Science Fiction or Reality? Who is Behind the Alien Narrative?

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I don’t click every headline I see in my social feeds, either because I’m already familiar with the subject matter, I don’t care about the subject matter, the headline is clickbait, is over-sensationalized, or the headline and/or it’s public blurb tell me all I need/want to know and I have no interest in reading further.

I grew up with a casual fondness for science fiction stories. I’m by no means a fan girl of any particular sci-fi genre, though Star Trek came close. They only “came close” because some story lines honestly made me raise an eyebrow wondering what the string pullers might be testing on the public for reactions or level of acceptance. I felt this way when the Next Gen episodes aired around a planet where those who were aged 65 had to submit to an end-of-life ceremony. The episode had the man’s daughter totally playing up on the emotional “heart strings” if you can call mandated death and burial in any way somehow heart-warming. Now rumours have the WEF calling on member states to enact permission laws where anyone reaching age 70 must get a 5yr permit to live! That’s just one sci-fi story-meets-reality connection.

Gene Roddenberry was known for being a visionary, and many of the tech ideas that appeared in Star Trek did make it into average everyday life. The personal computer, storage devices such as floppy disks, flip phones, scanners for various functions, hypodermic needles, just to name a few.

I lost track of the series after DS9 and partway through Voyager due to life happening and removing the TV from my livingroom in the process. Apparently I haven’t missed much with subsequent iterations of the franchise delving into less Trekkie idealistic territory and sliding character behaviour back into our current ideals instead, including toying with woke ideologies in some cases. (I understand the science fantasy known as Star Wars is doing the same thing these days)

artist's rendition of grapheneWhat Star Trek regularly encountered through it’s years on the big and small screen, were aliens from other worlds around the galaxy. Some were friendly, some were hostile. One was the Borg, where the string pullers tested public sentiment toward implants, nanobot technology, and hive-mind-like control of the masses. Nano-bot technology is very real, and being touted as “the next big thing in medicine” with ideas such as directing the tiny robots to deliver medicine directly to certain areas on a time delay for example. Those following the developing story uncovering what’s been showing up in the “vaxx” shots, have observed nano-tech in the nano-lipid envelope and these tiny robots trying to assemble themselves in the blood of those who were duped into taking the shot for any number of coersed reasons. Graphine Oxide present in the “vaxx” has shown itself to be receptive to outside light signals, 5G signals, etc, while causing a fair bit of damage to the body’s cardiovascular system.

But the Borg, while enticing as a concept to the string pullers, weren’t the only inspirations for potential direction and manipulation of the human race. A radio play that would become the movie, “War of the Worlds” was so well written, that the nightly narrative actually fooled some listeners into thinking an alien invasion was actually taking place! The original movie, while B-grade by today’s standards, was a hit when it came out, and for awhile, everyone was interested in the concept of UFO’s or Unidentified Flying Objects. They were typically shaped in a round saucer with a slight bulge on top and a portal on the bottom that served multiple purposes from tractor beams to weapons to lowering ramps, shining spot lights, etc. War of the Worlds would only be out done in my personal opinion, by Independence Day featuring Will Smith. But the idea of the round saucer persisted in this story too. It was only in fictional universes such as Star Wars and Star Trek, where alien ships had various shapes and descriptions other than round saucers.

The idea that life existed outside of earth’s orbit or even earth’s solar system, has since fascinated humanity for going on over 80 years now. Research centres and scientists seeking to find out if there might actually be life out there have set up listening stations in various places around the globe, with one just a 45 minute drive from me down near Penticton, BC.

As a Bible-believing Christian, the only life outside of earth’s confines, is that of the spirit realm where angels and demons, God and satan, live. They regularly interact with our physical realm, and we are able to interact with the spirit realm. On God’s side of the coin, we have a hierarchy of angels ranging from messengers and guardian angels to warrior angels, arch angels, cherubim and seraphim, all serving in various capacities within God’s domain. On satan’s side there too is a hierarchy ranging from what I tend to term minions to henchmen to strongmen as Scripture calls them. Scripture tells us that Gods’ angelic army is 2/3rds larger than satan’s, and that satan is a fallen archangel, formerly head of music before he became prideful and got kicked out of heaven along with the 1/3rd of the angels who chose to side with him. Hell was created as their eternal punishment and wasn’t intended as mankind’s eternal prison. That would happen after satan beguiled Eve and Adam ate of the forbidden fruit with her.

Songdove Books - BonfireIn meting out the punishment for this deception by satan and disobedience by Adam and Eve, hell would become the end result of the sin that took over the planet. God did not want that for all humanity and set in motion the plan of Salvation and foretold it to Adam and Eve in Genesis Chapter 3. The way of escape would be put into place and culminate in the advent of Jesus coming to earth to pay our dealth penalty for us and to grant us eternal life if we accept His gift of Salvation.

God also foretold how at the end of time as we know it, satan, death, hell and those in it, and those satan duped into serving him would all get thrown into the Lake of Fire while those who accepted Christ’s offer of salvation would be able to go into eternity in a much happier existence than what we have right now.

How does this tie into the topics of sci-fi and alien creatures? In sci-fi and in space exploration circles, the idea of aliens are sometimes referred to as “extra-terrestrials”, a fancy term simply meaning, “other worldly” or “not from our planet”.

In a way, one could say that the spirit realm as I’ve just described is very much “other worldly”, and being as God created the heavens and the earth, clearly “not from our planet”. I’ve cautioned people in saying this to the wrong ears, because people out there have already postulated that the human race was “seeded” by aliens from other planets, or that aliens have visited them and told them what is coming for the future of mankind. It doesn’t help that the Mormon cult teaches that married couples who go to the afterlife can procreate and populate their own planets.

Copyright Songdove Books - Rainbow FireWith the US DoD and DARPA engaging in clandestine exercises that are becoming easier and easier for the public to get glimpses of, particularly with what is happening over New Jersey right now, both the sci-fi and the physical/spiritual are being bandied about by various pundits and influencers. Some say DARPA is testing out enhanced holographic technology, seemingly backed up by people claiming to see drones fly over and suddenly vanish. Others say the drones are real and scanning for possibly lost nuclear radioactive material and shooting proximity rounds. But I saw another blurb this week that had me shaking my head.

That blurb claimed the unidentified flying objects are from aliens and that soon they will appear with larger ships, wanting to be friendly so not coming with their full-sized mother ships.

Now concerns have already been shared in recent years that the US DoD could use the idea of an alien invasion to initiate an attack on US soil in a false flag event that would use live rounds from US fighter pilots aimed at holographic projections of such an invasion. The trouble being that those live rounds would pass through the holograms and land on US soil causing varying levels of damage and destruction that would be blamed on the invaders.

Some of us in Christian circles have mused that the concept of an alien invasion leading to a mass alien abduction might be used as cover by those duped into serving satan’s ends, to explain away the Rapture of the Church. Let me be perfectly clear! If millions of Christians around the globe suddenly disappear, it won’t be due to an alien invasion as put forward by the US military and other string pullers. It will be because Jesus came in the clouds for His Church, an event those who are unsaved will not see occur, they will only see the aftermath. It is not an abduction, but a gathering to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb as foretold in the Scriptures.

Norse godsThe idea of good aliens and bad aliens as put forward in science fiction and those who claim to see them from various non-Christian spiritual alignments, reminds me of the kind of blindfolding that happens when people think there can be good witches and bad witches. Both are controlled by the same demonic entities, and when those entities decide the humans they control have outlived their usefulness, they trash them. We have examples down through history where the demonic henchmen and strongmen presented themselves to the world via what we now call mythologies. Back when those tales were being told however, the people earnestly believed and built their lives around the worship or fending off of those entities. In some regions of the world today, the reality of the dark side of the spirit realm continues to strike fear in the locals and their worship is a form of appeasement in a vain effort to keep from being terrorized. When the mythos stories were actively taught and believed, the so-called “gods” and “demi-gods” could choose to be physically visible in various forms in various regions of the world. The pantheons across the world all have remarkable similarities with only the names, faces and physical features being different and sometimes, not that different. The concept that these entities could take mankind’s fascination with the idea of aliens and use that to reinsert themselves into acceptable physical spaces is not out of line by any stretch. In addition, there has been a separate fascination with resurrecting the ancient mythos, bringing those stories into modern times thanks to the superhero franchises of DC Comics and Marvel, not to mention some modern authors taking various mythologies and writing new novels putting a more modern spin on the stories (Percy Jackson series, anyone?)

When the world rejects Christ and looks to the stars for inspiration and help outside of the effort God extended, it is opened up to delusion instead. When I was younger and studying the Scriptures reading the various prophecies around what would happen in the end times, I occasionally wondered how some of it would be able to happen because of the level of delusion the people would need to be under for it to happen. However, life has since shown me that modern society is quickly heading toward just that level of delusion! I didn’t expect that progression to advance as far as it has in my lifetime and I am not a senior yet. It is much easier now for me to see how the delusion will happen, and the modern mythos of science fiction and science fantasy coupled with veneration of fictional superheros and UFO fascination will merely help that along.

I look around me, look at the news headlines crossing my desk, and find myself asking God how long before He comes for us, how long before we are taken off this planet. People used to joke, “Beam me up Scottie, there’s no intelligent life down here!” Unless God puts the brakes on HARD, and He’s done that at various times in history, we are headed toward end time events that will see the Church removed before “all hell breaks loose” on humanity. People will still be able to accept Christ’s offer of Salvation after the Church is gone, but they will be martyred for that choice. Once the final battle takes place however, the timeframe for making such a choice will end. But as an example of the duping going on by satan’s minions over unsaved humanity, the idea that after the Tribulation period a one thousand year reign will take place under the reign of Jesus Christ, is being spun recently as Israel enacting a one-world government. This is being spun as absolutely terrible and fuelling antisemitism in various quarters I’ve seen this “accusation” from. This is because Jesus Christ will reign from Jerusalem. The world will have 1000 years to learn all over again how God expects us to live and experience life under His rulership. (The first time God showed us how to live was while Christ walked the earth just over 2000 years ago)

Modern society is advancing back to ancient civilization understandings of the spirit realm and the world around them. This is not a good thing, but is couched in “advanced” trappings of technology and “spiritual enlightenment”. The one thing you can believe from all the various voices out there, is that everything is not as it seems. If you want clarity and truth, you need to seek the Holy Spirit’s gift of discernment, wisdom, insight, understanding and foresight. Only in Christ can you keep from being swept up in the delusion as it descends on humanity.

Cross over the World - Songdove BooksIf you have never read a Bible before, visit youversion or or Biblegateway or blueletter bible’s website and spend some time reading or listening to the four Gospels, particularly the Gospel of John. Ask God to reveal to you what you are reading, though God tells us in His Word that those who have not accepted His gift of Salvation will not be able to comprehend what He teaches. So if you are not saved, seeking a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is step number one. Then ask Him to reveal to you what you are reading in the four Gospels of the New Testament.

Time is rapidly getting short! Delusions are growing and as is the case with the idea of visiting aliens, being touted by both the woke and the supposedly awake! Where will history find you once the dust settles?

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