Change. . . (short ramblings at the end of the month)

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IMGP4365As I’ve been pondering my weekly blog post this week, the only word that keeps coming to mind is “Change”. This week my blog’s website theme underwent a heading change to allow for the addition of my next book, “Dressed for Eternity”. The advent of this book seems to have “Change” written all over it! Putting together my book launch event has other Christian authors in the area asking if either they can join this event, or if I’ll be doing something similar in the future. It appears that choosing to throw together such an ambitious book launch has opened up a potential doorway, causing other authors to wonder about a new way of increased visibility in my area. We’ll have to see where that leads.

All it takes is someone willing to do. So many people have ideas, but are looking for that person who is the doer to pull it off. Being a doer has it’s plus’s and it’s negatives. But being a doer is part of the personality God has given me. As one movie my kids have puts it, “see a need, fill a need”. God has gifted many people with the ability to use their words, whether written or spoken, or even sung, to get a message across to the world. But it is a challenge to get those words out where others will benefit from them in some way, whether by encouragement, exhortation, challenge, comfort, etc.

So we’ll have to see where this takes me. Ideas are bouncing around my head now, and there are other writers eager to meet with me about potential events they’d like to see later this year.

Pray for me that God will give me the guidance and wisdom required to bring together an event or series of events that will bring Him glory through the words of others.  God’s been speaking quite a bit lately through my senior pastor about open doors this year.  This latest book just might have made way for an open door I didn’t know was there before.  Whether this is temporary or long-term I don’t know yet.  But I’m heading toward it anyway.

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