Admittedly, I haven’t been posting here as often as I used to. Life was busy over 2024, with foraging, attending craft and wellness fairs as a vendor, doing foraging workshops, etc. I wrote on my coaching blog far more often as a result! None of that stopped people from accessing what is already here however,Read More…

I don’t click every headline I see in my social feeds, either because I’m already familiar with the subject matter, I don’t care about the subject matter, the headline is clickbait, is over-sensationalized, or the headline and/or it’s public blurb tell me all I need/want to know and I have no interest in reading further.Read More…

First we had ankle bracelets for criminals, so probation officers could track them. It made news whenever the bracelets were found cut off. Then we began selling ski tags for kids and youth whose parents or caregivers wanted to know their whereabouts on the ski hill. This began being offered by nearby ski hills aRead More…

Who knew you could take courses and get certified for observing patterns, running scenarios, and warning that failure to plan is planning to fail?! Most of the time, such people on the street are vilified, particularly by those in power, as conspiracy theorists! The rest of the time, you are either seen as a prophet,Read More…

“Perhaps most concerning is the warning about possible disruptions in essential services such as telecommunications, banking, water, power, gasoline, medicine, and even the food supply. “In more extreme situations, (expect) possible disruptions in other services such as telecommunications, financial/banking, water, power (hydro), gasoline/fuels, medicine or the food supply.”” Feds urge businesses to prepare for “newRead More…

When seemingly unrelated dots suddenly draw a picture! As everyone knows by now, the “elites” or string pullers are trying to build a case around a so-called bird-flu pandemic. They are culling flocks of chickens by the millions, and threatening to do the same with cattle. Astute observers have noted these same enforcers are notRead More…

So this was just published earlier today: Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study Take a read through the excerpts pulled out below: “But others have warned governments to avoid heading down the basic income path. In British Columbia, the provincial Green Party called for a study into basic incomeRead More…

A couple thoughts on what has just transpired regarding the unveiling of Charle’s portrait. I’ve been seeing a fair bit about this recently, and CTV ran an article on it themselves. According to one source, Charles flinched a moment as he pulled down the curtain! According to CTV’s article, this portrait had been commissioned toRead More…

“The project was named after the Egyptian god of chaos. “This campaign is named Apophis [another name for Apep] after the cosmic world serpent from ancient Egyptian cosmology. The serpent pursues the sun god Ra, and every so often, nearly consumes the sun disc, resulting in an eclipse,” a NASA website stated. “Apep, also knownRead More…

So I just read this piece from our BC provincial government about housing initiatives! “B.C. Premier David Eby says the private market can’t solve the province’s housing crisis, as his government launches an almost $3 billion public housing program to build more affordable rental units for middle-income earners.” For starters, “middle income earners”??? What aboutRead More…