As noted in another blog post a couple days ago, I am wanting to transition from PC Repair to Biblical Natural Health coaching via New Eden’s Advanced Natural Health Practitioner Diploma. I recently found an online FREE Christian women’s abundance immersion week! Replays are available at this group link here on FB, so it’s not too late to join, particularly with catchup dates on Saturday and Sunday for the late-comers or those with busy schedules. I am making lots of notes and God is dealing with stuff in my mind and heart as I take in these sessions. Will you join me? The group’s header contains the signup link for you to register.
My takeaway from today’s session:
I’ve always struggled with identifying my niche market, both as a PC Repair Tech and as an author. As a repair tech, I knew I wanted to serve the small business and home-based markets, initially starting out targeting financial advisors as it was a financial office where I got my first job out of college.
As an author, I wanted to target Christians wanting to go deeper in their faith, which for myself had begun at age 12 (got saved at age 7, but defining my faith came at age 12), so that target market ran from age 12 up to seniors. If the Christian was wanting to go deeper, my writing would contribute to that goal.
When I wrote my budgeting course, I targeted the low-income financial bracket because that is where I learned how to raise a family as a single mother on less than a shoestring budget. This 5 week course walks a person through the necessary steps to learn how to manage their finances that way as well. Mom’s Little Black Book: Godly Advice to the High School Graduate deliberately targeted high school graduates and those heading off to college. My themed writing prompt journals target other authors. So while I couldn’t really narrow down my “day job”, I began learning how to target my desired readers.
When Anita talked today about going from the symptom the client brings, and the desire they have, down to the root of the problem causing the symptom and developing a process to reach the desired outcome, I was all there! As a PC repair tech, I have had to do that for over 20 years. People bring me their computer problem, and I have to uncover the root cause and fix that before I can reach their desired outcome. Sometimes discovering the root also discovers several other problems hindering the desired outcome, and those need fixing. In the case of malware, sometimes seemingly innocent spyware can bring trojan buddies that call down rootkits that cause major trouble the user can’t identify. A 10 minute malware removal task can turn into 2 hours or more as a result. For awhile, malware removal literally paid my rent.
I have unofficially counselled people online who were going through stuff, and in order to answer their question about why they felt a certain way about something, we’d have to drill down to the root cause, which sometimes might be an event, a conversation, or a circumstance that led to the now-subconscious reaction to whatever they were facing. This drill-down behaviour comes naturally to me, and family and friends will find themselves peppered with “leading questions” intended to uncover what may have caused a given health issue, mental issue, emotional issue, etc. The fact I tend to think from a drastically different perspective than many around me, allows this task to be more effective than I’ve anticipated at times as the lightbulb goes on in their head and they wonder where I found it.
Now we come to my desired career change, getting my NHP and becoming a Biblical Natural Health Coach focusing on whole food nutrition and whole food/herbal medicine. Because of my drill-down capacity already demonstrated among family and friends, they all feel I’ll do really well as a Biblical Natural Health Coach. At first, today’s session almost paralyzed me. I experience paralysis when I face a situation I haven’t ever created a process for in the past. These processes are not in stone, not written down, but once I’ve come up with a plan of attack for a situation, I just run with it the next time I encounter it. Well, because of my struggles trying to find my repair tech customer niche, and with the thought that this wasn’t a specific book I was writing, but a career change, nailing down my hoped-for position statement for my desired niche and ideal client nearly had me freeze at the start of today’s session. By the end of the session however, I had begun to identify my ideal client, what they did and didn’t want, and my position statement in reaching out to that ideal client. This looks like the following:
What I will offer once my NHP is in hand:
Offering natural health coaching from a Biblical perspective
Providing alternative medical coaching from a Biblical perspective
My ideal client:
Interested in natural health
don’t want pagan influences in their medicine
don’t want their food choices decided by fads
My position statement:
I help Christians struggling to deal with their health via natural medicine using nutritional and herbal means to heal under God’s oversight while avoiding new age/pagan influences . #niche
I already have a good grasp of how mainstream medical nurses deal with issues, having registered nurses in extended family, including my own mother. I have been learning about natural health since 2015, and have been learning to use food as medicine for most of my kids’ lives. When I say we eat to live, I mean deciding what’s for supper because someone in the house is dealing with a particular issue. I can help others learn how to do that as well. If you feel led to help me get my NHP and begin to coach others in these things, please visit my gofundme link and take that daring step of being the first person to contribute to my next career move. May God bless you as you sew into the health needs of others.