Genesis 10&11: Technology and the Mind of Man

Songdove Books: AtlantisOldMap
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Between Genesis chapters 10 and 11, we begin to get a sense of how civilization redeveloped following the flood.  We are introduced to which sons of Noah went where and how their descendents built up the land into regions and nations.  Included in all this would be the separation of the continents as we now know them.  It’s been interesting over the years to read about how archeology proves more often than it supposedly disproves the Scriptures.

Songdove Books: AtlantisOldMap
Athanasius Kircher’s Map of Atlantis (c.1669). Note that north is at bottom. This image is in the public domain, as its copyright has expired.

Thanks to archeology and marine geology, we know that at one time a major road used to travel between what is now South America and Africa.  Partway along or near this road, was a city called Atlantis, which, after the days of Peleg, has been identified in three different regions of the Atlantic; the first is at the mouth of the Mediterranean not far from Spain, the second is not far off the South American coast and the third is further out into the Atlantic ocean.  When you imagine all the continents being one, you end up with a whole city once more.  There is reason to believe this city was initially destroyed by The Flood, and later broken up by the continental split.  Technology evidenced by massive pillars and a battery at the top of a pyramid that still cleans the water surrounding it, shed light on a hybrid form of technology that required demonically-inspired crystal-tech and what Genesis refers to in earlier chapters as “giants in the land, men of renown” who were the offspring of demon/human marriages.

Sondove Books: 1024px-Abel_Grimmer_-_Toren_van_BabelThe days of Peleg after the flood come and go, and we learn of humanity rebuilding itself as they travel and spread.  Historical rumours state that by the time Nimrod discovered and settled in the plains of Shinar, that cellular technology had become widespread and that cell towers dotted the landscape much as they do now.  How they were built of course, was different.  Historical accounts say that Nimrod wanted his tower to reach the heavens and as Genesis Chapter 11 says, to make a name for himself.  Sounds very familiar to business life today.  The North American dream is to make a name for one’s self and leave a mark on the world that will remember them long after they are gone.  Nimrod’s dreams however, bothered God greatly.  So much so that He decided to scatter humanity further with the creation of multiple languages.  This most definitely stopped the work.  But God made an interesting observation before He did this.

Genesis 11:6  And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

We are also told in Proverbs 23:7a  For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:

Sonddove Books: Figures_012_The_Lord_confounds_the_languages_of_all_the_EarthYou’ve heard the saying, “You are what you eat”? Well, the saying is also true, “You are what you think”!  Whatever you can dream up, you can do.  God knows this and so does the enemy of your soul.  Not much has changed in the human mind since the days of Shinar.  What has changed is language of course, location of course, time period naturally, and the technology available to us.

A fair bit of ancient technology that still wows historians and archeologists to this day, has not been recovered.  We require far more helps and aids to accomplish today what we have not found helps and aids for what they accomplished back then.  We are still catching up.  But the fact we are in that process proves God’s Words yet again.

We can do whatever we put our hearts and minds to.  God wants people who will set their hearts and minds on things above, on heavenly things, because God knows that when we do this, great things will be accomplished for the Kingdom of God.  God gave us creative and resourceful minds and desires that we put that creativity and resourcefulness to eternal use.

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