centre in Duncan, about an hour before we played the Cowichan Valley Capitals. I was pleased to be able to hold 3 chapels in our hotels on road trips this year, which is more than I’ve done in any other year. One of my chapels I have named ‘the toothpaste chapel’ where I talk from the book of James about the power of the tongue and encouraging speech. Like toothpaste coming out of the tube, what is said cannot be put back in our mouths… The guys really understand that concept, and of course there is a wonderful biblical lesson to be learned there.

The Toothpaste Chapel
The Toothpaste Chapel

A standard practice that I have is to regularly take players, coaches and fans out for coffee, sharing in their lives and ending with a prayer. I call it J&J, which stands for Java and Jesus. I have had hundreds of ‘J&J’s’ over the years, and we always end with prayer, which is the second ‘J’. My common saying is that you never get away without the second ‘J’… I usually walk out to the parking lot beside on of our vehicles and we stop and pray.  You can see in the picture that I am ready for the second ‘j”, standing beside the Warriors truck. I took a picture of our Warriors team Captain and I as we visited during one of the road trips. These chats are perfect opportunities to end a chat with the second ‘J’….

J&J with Warriors Captain Cavin Tilsley
J&J with Warriors Captain Cavin Tilsley

In late January we had our first ever Kelowna Chiefs Faith Night and in mid February was our 10th Annual West Kelowna Warriors Faith Night. These nights are a celebration of the chapel program as well as the Christian faith community. The Chiefs event was much smaller because it was the first year, while the Warriors is well established now and was a one of the largest home crowds of the year. I like to call it a ‘faith party’, which is feel is wonderful in that it happens at a secular event such as a Junior hockey game. I would ask you to please pray that I would be able to have good conversations and beneficial results from these Faith Nights.

Ready for the second J
Ready for the second J

I thought that you might be encouraged to know that there have been a few good additions to the Hockey Ministries team here in BC in the last short while.  At UBC in Vancouver, Lewis Chifan has taken over as the Thunderbirds chaplain. As well, there are now new chapel programs in Chase, Castlegar and in Fernie and Dave Knudsen is the new chaplain in Port Alberni. Your prayers are so very much appreciated!

UBC Thunderbirds Chaplalin Lewis Chifan
UBC Thunderbirds Chaplalin Lewis Chifan

Finally, thank you for your support of Hockey Ministries in BC, both in your prayer and your finances. I am deeply grateful to serve the Lord in this area, and I will remind you again, that you are all  huge part of this ministry.

Warriors Faith Night table
Warriors Faith Night table
Still going strong,
Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region
With Port Alberni chaplain Dave Knudsen
With Port Alberni chaplain Dave Knudsen

Prayer Points:

-for Lewis Chifan at UBC Vancouver
-for Dave Knudsen in Port Alberni
-new chapel program in Fernie
-new chapel program in Chase
-new chapel program in Castlegar
-Williams Lake summer camp
-Hope summer camp (new)
-Shawnigan Lake summer camp
-playoff chapels
-good results from Faith Nights
-my financial support


To the Hockey Ministries BC gang scattered all over western Canada,

A few Haloween visitors
A few Haloween visitors

I trust that you have all had a wonderful Christmas season! What a great time to get together with friends and family! Lorraine and I ended up in Medicine Hat, AB for Christmas and then in northwestern BC (Telkwa) for New Years. We had such a great time, sledding, building snow forts, and generally celebrating together. Having said that, I want to be sensitive to those that find the Christmas/New Year season very difficult, as they deal with heartache, disappointment and loneliness. While we must and should celebrate the birth of our Saviour, we also need to show the grace of that same Saviour to others.

With Chaplain Chris Clarke of the Cowichan Valley Capitals
With Chaplain Chris Clarke of the Cowichan Valley Capitals

Let me take a few minutes and fill you in on some of the details of Hockey Ministries life here in BC during the last two months of 2018.
At the end of October, we were visited by a few Warriors hockey players accompanying some young fans, as they popped by our house while they were trick or treating on Halloween. It was nice of them to think of us as they came by on their candy collecting journey! We are glad when things like this happen, because it means that our relationships are growing.

Chaplain Travis Barbour and his family
Chaplain Travis Barbour and his family

During the month of November I was able to meet up with Chris Clarke, the HMI chaplain in Duncan. Chris has been leading chapels with the local club, the Cowichan Valley Capitals, for I believe three years now. Chris is doing a great job with the team and I am proud of him. I also ran into Travis and Whitney Barbour and their young family during the month. Travis leads chapels with the Vancouver Island University Mariners hockey club in Nanaimo. Travis has been a chaplain for a number of years and has an effective ministry in the hockey world in Nanaimo. Also in November, I was able to help out with the internet radio broadcast on a number of games for the Warriors, which meant that I was up in the press box, commenting beside the play by play broadcaster. I really do enjoy this, as I get to feed off of what has just been said. I try to say some intelligent things throughout the game, but I will leave that to the listeners to judge that one!

Game Colour Commentary
Game Colour Commentary

In mid November, it was a joy to travel to Victoria to speak at North Douglas Church and also visit with my Dad. After the Sunday service, we all met the North Douglas missions committee for lunch, which my Uncle Jim and Aunt Bernice hosted. I want to say a huge thank you to the North Douglas missions committee, my aunt and uncle and also to Pastor Rod Fehr for inviting me. When I returned home from Victoria, I met with my personal advisory/encouragement team for lunch. These young men have been such a blessing to me and I am thankful to the Lord for them. Kolby, Brent and Jayson have stood with me and prayed with me consistently. I am glad to call them my friends and confidantes.

My HMI advisors, Brent, Jayson and Kolby
My HMI advisors, Brent, Jayson and Kolby

Later in November I was pleased to hop on the bus with the Warriors hockey club for a three game road trip to Vancouver Island. This is my annual chaplains road trip, which includes a chapel time in our hotel. I am always careful to recognize the privilege that it is to be included on trips like this, and for that I am very grateful. I also believe that the Lord is speaking to young hearts and lives during these times.

8th Annual Warriors Christmas Hamper Drive
8th Annual Warriors Christmas Hamper Drive

December found me preparing for many Christmas events, including the 8th Annual Warriors Christmas Hamper Night. It is through this game night event that the Warriors chapel program can provide 50 Christmas hampers to the most needy families in West Kelowna. I am grateful to the club for allowing this to happen; I believe that it is a great success. I also believe that it brings credibility and visibility to the Warriors chapel program. I am able to purchase the groceries, have the players assemble the hamper boxes, pack them in trucks and deliver them. (We work through West Kelowna elementary school principals to get the hampers to the most needy families.) This whole exercise is a blessing on so many levels…

Warriors Christmas Hamper Crew
Warriors Christmas Hamper Crew

Finally, in mid December Lorraine and I hosted a houseful of community people (some from the hockey world and some not) for our annual community Christmas party. It is here that I propose a Christmas toast, letting our guests know about the reason that we celebrate the season…. our faith in Christ Jesus. What a fabulous time we had! It really is one of the best annual events on our calendar!

Warriors Christmas Hamper Groceries
Warriors Christmas Hamper Groceries

Well, I could go on and on… but I won’t. What I will do is pray all God’s best for you in 2019; that you might know His hand on your hearts and lives.

All for Jesus,
Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region


Prayer Points:

  • for safety in winter travels around BC
  • for upcoming Faith Night in West Kelowna
  • for ongoing chapel programs throughout BC
  • for meaningful conversations with players and staff
  • for some of the newer chaplains
  • for adequate finances to carry out this ministry


Coffee time at the BCHL Showcase
Coffee time at the BCHL Showcase

To the wonderful supporters of this HMI BC ministry,

It’s good to connect with you again! My goodness, time goes by so quickly… it’s hard to believe that 2 months has gone by since my last update. I trust that you will enjoy this edition and that you will be reminded to pray…
Another Anthem
Another Anthem

Well, September began with a very strange bang here in West Kelowna. The Junior A Warriors, (where I have served as chaplain for 13 years now) started in considerable chaos with 8 employees being either fired or resigning. This included all coaches, the play by play broadcaster, the arena PA announcer, the front office administrator, the game day and sales director, and the team athletic therapist/trainer. Phew! I seriously wondered if the team would survive!  Well, the club is still here thanks to the Lord…. and this ministry in West Kelowna still has an open door!

With Penticton Chaplain Dave Funk
With Penticton Chaplain Dave Funk

With the beginning of the hockey season, there are numerous opportunities for me to be involved in a variety of ministries. One of the things that I absolutely love to do is sing national anthems. I have learned to sing our anthem in french in order to be involved in Hockey Canada events where it is required. It’s a privilege to sing the anthem, whether for the Jr. A  West Kelowna Warriors, the WHL  Kelowna Rockets, the Jr. B Kelowna Chiefs, or other teams.

With Nanaimo Chaplain Dave De Jong
With Nanaimo Chaplain Dave De Jong

In mid September, I rode the Warriors bus down to Chilliwack for the annual BCHL Showcase, where NCAA college and NHL scouts gather to watch 3 days of BCHL games. This is a huge opportunity for players to be seen by influential and knowledgeable people in the hockey world. It’s always a good thing for me to make connections at events like this. It was here that I met up with the Penticton Vees chaplain Dave Funk. Dave and I are good friends and colleagues, and it was wonderful to see him at the Showcase. Shortly after, I was able to have dinner with our newest BCHL chaplain, Dave DeJong from Nanaimo. Dave has taken over the Clippers chaplaincy from Travis Barbour, who has moved on to the Vancouver Island University hockey chaplaincy.

With Warriors Chase Dubois
With Warriors Chase Dubois

Back in Warriorland, I had a good visit with veteran West K forward Chase Dubois. Chase is from Williams Lake and I actually connected with him at our summer hockey camp when I was there. I feel it is important to have one on one coffees with players and coaches. I call this J&J time, (Java and Jesus) where we can chat and pray about what is going on in their lives. At a Warriors home game night, the show can be quite spectacular, and I thought I would include a picture of the night when the 3 beautifully painted Warriors trucks drove on the ice at the start of the game. Pretty cool hey? (It’s quite impressive for the kids, even the big kids…!) Also, on most home game nights, I am in the press box for the action, doing colour commentary for the broadcast alongside the play by play broadcaster. It was especially fun the night that we did a Shaw cable TV broadcast of a Warriors game.

Captain Troy Russell's funeral
Captain Troy Russell’s funeral

(This next paragraph is not hockey related, but is chaplaincy related… so I will tell you about it anyway…) In October, I was faced with officiating a very difficult and unique funeral. As some of you many already know, I serve as the chaplain of the West Kelowna Fire Department. This is a great opportunity to shine for Christ Jesus in my city.  One of the members of fire department (Captain Troy Russell) passed away after a year long struggle with cancer. I had visited Troy very often in the past year, and we had formed a good close friendship. Troy’s type of cancer is common with firefighters and therefore Captain Russell’s passing was considered a line of duty death. As the chaplain, I was charged with officiating his formal and fully regimented funeral, with fire departments attending from all over BC. What a blessing it was to pray, quote scripture and honour Troy and his family at the funeral. To be able to lift up the name of Christ Jesus in this culture is a wonderful call; a marvellous joy that is beyond description.

Captain Troy Russell
Captain Troy Russell

In late October, I was invited to attend a Sports Ministry Coalition Conference in Vancouver. These two days were a wonderful challenge to work together in this specialized field of ministry, all for the Glory of God. It is so very important to know that we are not alone in ministry, but that we are a part of a wonderful collection of Christian chaplains and ministers.

My first TV game broadcast
My first TV game broadcast

Thank you for so much for faithfully standing with me as part of the Hockey Ministries team. I absolutely know that I am not alone in this… that the Lord is with me every step of the way and that you are all involved by praying, encouraging and giving.

Keep your heads up and your sticks on the ice,
Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region
Prayer Points
-for the 40+ HMI chaplains all over BC
-for Nanaimo new chaplain Dave DeJong
-for the UBC Thunderbirds new chaplain
-for the Canadian Sports Coalition ministry
-for peace for Captain Russell’s wife Teena and his family
-for continued financial support of this ministry


HMI Camp intensityTo the HMI BC crew,
I trust that your summer is going well, even with the crazy amount of smoke that is filling BC skies. Whenever I look at these hazy skies, I try to think of the firefighters that are battling hundreds of blazes across the province, and I pray for them. It must be a terribly difficult job to fight fires all summer long.
With Williams Lake Camp Director Corwin Smid (1)I want you to know about some of the activities that have been going on this summer. Of course, HMI summer hockey camps are always a highlight of the summer. I was involved in two camps this year, one in Williams Lake (8th year) and the other in Shawnigan Lake (1st year) on Vancouver Island. I am so pleased to let you know that we had 20 young campers pray to give their hearts to the Lord Jesus at our two HMI hockey camps in BC this summer.  Amen!!  At camp, after we go through morning and afternoon ice times of 90 minutes each, we also have a dry land training time and huddle times with campers and counsellors.  Besides all of this, we have three great meals and end with a chapel every night. One of the favourite camp songs in Williams Lake has always been O Happy Day, and believe me, it gets a little crazy when the campers get going!!  Oh how much fun we have!  I want to thank Williams Lake Camp Director Corwin Smid for doing such a wonderful job year after year. (Although last year we had to cancel because of the Williams Lake fires)
Shawnigan Lake Dining HallWe had our first HMI summer hockey camp at Shawnigan Lake, and what a facility we had!  Just look at the dining hall at Shawnigan Lake School!  This is an exclusive private school that we ordinarily could never afford, but God has given us favour and we feel so blessed. I want to thank Camp Director Ted Neustaedter who did an excellent job. Both Corwin and Ted could use help with their respective camps in future years, and I am praying that there will be people to come alongside of them.
With Cody PorterI want to write a bit about the April 6th Humboldt tragedy.. Cody Porter is one of my close hockey friends. He has had a successful junior career in Junior A and in Major Junior Hockey. Cody is a serious young man and when Humboldt happened, he flew from Vancouver to Saskatoon to attend the huge vigil service in Humboldt. On the way, Cody had a stop over in Kelowna, and I met him in the airport for a coffee and a prayer. I am so very proud of Cody, who was moved by the Broncos tragedy and just had to get himself to Humboldt. Just the fact that he would want me to meet him at the airport for prayer and support was absolutely amazing. God is close to Cody and I believe that He has a plan for him. Also with Humboldt, I was able to get my hands on a Broncos jersey and so this year I will be wearing it when I sing National Anthems. I believe that it is proper to do that, to honour the memory of those who died, those who are still injured and for all their grieving loved ones.
Wearing my Humboldt Broncos jerseyAlso with Humboldt accident, the ripple effects are still being felt. There will be a new chapel program in Port Moody with the Panthers, in Fernie with the Ghostriders, in Nanaimo with the Vancouver Island University Mariners and in Grand Forks with the Border Bruins. Much of this is because of renewed conversations around the subject of chaplaincy. I am humbled and thankful that we are allowed to serve the Lord like this in the wild world of Canadian hockey. It is possible to have good things to come out of horrible tragedies like Humboldt.
With Max French and Monique ViensAlso, I have had the honour of officiating at many weddings again this summer. I consider this as a very meaningful part of hockey ministries. Many of these wedding have close ties to either players or fans. I am glad as the chaplain to serve in this way. I am already starting to book next year as well… I know it seems like a long ways away, but my calendar starts to get full a long way in advance. For example, one of the Warriors past Captains, Max French asked me for coffee and when we met he was with his girlfriend Monique. Over the course of the conversation, he told me that they were planning to be married and asked me to officiate the wedding. You can imagine how wonderful that was!  Of course, I would move heaven and earth to make sure that I am able to do their wedding…
Speaking to the Fire DepartmentOne last thing, and it doesn’t really belong here but I wanted to let you know anyway. I serve at the Chaplain for the West Kelowna Fire Department, which has been another great blessing. There is great ministry happening there on an ongoing basis. I am always asked to say a few words at every function of the Fire Department. I was honoured to be presented with a lovely gift by the Chief and the Assistant Chiefs at their annual awards night. I thought you might like to know about that ‘other’ chaplaincy that I am involved in.
I have just found out that my good friend Rylan Ferster has resigned as Head Coach of the West Kelowna Warriors. I was very sad to hear that, because Rylan is not only a great friend, but with him the door has been wide open for chapels with the Warriors. His brand new assistant coach Geoff Grimwood is now the interim Coach of the team and after coffee and prayer with him, (yes, I took him for J&J already!) he let me know that the door is still wide open!  Thank you Lord!
Finally, (and believe me, this is very difficult)  I am asking you to please pray with me about ministry finances. My account at Hockey Ministries has been slowly sinking over that past year or so, which is starting to hamper me. I am having to decide if I am able to travel to see chaplains, coaches etc., all because of finances. I am asking for you to prayerfully consider the possibility of raising your support slightly or maybe speaking to someone that you know about perhaps joining the HMI BC support team. I am doing my very best to keep going, and I am in need of some help. I absolutely love this ministry and have promised the Lord to go as long as I am able, and I aim to do just that. Please email me back and let me know if you can help further in any way.
Thank you for your love, encouragement, your prayer and your financial support. God bless you all.
All for Jesus,
Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region

Prayer Points:
-new chapel in Fernie
-new chapel in Port Moody
-new chapel in Grand Forks
-new chapel with Vancouver Island University
-start up of all chapel programs
-for new West Kelowna Coach Geoff Grimwood
-safe travels as I start up again
-new financial support for the ministry


Happy summertime to the HMI BC faithful!

Jr Player Richard Vanderhoek and his bride Lena
Jr Player Richard Vanderhoek and his bride Lena

I trust that you are all doing well as we get into the heat of the summer. With school now ended, the holiday season is in full swing…. in Kelowna that means packed roads, full beaches and busy tourists. I love this season, even though it is so busy here. Without tourism, the economy of the Okanagan would be devastated… so bring on the summer craziness!

With Vancouver Giants chaplain Danny Stebeck
With Vancouver Giants chaplain Danny Stebeck

I want to let you know some of the goings on here at HMI BC….
On the ceremony officiating front, I have been fairly busy with a hockey related funeral and also a number of hockey related weddings. It is a wonderful honour to officiate at these defining moments in people’s lives, especially when there is a good long history of relationship and trust. One of these was the wedding of Richard Vanderhoek who played for the West Kelowna Warriors in 2011.

Coquitlam chaplain Colin Chornohus
Coquitlam chaplain Colin Chornohus

I early May, I was excited to participate in my 9th Annual Royal Bank Cup (RBC) Jr. A Canadian Championship, held at the Prospera Centre in Chilliwack. It is typically at times like this that I get to meet with different team chaplains, like Vancouver Giants chaplain Danny Stebeck, and Coquitlam Express chaplain Colin Chornohus. These tournaments also give me an opportunity to meet up with many in the hockey community, even former players. I had the pleasure of connecting with ex Warriors and RBC champions Kylar Hope and Brett Mennear at this year’s Royal Bank Cup.

With ex-Warrior Kylar Hope
With ex-Warrior Kylar Hope

During the tournament I was able to connect with Don Myers, the chaplain of the Wenatchee Wild (Wenatchee, Wa, USA) and also with their Coach Bliss Littler. Chaplain Myers is a fabulous Christian man, and Coach Littler is very supportive of the chapel program.

With Warriors RBC alumni Brett Mennear
With Warriors RBC alumni Brett Mennear

One of the differences for me in this year’s RBC was that I volunteered to serve down in the dressing rooms and with food services, and one evening I even dressed up in the RBC mascot suit for the game! I also served working the security desk at the players entrance, and had a picture taken with my most serious face!! That was waaay too much fun!

With Wenatchee coach Bliss Littler
With Wenatchee coach Bliss Littler

This summer I am working on developing new chapel programs with a few hockey clubs. Many of these opportunities have come because of the ripple effect of the horrific Humboldt Broncos bus crash. There have been a number of teams in BC that have expressed interest, and I am now working on these open doors. In late May, I was invited to come and have dinner in Maple Ridge, BC where I met with some of the leadership of the Port Moody Panthers, the Maple Ridge Flames and Aldergrove Kodiaks. I am pleased to let you know that it looks like we will be starting a new chapel program in Aldergrove and Port Moody. I am also pleased to have found a new chaplain in Port Alberni, (Dave Knudsen) and also to have Rick Gay back as chaplain in Summerland. I would ask you to pray about new chapel programs in Nanaimo with the Vancouver Island University Mariners, Grand Forks with the Bruins and Dawson Creek with the Jr. Canucks. None of these last three is finalized as of yet, so please be praying.

With Wenatchee Chaplain Don Myers
With Wenatchee Chaplain Don Myers

As well, I was invited to address the BCHL Coaches meetings in Richmond in early June. I was given 20 minutes to explain Hockey Ministries chapels and to meet all 17 coaches. I treasure these times, just showing up in a secular world and representing Christ Jesus. I firmly believe that it is in these kinds of meetings where relationships are formed and effectiveness can increase.

Dressed up as mascot Puckster
Dressed up as mascot Puckster

I am looking forward to two HMI camps in July, one in Shawnigan Lake on Vancouver Island and the other in Williams Lake up in the Cariboo. Shawnigan Lake is in it’s first year, and Williams Lake in it’s ninth. Please remember us as we look to sharpen young lives, on and off of the ice.

Thanks so very much for reading this update; I trust that you are encouraged by what is going on with Hockey Ministries in our province.


All for Jesus,
Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region

Prayer Points:

  • New chaplain in Port Alberni
  • New chapel program in Port Moody
  • New chapel program in Aldergrove
  • Possible chapel program in Dawson Creek
  • Possible chapel program in Grand Forks
  • Possible chapel program with Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo
  • Hockey camps in Shawnigan Lake and Williams Lake
  • For the Humboldt Bronco families


Dear HMI BC family,

I am sitting in my office, looking out at a beautiful warm sunshine-drenched afternoon. (It is quite amazing what a sunny day can do to lift up one’s spirits!!) A Vitamin D day like today can totally invigorate and energize me! So, while I am trying to be thankful to the Lord for whatever He brings, it’s much easier to be thankful when outside is a blue sky; warm and bright! (I think that you get that…)

Broncos memorial in Kelowna
Broncos memorial in Kelowna

Earlier this month, you heard from me in a special email regarding the horrific April 6th Humboldt Broncos bus tragedy, where 16 people died. One of the dead was Broncos Coach Darcy Haugen, who was a wonderful Christian man. Darcy had been involved with Hockey Ministries, teaching in our summer hockey camps. I won’t rehash the incident again, but I do want to tell you about some of the ministry ripple effects that have taken place since then. In the aftermath of the crash, the vigil held in Humboldt was both moving and powerful. I cannot recall any other time in my memory when an event that consistently lifted up the name of Jesus was broadcast coast to coast on Canadian television. (With the Prime Minister and other dignitaries attending.) The Humboldt Broncos chaplain Sean Brandow did a great job of presenting Christ in the midst of gut-wrenching pain and sorrow.

Teams uniting in Humboldt memorial
Teams uniting in Humboldt memorial

During the following week, I was asked to lead at 4 memorial ceremonies: the first was at Prospera Place arena in Kelowna, where I read some scripture and gave words of hope, comfort and peace to a large crowd gathered. We finished with a moment of silence followed by reading the names of the 16 who had died. After a closing prayer, we all gathered for a crowd picture which was sent to Humboldt. It is so poignant to be able to pray publicly in decidedly secular setting, and close the prayer by saying “we ask all these things in the powerful name of our Saviour Jesus, Amen.” That first memorial ceremony was followed by a similar one at Royal LePage Place in West Kelowna, right at centre ice. The arena was quite full that evening, and again we followed a similar script. I was very moved at this memorial and had trouble getting through it.

Sharing the tragedy with Evangel Church
Sharing the tragedy with Evangel Church

On Sunday the 8th, I gave a short memorial report at Evangel Church in Kelowna. On that day the sense of loss hit all of us and it showed. There were more than a few tears as we all looked to the Lord for strength. In all of these ceremonies, I remembered not only the grieving families, but also the truck driver and his family, whose lives will never again be the same.

With Wenatchee Chaplain Don Myers
With Wenatchee Chaplain Don Myers

The Commissioner of the British Columbia Hockey League (BCHL) contacted me about plans for a memorial ceremony at the start of the BCHL Final series. As the chapel program coordinator of the league, I was honoured to have him contact me and ask for help. After planning in all out, I went to Wenatchee, Washington on Friday, April 14 to conduct a short ceremony at centre ice before game 1 of the final, and again in Prince George on Monday, April 17 for another short ceremony before game 3 there. It was so good to honour the name of Christ in those settings and to team up with chaplain Don Myers in Wenatchee and chaplain Jim Brown Jr. in Prince George. In these games, both teams came to centre ice and stood in alternating fashion around the circle. It was quite a moving ceremony in both arenas and it was an honour to be a part of them. It was good to connect with the chaplains of these teams as well as with Elliott Harder, who serves as the chaplain of the Prince George Cougars. (WHL)

With Chaplains Jim Brown and Elliott Harder
With Chaplains Jim Brown and Elliott Harder

In the past 3 weeks, there have been a number of inquiries from hockey clubs regarding the possibility of starting a chapel program. I believe that this is directly related to the Humboldt tragedy. I am reminded that even in the pain of terrible tragedy, that the Lord stirs people’s hearts. Please pray with me as I begin the process of initiating these talks and prayerfully beginning these new chaplaincies.

Now that the summer is ahead of us, I am looking forward to being involved in 2 HMI summer camps in BC. The first one will be a brand new one in Shawnigan Lake on Vancouver Island and the second one will be our 9th year in Williams Lake. It will be good to get back to Williams Lake after last summer’s forest fires closed the town and the camp was forced to be cancelled. I ask you to pray for these 2 camps please. (The camp last year in Chilliwack was fabulous, however we could not secure the proper facilities like we did last year. I hope that we will be able to again next summer.)

Finally, I will be assisting at the Royal Bank Cup National Jr. A tournament in Chilliwack next month. I am praying for some good connections as I spend time with hockey coaches and executives through the week.

May the Lord bless you; thank you for your encouragement, your prayers and your support.

Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region

Prayer Points

-Humboldt Broncos grieving families
-Broncos Coach’s wife and family
-first responders to the accident
-Broncos chaplain Sean Brandow
-the truck driver and his family
-new summer hockey camp in Shawnigan Lake
-summer hockey camp in Williams Lake
-potential new chapel programs/chaplains
-upcoming ministry at the Royal Bank Cup



Happy March days to my HMI Pacific teammates!

With Tony and Rebekah Janzen
With Tony and Rebekah Janzen

Blessings to you as you begin to see a bit more grass in the front yard and start enjoying a few moments of spring warmth! The promise of warmer weather coming is such a great feeling! We can’t forget to thank the Lord for each unique season, but c’mon, spring is pretty exciting! As is Hockey Ministries… so here is the latest scoop.

A visit with Merritt chaplain Dave McCauley

Right after New Years, I hopped on the Warriors bus for a 3 game road trip to Victoria, Nanaimo and Port Alberni. It was super trip, but even with 2 out of 3 wins, the highlights were not on the ice. When I was in Victoria, I had a chance to meet up with the Victoria Grizzlies chaplain Tony Janzen and his wife Rebekah. We’ve been friends for quite a long time, so it was wonderful to have a good visit. Tony has done a great job in Victoria, but has decided to step down from the Grizzlies chaplaincy. Tony will definitely be missed, but the good thing is that he has found a new chaplain, Eric Guthrie. I ask you to pray for Eric as he learns the ropes from Tony and assumes the chaplaincy in the fall. Also on the trip, I was pleased to hold a chapel on Saturday morning in Nanaimo. When we were finished, one of the hotel employees came to me with tears in her eyes and told me that she had never seen anything like it as she watched the boys coming out of that chapel room. It was a solemn and meaningful chapel, with many of the boys giving me a big hug on the way out. I am thankful for the work of the Holy Spirit on people’s lives, and I pray that this employee won’t forget what she saw that day.

With Kamloops Storm chaplain Colton Conrad
With Kamloops Storm chaplain Colton Conrad

On a very difficult note, in mid January it was with sadness that I heard of the passing of Vernon Vipers long time owner, Dr. Duncan Wray. It was in Vernon with the Vipers that I began hockey chaplaincy back in 2000. Duncan was very open to chaplaincy, and opened the door for me to meet the entire BC Hockey League Board of Governors. So, on Saturday afternoon January 20, I was able to attend Dr. Wray’s memorial service which was held right at centre ice at Kal Tire Place arena in Vernon.

With Salmon Arm Chaplain Kyle Reddemon
With Salmon Arm Chaplain Kyle Reddemon

The past while I have had the privilege of visiting with a few chaplains, some are veterans and a few are brand new. It was good to spend a bit of time with Dave McCauley, long-time chaplain of the Merritt Centennials. Dave and his church in Merritt have done a remarkable job of ministering to the Centennials hockey club. (This picture of Dave and I was taken when he visited in West Kelowna.) Also, I had the great honour to meet up with two new chaplains: Colton Conrad, who is starting up a chaplaincy program with the Kamloops Storm Jr. B hockey club and Kyle Reddemon, who took over in Salmon Arm with the Silverbacks when former chaplain Kenny Toews moved away.

Lorraine and Susan Taylor
Lorraine and Susan Taylor

In mid February, Lorraine and I travelled to Trail for a few days. The Smoke Eaters have had a dramatic turn around due to new ownership and renewed passion for that storied franchise. They attract from between 2000 to 3000 fans for their home games, up from small crowds of 500 just a few years ago. When we arrived in Trail on Saturday afternoon, we had a great dinner with our friends Mike and Sheila Davis and then headed to the game. At the game, I sang the National Anthem in front of over 2300 fans. How fun; the place was rocking!! The Smoke Eaters chaplain is Bruce Taylor, who is doing a fabulous job with the team. Of note: Bruce lead the players in the Lord’s Prayer before the game, which was wonderful to see. We had a great time as Bruce and his wife Susan hosted Lorraine and I at the game. It was also great to speak with Trail goaltender Tanner Marshall, who had previously been in my chapels with the Kelowna Chiefs. On the Sunday morning, I spoke at Gateway Christian Life Centre in Trail. At least 10 Smoke Eaters players came to the morning service, along with the team’s new owner and his wife. What a great weekend we had! I am so very thankful for the good people in Trail for doing their part to spread the gospel of Christ Jesus.

With Trail goaltender Tanner Marshall
With Trail goaltender Tanner Marshall

On the 17th of February, we held our 9th Annual West Kelowna Warriors Faith Night. This is a huge event on the Warriors home schedule; we had one of the two largest home crowds of the season. Even though it snowed heavily that day, it was great to see the stands full of church seniors, families, and children as well as pastors, being salt and light at the rink. From the Faith Night video interviews to a combined youth anthem choir to Pastor’s boot hockey at the intermission to having Pastor’s in the Warriors truck throwing out chocolate bars, we had an absolutely fabulous time! At the end of the game, the team held their Annual Awards ceremony at centre ice. I was honoured to present Captain Jared Marino with the Warriors Chapel Program Award.

Speaking in Trail, BC
Speaking in Trail, BC

Finally, with hockey playoffs starting, each team’s schedules are never quite set. No one knows how many games each series will last and if a team loses a series, their season is over. My hope is to connect with as many players as I can, to chat or perhaps have coffee and a prayer. Please be praying for our chaplains in BC as they minister to young athletes who are under considerable playoff pressure to perform. Also, could I also ask you to pray as the Royal Bank Cup (RBC) Canadian Jr. A Championship tournament is coming to Chilliwack in May. This 9 day tournament ends with the presentation of the National Championship trophy, the Royal Bank Cup. I will be attending my 10th RBC, and I have applied as a volunteer to be a counsellor and an anthem singer.

Warriors Chapel Award winner Jared Marino
Warriors Chapel Award winner Jared Marino

Prayer Points

-new Kamloops chaplain Colton Conrad
-new Salmon Arm chaplain Kyle Reddemon
-Trail chaplain Bruce Taylor
-new Victoria chaplain Eric Guthrie
-for opportunities during this playoff season
-for players who are under much pressure to perform
-the Royal Bank Cup (Chilliwack) preparations

Wow! I think that’s it for now!
May the Lord bless you as you continue to serve Him during these exciting days!
Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region


With Dallas Stars Dan Hamhuis
With Dallas Stars Dan Hamhuis

To all of the half-frozen, winterized saints who make up the HMI Pacific team,

Have you been affected where you live by either the cold? Or dumps of snow? … or both? Wow, we have been hammered by significant amounts of snow!

With Ryan Davis in Campbell River
With Ryan Davis in Campbell River

Oh yes, I must remember to wish a Happy New Year to you all! I am very thankful for a new year; an opportunity to look ahead with faith and courage to what the Lord has in store for all of us and for this ministry! In the beginning of this year, even though there are many things in this old world that we could worry about, as people of faith we will look to the One who is in control. Remember, 2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us that we walk by faith, not by sight.

With Chuck McMann in Parksville
With Chuck McMann in Parksville

Here is a synopsis of the last few months of 2017 in the HMI Pacific world.

In early November, I had a wonderful opportunity to meet up with Dan Hamhuis, who has been a faithful friend and an encouragement to me for many years. Dan has had a long career in the NHL starting in 2003 with the Nashville Predators, then for a number of years with the Vancouver Canucks, and now with the Dallas Stars. As of this newsletter, Dan has logged 990 NHL games and collected 332 points. That’s almost 1,000 NHL games played….that’s not a bad professional hockey career! (Also 2 World Junior appearances for Team Canada, 4 straight World Championships appearances, and a 2014 Olympic Gold for Canadian men’s hockey in Sochi, Russia) Anyway, the Stars had just finished playing in Vancouver and had a few days off before they flew to Winnipeg to play the Jets. The team decided to stop over for a couple days in Kelowna where they could practise at Prospera Place. It was during this time that Dan and I connected for a coffee and prayer. Dan is a solid humble Christian man, and I am proud to call him my friend. God bless you Dan as you play this fabulous game and live strong for Christ Jesus.

With Nanaimo Chaplain Travis Barbour
With Nanaimo Chaplain Travis Barbour

In November, I had the privilege of travelling to Vancouver Island to visit with some HMI chaplains. I started out up north in Campbell River where I stopped in to visit with Ryan Davis. Ryan is a youth pastor in Campbell River, and has assumed the chaplaincy of the Storm hockey club from former chaplain Bobby Rau. This was my first meeting with Ryan; what a delight it was to meet him. After Campbell River, I drove down to Port Alberni to meet with the Bulldogs chaplain Michael Kleyn. Michael is another great guy, and we had a good time chatting and praying. After Port Alberni it was off to Parksville to see Chuck McMann. Chuck is a solid Christian man who has had connections with Hockey Ministries for decades. He retired in 2016 after many years as the special teams coach for the BC Lions. Chuck is considering chaplaincy with the Oceanside Generals, a Junior B club in Parksville. Please be praying about this good opportunity for a new chapel program, that the doors would be open.

With Chris Clarke in Duncan
With Chris Clarke in Duncan

After Parksville, I drove to meet my good buddy Travis Barbour in Nanaimo. Travis has served the Nanaimo Clippers for a few years now and has done very very well. I am so glad to have Travis on the chaplains team here in BC. From Nanaimo I drove to see my good buddy Norm Sowden in Duncan. Norm had for years served as chaplain for the Cowichan Valley Capitals Junior A club, but last year passed the torch to Chris Clarke. Chris is a perfect fit for the Capitals, and I am very thankful to the Lord for him. After Duncan it was off to Victoria to see Tony Janzen who serves as the chaplain for the Victoria Grizzlies. Tony is a long time buddy; a man who loves Jesus with all his heart. On my way back to the mainland, I met in Sidney with Victoria Royals chaplain Dave Steingard and also with Darren Abrahams. Phew! What a wild and crazy trip…. I am so grateful to be able to take these crazy rides! Thank you for all your help in getting me around the province.

Warriors Christmas Hamper Day
Warriors Christmas Hamper Day

Do you have time for two more highlights? In December I was honoured to coordinate our 7th Annual West Kelowna Warriors Christmas Hamper Drive, an initiative of the Warriors chaplaincy program. When it was all said and done, we collected enough for 50 full food hampers for needy people in West Kelowna. The hampers we made included enough food for a family to have a great Christmas breakfast as well as a full Christmas dinner including a frozen turkey. It was so wonderful to have the Warriors players help fill the hamper boxes, write out the cards and help deliver the hampers to elementary schools for distribution. This is a tremendous ministry and I get excited about it! The entire community supports the chaplaincy program during the Annual Warriors Christmas Hamper Drive; it is a great witness to the love of Christ.

With Dave Steingard and Darren Abrahams
With Dave Steingard and Darren Abrahams

Finally, in mid December Lorraine and I hosted our annual hockey Christmas party. This is for season ticket holders and Warriors staff to come to our home for a Christmas evening. Our house was packed as we gathered together that evening. I gave my annual Christmas toast, welcoming our guests, honouring Jesus’ birth and upholding Lorraine’s and my steadfast faith in Christ. It was a great blessing to have the hockey community including the Warriors head coach in our home. I’m sure that the majority of those present will not have had another Christmas gathering like that where Christ was named and lifted up.

With Tony Janzen in Victoria
With Tony Janzen in Victoria

Well, I think that’s a wrap for this edition. May God bless you all as 2018 unfolds, and remember that we walk by faith and not by sight.

Prayer Points
-for chaplains facing transition
-Colton Conrad, Kamloops chaplain
-Kyle Reddemon, Salmon Arm chaplain
-Chuck McMann in Parksville
-for safety on the road as I travel
-for me at speaking engagements
-for opportunities for deep conversations
-for this summer’s camps

Don Richmond
Hockey ministries International
Pacific Region


To my Hockey Ministries teammates,

‘I thank the Lord for you and pray for you every time I think of you.’ Philippians 1:3 And I do…..

Hockey Ministries lunch in Abbotsford
Hockey Ministries lunch in Abbotsford

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…! Okay, I realize that hockey season is definitely not what Andy Williams’ Christmas song is referring to, but to me the fall is pretty fabulous, in that it offers awesome opportunities for ministry. After a busy summer of hockey camps (I’ve included a picture from the Chilliwack camp when I was telling my traditional Wolf Story) and multiple weddings, it’s great to be back in the rink.

Chilliwack Chiefs chaplain Graham McMahon
Chilliwack Chiefs chaplain Graham McMahon

In the last six to eight weeks, all of the Hockey Ministries chapel programs in BC have begun. I am privileged to lead two of them; in Rutland with the Kelowna Chiefs Jr. B club and in West Kelowna with the Jr. A Warriors. We’ve held a number of chapels already, which always thrills my heart.

In September, besides starting the chapels, I was able to travel to the BC Hockey League annual Showcase in Chilliwack. It is here that I am able to connect with a few chaplains as well as some of the hockey personnel around the province. I met a few of these chaplains and HMI people over lunch; Larry Wendel from our Hockey Camp in Chilliwack, Danny Stebeck with the Vancouver Giants, Emil Fernandes with the Abbotsford Pilots, and my youngest son Lane.

With Prince George chaplains Elliott Harder and Jim Brown Jr
With Prince George chaplains Elliott Harder and Jim Brown Jr

Also, I’m including a picture of meeting up with chaplain Graham McMahon with the Chilliwack Chiefs.

I had a chance to make a trip up north, where I was encouraged to connect with Prince George chaplains Jim Brown Jr. (Spruce Kings) and Elliott Harder (Cougars). Elliott is brand new at the Cougars chaplaincy, so please lift him up in prayer. I am also including a few pictures of two other chaplains around the province: Kevin Ewaskow in Cranbrook, Harry Haberstock in Creston. Kevin is the Pastor at First Baptist in Cranbrook and Harry is the Pastor at Christ Church Anglican in Creston.

With Trail Smoke Eaters Goaltender Tanner Marshall
With Trail Smoke Eaters Goaltender Tanner Marshall

Occasionally I have the privilege of meeting up with players who have been traded to another club and then return as part of the visiting team. One of these was Tanner Marshall, who attended my chapels when he was a goaltender with the Kelowna Chiefs. Tanner was picked up by the Trail Smoke Eaters, and was part of their club when they came to play the Warriors in West Kelowna. I have a close relationship with Tanner and his family, so after the game I went to the Smoke Eaters bus to meet him. Here I am in my Warriors jacket with my arm around a Smoke Eater player!! This is a good example of how that off-ice relationships far exceed on-ice competition!!

With Chaplain Harry Haberstock in Creston
With Chaplain Harry Haberstock in Creston

A memorable highlight for me was our Annual Hockey Ministries Conference, which was held this fall in Charlotte, North Carolina. While I was there I had an opportunity to tour the well-known Billy Graham Library. The tour was very moving and memorable in realizing just how that God has used Billy Graham in spreading the message of the gospel around the globe. At the conference it was so encouraging to meet up with other HMI staff members, to pray together, to strategize and to enjoy great times of fellowship and fun. Also, during my stay in Charlotte, I was thrilled to be given a ticket to the Carolina Panthers/New Orleans Saints NFL game, which was a fabulous time! I went to the game with my HMI friend Wayne Land and fellow HMI staff member Steven Burch.

With Kootenay Ice chaplain Kevin Ewaskow
With Kootenay Ice chaplain Kevin Ewaskow

In conclusion, I ask you to pray for new chaplains serving in Kamloops and Campbell River, as well as Elliott Harder in Prince George. Also, it would be wonderful if you could remember me in prayer as I travel to many communities in BC in the next three months. As well, please remember to pray for and uplift the HMI Ministry Centre leadership in Montreal. Don Liesemer Sr. is a wonderful Christian man who serves as the President of Hockey Ministries International. (Don founded the ministry back in 1977) I feel that it would be encouraging to take time to pray for Don and the entire staff in Montreal.

With HMI friends Wayne Land and Stephen Burch in Charlotte
With HMI friends Wayne Land and Stephen Burch in Charlotte

Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter, and may God bless you as you shine your lights for Christ Jesus.

Don Richmond
Hockey Ministries International
Pacific Region

Prayer Points
-my winter trips
-new chaplain in Kamloops
-new chaplain in Campbell River
-new chaplain in Prince George
-the chapel programs in BC
-HMI leadership in Montreal
-continued support of the ministry