Tap to pay

Hashing Adspace and Target Markets. Newsletter-Turned-Blog-Post

Hey Team,

I haven’t sent out a weekly newsletter for awhile now, largely because my team is shrinking, not growing. I want to welcome a new member to InfinityMailerBoost since the weekend, don’t forget to confirm your email address and activate your account to get started. There is a little grey box up top in your dashboard and you need to check off as many of those tasks as you can to position yourself for maximum benefit from the system. You even get an additional 300 ad credits for crossing off all eight startup tasks. No reading emails necessary at that point. I’ve already been paid by IMB once so far, so I can tell you they do pay. Instead of sending this out to just a few people, I am making a blog post out of it instead.

hashing adspaceA paid ad-earning system that I got in on free back in November, is going to be offering free-to-earn options soon. Hashing Adspace is a different pay-to-click service where instead of earning something up to this point, you mint a new coin in the Asimi crypto-token space. This means buying your first Asimi stake to begin the process. If I had to pay my way in, I wouldn’t have joined right off the bat because their help files were horrendous. Video only, as if most of us are still back in preschool and need visuals to help us along. However, they now have an actual helpdesk thanks to zendesk, and it’s quite extensive! I just had to suffer through without it for a few months. I don’t recommend joining sites without a help system built in if you aren’t the type to click around on your own. I am, but I needed assistance with one major task and couldn’t find help for it anywhere that I could read and reread as necessary.

I muddled through and can tell you that the site does pay. (see payments gallery further down) I am now implementing a plan that will hopefully earn me multiple payouts every month starting in May. If all goes well, this site will eventually earn me a monthly salary that will start paying down bills and debts accrued over the past few years due to health and other issues.

One of Hashing Adspace’s latest announcements is as follows:

– Free earrings (View to Earn)
– Free sign up bonuses (details coming soon)
– Free new marketing materials (new capture pages and follow up emails)
– Free lead generation (for those people included in the lead rotator)
– Free Asimi bonus give away! (Daily prizes)

For people who could afford to invest in the Asimi token, their monthly income is already replacing day jobs and paying for university tuitions according to some of their testimonials being shared in these announcements. I hope to add my own testimonial eventually, as a former free beta member.

If you want to login and check out the dashboard, the helpdesk, and other features, use this url here.

Over at SFI, my weekly newsletters have recently been looking at our target market in our promotional efforts. Who are they and where do they hang out? What are they looking for and does your personal brand appeal to that market?

Today we looked at Lesson #27–PERSONAS and how building a persona of your target market is different than merely using keywords. Now don’t toss out keywords with the bath water, they are still a valid method for tracking down where your target market is hanging out and who is responding to your keywords. Keywords you use for placement in the search engines can be turned into hashtags for use on social media. I see them as helping you figure out who that persona is that you are trying to reach.

Keyword tracking is the tool that helps you in this scenario. Google Analytics, or Bing’s webmaster tools both give you analytics that let you see countries, languages, browser types, length of stay, etc. So if you are finding that your keywords seem to get the most clicks from a particular country, that helps in building the persona of the person you are trying to reach. They are likely to be from that country. That greatly narrows down the data you need to gather next on who your persona is. What do people in that country value? What do they need? What are their aspirations? Do any of the answers to these questions line up with your personal brand? Can you offer what those people long for?

I know I’ve mentioned keyword tracking before, but I had to bring it up again, largely because this is one of those bits of marketing prep that I fail at badly. One of the reasons for that is busyness at my offline end. As a single mother, you don’t always have the time to sit down and really study who you are trying to reach. You’re playing Mom’s Taxi, doing housework, trying to work to pay the bills, buying groceries, etc. Then if your health isn’t the best, that eats into time you could spend studying your target market too. One thing with these traffic exchanges, email safelists and ad viewing earning sites, is that the target market for those is already using these services too. Advertisers for anything from baby care to essential oils to crowdfundraisers to brand new social networks are all trying to get word out. You have what they need right here, with the added bonus that they will be paid for their time spent at these sites as opposed to others they could be and perhaps are already using.

For example, I now have a large single monitor instead of two smaller ones. The two smaller ones died within months of each other. This one is so big it doesn’t fit into the cubby designed for the monitor on my computer desk, so it sits on the armoire’s arm instead. BUT. . . I’ve discovered that on Windows, Start/left or Start/right will snap a window to either the left half or the right half of the screen. So now I have two browsers open, each snapped to the left or right side. Most of my paid-to-use sites are in one browser, while most of the non-paid to-use sites are in the other. I say most, because there are a couple where I have them in the non-paid-to-use browser because of the next paragraph here.

To make sure I get paid for the time I spend marketing and promoting, I will open a paid site in one browser and a non paid in the other, at the same time. I will click back and forth, ensuring that almost every click in the non-paid is matched by a paid click in the paid side. So I match InfinityMailerBoost, BTC Clicks, and CoinBulb on the paid side, with Easyhits4U on the non-paid side. I match Bitter.io with Mega-50 or #1EasyBitCoin on the non-paid side (#1EasyBitCoin is a TE only offering a BTC contest, not actually paid for clicks). I pair AdBTC with Pangea, and AdFeedz with FreeAdvertisingForYou. I’ve been paid once by IMB, 9 times by BTC Clicks, 3 times by CoinBulb, 1 time by AdFeedz, 1 time by AdBTC and I keep InfinityTrafficBoost on the non-paid side because while I earn there (and been paid 3 times now), I check emails, do banking, surf social networks etc while clicking through ITB for the day. Hashing Adspace is also on the non-paid side because there is nothing to pair just a few clicks with. Of all of these sites, Hashing Adspace has the fastest potential to a decent monthly income that is ongoing.

Arranging the monitor for two browsers like this means wiser use of my time than just one browser. I’ve been paid 3 times now by CryptoTabBrowser and use it for most of my social networking, job-related, and paid-to-earn sites, as well as for most of my research. They’ve tweaked their mining algorithms and it appears I am now earning close to 100 satoshi per day in that browser, on an aging computer. I’d imagine newer machines could earn faster. But the fact I can mine and still find the browser working better than Firefox on this aging box, has sold me permanently on the new browser. it definitely is my primary browser now.