6 Habits of the Wealthy – a Low Income Perspective

I read an interesting article on CTV News last night!  The lady was talking about the attitudes of the wealthy and was impressed that most wealthy people she interviewed, discussed wealth outside the terms of money.  Whenever money did come up, a list of generally accepted mindsets or attitudes began to develop and she shared them in her article here:


When I read this list, I was suddenly amazed at how my own family often accuses me of having a poverty mindset!  I had to add my own thoughts to the author’s 6 main points in the article above.  Before writing these out however, I showed my daughter this list and asked her how many of them are present in our home.  She responded with “most if not all of them”, although current finances prevent us from enacting one of the sub-points in this list.  It hasn’t however, stopped us from trying in the past, nor will it stop us from trying in the future.  Here are my own thoughts.  Anyone who has purchased my course “The Poor Man’s Budget: a Five Week Course – Learning to live within your means” (paid link) will recognize some of these points.

Change your money mindset: Have a positive attitude, increase your knowledge base, have goals and get disciplined ~ This begins by being thankful for what you have and following that Biblical concept that if you have two of something, give to him who has none.  It can be tempting to hoard when you are financially struggling, living below the poverty line, or desperately battling debt.  But if you honestly end up with more of something than you realistically know you need (not want), giving it away to someone else in need also contributes to a more positive attitude.

Sweep away your financial dustballs or myths:
a) Self worth equals net worth (Clearly it doesn’t but some might think it does) ~ I run into many people who believe this lie.  Your self-worth is not found in things, nor in others around you.  Your self-worth is found in the One Who made you!  Your self-worth is found in Jesus Christ.  Believe what He says about you in His Word and lack or plenty won’t affect your view of yourself.  Secondarily, look after yourself no matter how much or little you have.  You can always use water from a public fountain to wash up in the morning if you live on the streets.  You can brush your hair and straighten your clothes.  Walk with purpose rather than ambling aimlessly.  Shake hands firmly and meet people eye to eye when greeting them.  Don’t let life’s problems define who you are.  Everyone, rich and poor have issues they battle with.  Hold your head up and don’t let your particular issues drag you into the dirt.

b) A little debt never hurt anyone (Yes it will) ~ Financial advisors will tell you on one hand that it isn’t wise to get into debt.  They will turn right around in the very next sentence and tell you to get a credit card so you can build up a positive credit rating.  They will then go into detail about how to manage that credit card so that you ideally never slip into debt.  Human nature, being what it is, will invariable see the credit limit, see an emergency, what Christmas approach, and decide to spend just a little bit more than they can pay off at the end of the month.  They will justify it by saying now they have a debt load against which to build that credit rating, because creditors will see the monthly efforts.  Now this is true to a point, but it will come back to bite you eventually.  Yes, unfortunately the modern financial world won’t sell you a car or house if you don’t have positive credit ratings, but a little debt has and will continue to hurt people.

c) I need at least $1 million to retire (No, you don’t) ~ What you need is to assess the lifestyle you want when you retire, what would it cost now and what is the current inflation rate?  Based on that inflation rate, how much will you need to have in savings when you retire to lead that kind of lifestyle month by month?

d) I need to be a math major (Also, not true) ~ No, the above calculations are basic math.  Addition and multiplication and maybe some division.  If you graduated grade 6, you have what it takes to figure out the previous answer.

e) I don’t have enough money to start investing (How about $25 a month?) ~ Most people can afford at least $25/mo.  Those living on fixed incomes may not be able to however, nor those living below the poverty line, but whenever possible, it is advisable to set aside even $5 a month if you can manage it.  What I find in our household is that I can get up to $3 or $400 saved up, then an emergency comes along or income takes a dive and I need the funds to buy gas and groceries.  I am looking forward to the day when income is steady and I can get that savings account above that particular threshold.

f) It’s too late for me to start building a nest egg (No it isn’t, and retirement could last a third of your life) ~ It’s true, you can start saving at any age, the earlier the better, but any time is a good time as long as it is sooner to your present than later.

g) Personal finance is all about investing (It is so much more encompassing: debt management, insurance, retirement planning and more) ~ The biggest point in personal finance, is budgeting based on what you are regularly earning at the time.  Then learning to stick to that budget.  Failure to get this step down will make any other financial management task more difficult.

h) I can do it alone (Maybe, but start by asking for help) ~ If you understand how to set money aside and not touch it, if you know about TFSA’s or RRSP’s already, sure, go it alone, but be almost religious about the plan you put into action.  Asking for help often involves paying an advisor for their time or using their ongoing services from which they get paid a commission. If you can’t afford to pay someone for help, start small and work from there.

Eliminate the spending habit: Live below your means and ditch your bad debts ~ Hear, hear!!!  This is the second worst problem I am seeing among those who claim to be struggling in their finances.  They still visit the corner store regularly.  They still buy cookies and candy bars regularly and sugary or other unhealthy food choices when grocery shopping.  They still think they can engage in bad habits that cost them anywhere from $200/mo to $500 or more and they wonder where their money is going!  Newsflash! You don’t need that jacket on sale when you have two others at home already.  You don’t need sugary drinks or foods when because you are struggling, you need healthier food options instead.  You don’t need to waste gas with extra-curricular activities when you can’t afford the gas to begin with.  Start walking more.  Cancel the Cable TV subscription and watch all your shows online.  If this step isn’t mastered, the previous ones will all be derailed by some justification to spend!

Create a savings habit: Pay yourself first ~ See the previous comments about saving and spending.

Embrace the investing and compound habit: Learn more to earn more and compound your earnings ~ This may be where you want to ask for help, but in a standard savings account, if you leave your money there, the interest accrued will compound based on what stays in the account, previous interest and all.  This can work in your favour.

Choose a destination: Get real and set goals ~ Revisit this entire list, master the other points and when you get to this one, write down those goals.  In a quick-fix, instant-access society, long-term gratification seems like punishment.  But if you can get over the need to spend and start actively saving toward your goals, you will discover the pride and personal joy in having achieved those goals on your own!  Start with small goals that you can reach if you are disciplined in a month.  Say perhaps you can get $25 put aside into savings.  Reward yourself with a hot bath that night.  Say perhaps you went for three months putting that money aside?  Take $5 and go buy a booster juice smoothie (remember the poor spending point above).  Say perhaps you managed to maintain your new saving regimen for an entire year, take $20 and go have pizza!  These examples are merely for savings goals, but you might have other goals, like paying for a college course, replacing a dieing vehicle, maybe even owning your own home and saving up for a down-payment.  Once you realize you can meet your smaller goals, these larger ones will become easier to achieve and you’ll have the necessary patience to see them through.


Introduction to Faucet Alley – One Way to Enter the World of Bitcoin!

bitcoin faucetAs discussed in my first blog article on bitcoin, using faucets to earn your way into the world of bitcoin is not for the faint of heart and requires both a technician’s mindset and a worker’s mindset if you are to do what I did, which was earn $3 USD or 0.003+ BTC in the space of two months WITHOUT REFERRALS! Because of the large number of digits following the decimal, earning 0.003 is no small feat when we’re talking faucet earnings.  Most people in the bitcoin world don’t think this is a wise way to spend your time.  However, I proved to myself that for the person short of cash, it is a viable way to earn bitcoin in your spare time.

Before you consider entering the Faucet Alleyway, stop and take stock!


  • be easily swayed by advertising!
  • be easily confused by lots going on!
  • insist on waiting for every page to load before deciding if it’s good or bad
  • be computer-illiterate!
  • have tunnel-vision!
  • be slow-moving!

If you are going to venture into the faucet alley-way, you absolutely MUST:

  • be laser-focused!
  • be aware of what’s going on with every tab you have open!
  • Understand the basic parts of a browser and make heavy use of them!
  • Ignore advertising!
  • Learn quickly!
  • Understand typical malware behaviour and spot it fast!
  • Be able to clean your own machine of malware or have plenty of cash to pay someone else to clean it for you on occasion.
  • have quick reflexes with mouse and keyboard!

toolboxYour toolkit MUST include:

  • browser other than MS Explorer
  • plugin/add-on to block unwanted content not allowed in your home
  • up-to-date antivirus program
  • Ccleaner set to delete history and cookies as well as clear the DNS cache and old prefetch data.

How’d you do with your self-assessment and computer readiness?  If you ARE any of the “MUST NOT” items, this pursuit may not be for you.  Moving forward will put both you and your computer at a level of risk you may not be able to recover from.

However, if you are confident you are not affected by the “MUST NOT” list and confident you can handle the “MUST HAVE” list, and your computer is set up to handle the required toolkit, then let’s move forward.

The important thing to understand is that this is WORK!  Don’t sit down to my list of faucets thinking you are engaging in a leisurely activity.  This is anything but leisurely!  Boring perhaps at times, tedious at other times, but leisurely it is NOT!  You have to be on your toes constantly! Your computer’s security can’t be allowed to lapse either. This is because a jaunt down Faucet Alley is akin to swimming with sharks.  Some are friendly, some ignore you, and some come at you with teeth bared and eyes blazing! One of the faucets in my list is a bit of a nasty shark and I honestly wonder at the way the owner has chosen to make money off his site.  I have learned to handle the onslot this faucet delivers at times, but I don’t recommend visiting if you are lax or negligent in ANY of the MUST HAVE/INCLUDE lists above!  If you are not necessarily wary of what might jump out at you AND prepared to handle it the moment it happens, DON’T GO THERE!

Secondly, you need to understand this takes TIME!  Want to make money doing faucets??? You need to be religious about claiming as often as each site will let you! Of course you have a life to live away from your computer and perhaps you have other tasks you need your computer for as well, so don’t visit Faucet Alley all day long!  But when you do sit down to work the faucets, try to have several hours available at a shot.

Thirdly, all those ads you are seeing are paying the site owner so they in turn can pay you!  Don’t use an ad blocker!  Having said that, it is wise to have a plugin that blocks unacceptable content that goes against your family values, but don’t block ALL ads as a general rule.  Most faucets have a check built into them whereby if they notice a trend of ads being blocked, they will eventually “stop working” until you enable ads again.  Now if a site’s ad networks insist on showing you offensive ads regardless of your filter’s settings, put the site into quarantine for a few hours using the Brave browser.  If the site “stops working” open it back up in your favourite browser and see if the offending ads are gone.  If they are, continue on as normal.  It is precisely because of these ad networks being less than family-friendly at times, that life for the faucet earner can get so dangerous.  In fact, I recommend doing it in a location or at a time when impressionable eyes and ears are not present, to protect them from the visual or audible dangers that lurk around some corners in this alley way.

stop-dontgoOne of the rules of thumb I learned very early on my career as a computer repair technician, is that about:blank in a browser’s address bar can spell trouble, particularly for Internet Explorer.  About:blank has been taken advantage of by numerous drive-by installation threats dropping backdoor trojans, worms, rootkits and other nasties onto people’s computers.  This is one reason for the sharp eye paying attention to everything going on with laser focus ignoring the ads!  In my experience, allowing your antivirus scanner to scan links wreaks havoc with the various captcha codes you need to solve, particularly those that tell you to click images until there are no more.  Each image sent to you in that grid is a link that has to be scanned by your AV link scanner.  It’s better to develop a sharp eye for trouble than to bog down your computer with so many link scans, especially if you use my method for earning satoshi via faucets.

If you see about:blank show up, it will be there for one of three reasons:  1) Slow connection to the next page being loaded.  Many faucets use pop-overs and pop-unders.  These are full pages not merely pop-ups in small windows.  If a server is slow in delivering the site destination, a threat could be on it’s way.  2) The site being loaded is the one you were just at because now the page you were on has become a pop-under and your original site needs to reload.  Watching your address bar change from about:blank to another site address and having your mouse over the tab’s x button will help you discern if you are reloading the page you want, or having to close a tab you don’t want.  Eventually you will learn when a pop-under has just taken place, or a pop-over, and in the case of several of the faucets in my list, you can get both happening at the same time, meaning you close the left-most, right-most and leave the center tab loading in the little threesome that suddenly developed.

Be sure as well to go through your favourite browser’s security settings.  Set all plugins or addon’s to “ask me” so that you get a heads up if anything strange wants to take place.  I have Firefox set to prevent requests to install programs, and one of the faucets in my list regularly tries to ask permission to install something!  Not good!  This same faucet will at times try to force its way onto my system with spawning pop-unders.  Due to this behaviour, I’ve had two threats successfully get onto my system and I had to shut down my computer the hard way before beginning clean up in safemode.  Again, if any of this sounds way over your head, you might not want to be earning satoshi via Fauce Alley!  The number of faucets that use such tactics is fairly large it seems.  Knowing how this one faucet behaves periodically, I can spot other problem faucets very quickly and will not frequent low-paying faucets who behave in this manner.  The only reason I tolerate this particular faucet is because of how well it pays on an ongoing basis.  I rarely have to quarantine the site, and my filter catches most offensive material it’s ad networks might try to show.

Because browser-based threat delivery often ends up in temporary file locations such as browser caches, having a tool such as Ccleaner on hand can help with the clean-up.  Run this tool fairly frequently when you follow my faucet claiming method, but also use it in safemode whenever you have to clean-up after a threat that landed on your system.  Follow up that cleaner with a scan by Malwarebytes free or pro, then boot back into normal mode and carry on.  Mac and Linux users, I’m not sure how you’d do this on your OS’s, but I’m sure some well-deserved research could do you some good in this regard.

If I haven’t scared you off good and proper from this form of earning satoshi, then let me share what I’ve enjoyed about this form of obtaining bitcoin:

Travelling around the world from the comfort of your computer chair!  That’s right.  The reCaptcha codes that many faucets ask you to complete are pictorial in nature, and come from literally all over the world.  You’ll see street signs in various languages, storefronts from towns and villages in locations you’ve never been to or perhaps heard of, mountain sides, rivers, quaint little residential streets or bustling downtown scenes.  Even food dishes make it into the mix.  This takes the monotony out of the mix while also testing your ability follow instructions and further develop that keen eye for detail.  The goal of these reCaptcha’s and SolveMedia puzzles is to prevent bots from stealing satoshi from these site owners.  You WILL see ads offering to collect from faucets for you, but those are bots and bots are strongly discouraged as a form of cheating the system.  So hone your keen eye for detail and be an honourable satoshi hunter!  Perhaps share in the comments what languages you’ve seen on street signs, what countries you’ve vicariously visited and where you enjoyed going the most in the last round of faucet claims.

My method for using these sites to earn satoshi, is as follows:

1) Have all faucets open in tabs in your browser of choice.  Don’t use a rotator because you won’t be able to engage in my method very well with one of those.

2) Begin with the one-hour claim sites and note the time you began.  You’ll want to return to those in one hour. Next, move to the half-hour claim sites, you know you can claim again here when your one hour sites reach their half-way countdown.  Then move to the 15 minute claim sites and get those going.  If you have any 5 minute sites in your tabs, visit those last.  Thus begins your earnings session!

3) Now begin going around and around and around.  Generally-speaking, in the time it takes to do three 15 minute claims in a row because their timers all coincided, you’ll be able to visit your 5 min before and after all three.  When that string of claims is done, you’ll be close to claiming again in your half hour sites.  Repeat, then include your one hour sites and go around again.

4) Keep an eye out for the pop-overs and pop-unders and close them as fast as you can.  Some sites will do both, placing the reloading faucet in the middle of a sudden group of three tabs.  As you get used to the routine, you’ll learn to recognize this grouping and have the under and over closed by the time the faucet has reloaded.

5) It is best to use the XAPO wallet and XAPO faucets if you want to have your claims accumulate at a decent rate in one pool.  I haven’t done much with it yet, but another satoshi collector is called faucet hub.  I have to see what those faucets are like before I can write about them, but cashing out of a collector still means having enough in there to cover network fees.  This is the only reason I haven’t gone with faucethub or epay.

One thing to be aware of when looking at your wallet balance as it grows:  XAPO gives you the US equivalent, fully expecting that you will use your bitcoin to benefit life in the real world.  The potential problem can be watching the US amount instead of the BTC you are growing.  The US amount goes up and down based on factors affecting volatility in trading BTC.  If you have a goal of so much BTC, only watch that amount.  Remember, you’re investing TIME into this project, not cash out of your own bank account.

6) As already stated a couple times now, this is WORK!  You can get mentally tired out if you are having to clean up your cache and temp files several times in one sitting because of some rogue ad in an ad network’s line-up on one or more of the faucets you happen to have open.  Pay attention, ignore advertising, watch the clock, follow instructions, and have several hours at a time to get the ball rolling well and watch the satoshi accumulate.

How fast can YOU accumulate satoshi without referrals??!! Can you rise to the challenge??? Do YOU have what it takes to walk down Faucet Alley???

Marilynn Dawson's Musings - Counting Pennies

A Blockchain Experiment

Marilynn Dawson's Musings - Counting PenniesSince roughly around mid-February, I stepped away from Facebook to focus on an experiment.  I didn’t know where this was going to take me, but with work being as difficult has it’s been for a couple years now, it didn’t hurt to try to put some hours into something that may or may not pay off in the future.  My books sell in a trickle, no mugs or t-shirts have sold yet although I have a large list to create still, causing my tech support services to still carry the day even though it too tends to be sporadic.

My bookkeeping mentor and I got talking about a relatively new technology that came on the scene back in 2009.  As a certified accountant, she finds the discussion around this technology to be fascinating, and people are writing articles about it in the financial magazines that she reads.

The technology in question, is known as block-chain.  Using this technology, it is possible to have linear blocks of information that are both public yet almost unhackable.  The technician in me uses the word “almost” while most other pundits claim the blockchain as we understand it currently, is unhackable by virtue of how it is formed via hashes and puzzles that need to be solved.

bitcoinSpecial computers and software solve these puzzles and create the hashes, known as blocks, in a fairly visible blockchain known as Bitcoin.  I haven’t heard much talk about this in my own circles of influence, but there is a sizeable and growing online community based around this virtual currency.  This currency even has an exchange rate to bring it into real-world terms and usage.  That exchange rate goes up and down based on the value of a single bitcoin as it is traded throughout the day.  During these past two months, the bitcoin value went from over $1200 USD to $934 USD to back up around $1184 USD earlier this month.  How do I know this? My experiment!

Now there are various ways a person can go about obtaining and using Bitcoin.

1. The easiest and most expensive way is to buy your way in.  Simply go to Coinbase or Localbitcoin, create an account which comes with an associated bitcoin wallet, then head over to the trading area and buy yourself some bitcoin.

bitcoin faucet2. Another way to get into the world of bitcoin is to earn it from what they call “faucets”.  I have written an extensive blog article about THAT which I will post shortly.  This method is not for the faint of heart and requires both a technician’s mindset and a work mindset if you are to do what I did, which was earn $3 USD or 0.003+ BTC in the space of two months. Because of the number of digits following the decimal, earning 0.003 is no small feat in the world of faucet earnings.  Most people in the bitcoin world don’t think this is a wise way to spend your time.  However, I proved to myself that for the poor person, it is a viable way to earn bitcoin in your spare time.

3. The last way and probably what promises to the most long-lasting method to get into the world of bitcoin, is to earn it the same way you earn a living in your own national currency.  I joined a bitcoin forum that has a reputation for being cut-throat, and requiring a thick skin.  While scammers apparently exist on this forum, they are not tolerated for the most part.  With this reputation being well-known, I went there asking about a three-part plan that I began my experiment with in mid-February.  Part 1 as to prove to myself you can earn your way into bitcoin using faucets.  Check that off the list.  Part 2 was to grow your bitcoin until there is enough to reach step 3 which is to test out the debit card offered by Xapo.com.  With so many sites offering investment opportunities, I thought for sure step two was possible.  I tried one investment of 0.001 and lost it a week later when the site folded.  This forum pretty much agreed that BTC investing is not yet a viable way to go and to focus on earning BTC via services I offer.

FACT Computer Services CoTherefore, I have revamped how I do business for FACT Computer Services.  I was thinking about doing this anyway because of the changes Freshbooks went through this spring, but wanting to carry on with my experiment sped up the process.  My website has now been configured so that buying time, asking for help and booking an appointment can all be done right there.  On top of that, people are able to pay using cheque, paypal, e-transfer still, and if they choose, they can now pay with bitcoin as well.

I will be revamping my author site soon too, so that people can buy my books and courses with either cheque, e-transfer, paypal or bitcoin as well.

I am looking forward to hoping to have enough BTC in my xapo account to one day walk into Superstore with their debit card, and walk out with groceries!

I’ll keep you posted!

Black Friday: When is a Deal a Deal?

On my author blog a few years ago, I shared a few articles on managing home finances where I didn’t merely discuss savings or budgeting, but when to tell a deal from a ruse.  Those three articles are as follows:

I shared two examples in Part 3 that had been major learning tools in my children’s lives as they were learning how to manage their own finances as teenagers.

A few years later, I ran across a blatant example this very Black Friday weekend!  Not everything touted as a sale, actually truly is a sale!  Sometimes stores will merely place things in a sale flyer to get your attention, rather than have any real correlation to the sale featured by that flyer.  Other times, sales may offer some reduction in price, but only because prices had risen a month or two prior.  Then there is the issue of research!  In today’s example, it must be understood that many Canadians actually go south of the border to go shopping on Black Friday weekend.  To prevent this loss of customers, Canadian stores have begun offering their own Black Friday deals, door crashers, etc.

Staples is one such store to try keeping Canadian shoppers in Canada!  Unfortunately, Staples did not check all potential competing sources for prices before putting their flyer together, because I made the following discovery:

Their photo products mousepad, ornament, blanket, and puzzle at supposedly “sale” prices, are equal to or just a dollar or two less than the same items in my Cafepress store!  Check out these images:


The image to the left is the local Staples flyer for Black Friday weekend.  The image to the right is my comparison drawn between Staples and my store at Cafepress.  This image is taken from a clickable PDF where you can visit the following links:

Mousepads $1 USD more than Black Friday pricing

Ornaments $3+ USD cheaper than Black Friday pricing

Quail Throw blanket $2+ USD more than Black Friday pricing

Quail puzzle similar price USD to Black Friday pricing

The lack of research really shows up when you also consider Cafepress regularly has their own coupon codes across their entire site.  The current site-wide offer: Black Friday Deals! 25% Off* Your Order! Use Code: BLKFRI25 So this makes the above price comparison even more of a goof on Staple’s part!  Canadians can still shop south of the border without ever leaving the comfort of their living rooms!

You’ll hear with various sources that its important to compare apples to apples.  Therefore, I will point out that these prices at these two sites, are using the same feature:  personalized items.  At Cafepress, I have uploaded photos I have taken around my area and turned them into useful products people buy every day in housewares and office supply stores everywhere.  I even have jewelry items personalized for purchase.  Staples doesn’t get into the jewelry, but their photo centre is where their offers on this flyer page are coming from.  You can visit any Staples store, or their online photo centre and create these items to purchase.  You are also able to do that at Cafepress too.  Other online sites also exist for this kind of thing with a friend of mine selling her wares on Zazzle, while I’ve seen local businesses use VistaPrint.

As a consumer in a widely-fluctuating economy, even your Christmas shopping should be shrewdly managed!  Always do your homework before settling on where you’ll spend your holiday budget.  Failure to do so will hoodwink you into believing you got a deal, when in fact the store you shopped at was not really offering a deal at all.

Wild Adventures Part 7: Drinkable Salads

They come in all shapes and sizes.  Some come with attitude, some come placidly.  But ALL are at the mercy of critters, birds, and now US!  Yes, the wild adventures continue as we realize summer is turning to fall in our neck of the woods, and we have to consider how we’ll continue trying to save money as plants wind down for the year.

The idea of drinking our salads came up in conversation and research turned to things that grow nearby that can be turned into tea with a bit of honey.  So far, we have three tea blends.  According to a book on edible plants of Canada, evergreen needles can be used in teas, just not every single day, particularly for one species of Pine.  It was interesting to see how this book spoke positively about Ponderosa Pine, while everyone else spoke negatively.  The only negative is that if you want to have kids, don’t ingest Ponderosa pine while pregnant, it contains an element that will abort the child.  Otherwise, all warnings seemed to pertain to various tanins.  Tea in general has tanins as well, with green tea having more tanin in it than black tea believe it or not, and the reason most teas are black is precisely because of the tanins in the water.  However you don’t see tanin warnings on boxes or bags of store-bought tea.

Thanks to schedules being what they’ve been lately, we haven’t had time to forage for our usual salad fixings, but one outing did give us a fair bit of tea fixings.  So we’ve been drinking our salads for the past week.

Two teas that have gone over well so far have the following ingredients:

You will need:

To serve in mugs for four or more people
Use two quart jars or of similar size

Tea #1

two or three juniper berries per jar
handful of fresh chopped apple per jar (half that for dried)
a couple pinches of mint per jar
three large pinches of crushed nettle
three or four large pinches of crushed chokecherry leaves
handful of fresh halved rosehips split between two jars (half that for dried)

Tea #2
two pinches of fir per jar
one clump of dried apple per jar
two small pinches of nettle per jar
one clump of dried kinnikinnick per jar
a few rose hips per jar
two or three pinches of chokecherry leaves per jar
a teaspoon or less of crushed dried chokecherries

Add the above ingredients to each jar.  Heat up your kettle.  Pour into jars and let steep while you start dinner, or pour into jars and let steep all night ahead of tomorrow’s dinner.

Simply add honey to taste.

Even a third tea recipe, and the first one we tried being a carbon copy of tea #1 above but with pine instead of mint, tasted not too bad.  All three of these combinations tasted better when the emptied jar’s tea components were dumped into the second partially-emptied jar’s water and allowed to steep in the fridge over night.  Dividing up the difference and adding hot water to melt the honey, gave the tea a mellower texture and allowed the flavours to infuse better.

We still plan on having our wild salads if we can get a few more foraging days in for green leafy additions.  But we’ve just entered the season for Juniper berries here, and will be foraging for more of those soon!

In other non-shopping news, the boxes of windfall apples we gathered awhile back are slowly getting processed.  We have four pie packets and three cobbler packets in the freezer.  We have several month’s worth of apple sauce in the freezer as well, and have begun drying chopped apple for use in tea, gerbil food, and my daughter’s pemmican experiments.

Yes, my daughter is making pemmican and made her third batch this week.  Apparently this third batch was the best so far.  She used a flour mix of coconut, acorn, chokecherry, and ground dried apple to toss with the ground up stew beef she cooked.  She threw in ground up dried purslane as well.  I think personally, that this will be the recipe she goes for in the future.

Preparing the Kinnikinnick for drying was an exercise in amusement!  I couldn’t help taking pictures and posting the following homemade meme to Facebook!

What looks, cores, bruises, and tastes like an apple but is NOT an apple?!After posting that meme, I turned on the oven the next day to actually dry them, then went to get my daughter from work.  Upon entering the house, she promptly declared the place smelled like apple pie!  I had neither seasoned, nor made apple pie, only dried the bearberries in the oven!  So not only do these little things look, taste, bruise, and core like miniature apples, they also smell like them!

We also managed to find more Oregon grape that hasn’t shriveled up yet.  Hopefully we’ll be able to harvest way more next year, but we didn’t know these were edible till late in the season.  We have a decent amount to keep us from buying dried cranberries for a little while, but not for the entire winter season sadly.

Another plant we need to keep bringing more home of before they die off for the year, is nettle!  That stuff, while a pain to harvest if you’re not careful, has so many uses in our hygiene and dietary requirements!  Both it and dandelion!  I haven’t mastered how to cook burdock leaves and flowers yet to add those to our salads or sauces, but apparently after cooking they taste like artichoke.   We’ll have to experiment more with that next spring.

Our own garden is slowly releasing stuff for us.  We are regularly harvesting basil and mint and those plants are making their way indoors.  Our purslane dirt bag has largely taken, though a few in the middle appear to have died.  The potatoe plants look almost ready for harvesting as well.  Attempts to grow comfrey plants from seed took half the year, but we now have tiny seedlings.  Comfrey will be used for medical purposes once it grows big enough.  We may also try growing our own kinnikinnick over the winter and see how that experiment turns out.

Shopping in the woods has led to the discovery that not everything about a given plant is known by everyone, and we are having to piece information together.  Eventually I need to start recording what I know of each plant and making posts about those, then updating them as I learn new things.  Needless to say, these wild adventures aren’t ending anytime soon.

Wild Adventures with Marilynn Dawson

Wild Adventures Part 6: Processing Continued. . .

Home tea blendI sit here tonight drinking a test cup of nettle, dandelion, chokecherry leaves, semi-crushed dried berries and stems, and homegrown mint leaves and stems.  I mixed one part dandelion to two parts of everything else more or less, and one part mint roughly.  The resulting tea had a very grassy taste with a decidedly nettle scent, but with a bit of honey, tastes very mellow.  Not bad as it grows on you.  That mix of tea is now in a little labelled container up in the tea cupboard.  There’s enough chokecherry crushed to make tea for a long time this winter!  Nettle has a decent amount in the cupboard too, but I only had enough dandelion root for the blend I put together this evening.

infused shampooThe first bottle of infused shampoo is in the shower now as well, along with infused facial scrub and leave-in conditioner.  We also made more of the chokecherry vinegar as well, meaning I need to pay back the VISA for yet more buckets of salad mix and salad dressing.  I also need to pay back the VISA for a second bottle of shampoo as shortly, all of us will be using the same shampoo instead of different bottles.  I’m looking forward to updating that spreadsheet needless to say!

The flour attempt with dried rice pulp resulted in very fine almost salt-like granules coming out of the grain mill.  Trying to crack dried chokecherries with the hand grain mill threatened to tear up the countertop, so we resorted to pounding in the mortar instead.  Eventually I was able to use the mill to break the berries down further, but only got them so far.  Using a metal strainer, we managed to get maybe half a cup or more of chokecherry flour to date.

The first batch along with the rice made about one cup that I threw into the breadmaker using the basic white loaf recipe.  The resulting loaf proved dense, meaning I probably should have chosen the whole wheat bread recipe instead, but otherwise, the loaf did not taste much different than normal.  I’ll be testing again soon.  The second reason for denseness may be due to the fact the chokecherry flour has no gluten in it.  We’ll see how the next loaf goes.  We have lots of dried berries to crack and grind now!  We’ll have to see how much flour we actually get out of it.  Rumour has it this flour can be used in place of corn starch for thickening soups and sauces.  I’ll have to try that out soon too.

infused facial cleanser and conditionerFacial cleanser, shampoo, conditioner, tooth paste, window cleaner, bathroom cleaner, tea, salad dressing, salad greens. . . all a mix of foraging, vinegar, baking soda, and more liquid glycerin soap than I thought I’d end up making. . . eucalyptus oil thrown in here and there for good measure. . . eventually I’ll be able to clean both the house and myself using far fewer chemicals!  The wild salads have more nutrition in them than what we were doing before as well.  Add to that saving money on those aspects of grocery shopping, and it’s a win, win, win situation.

Chokecherry harvesting with Marilynn Dawson

Wild Adventures Part 5: Chokecherry Escapades!

The wild adventures continue!  This past week, my daughter and I brought home quite a bit more chokecherry than we’d originally planned!  The original plan was to get nettle, and it took several days even before THAT came home.  But the day we intended to get nettle, we realized a huge stand of chokecherries in the same spot, were literally loaded with ripe, dark purple berries!  We still had to finish picking the berries off the leaves and twigs in the bag from the past weekend, so we sat down to see exactly how much had come home!

The previous weekend’s haul was laid out on trays to dry.  The second haul filled two medium mixing bowls, or one ice cream pail!  The picture above shows a larger bowl on the left, which was laid out to dry on cookie sheets, and the two medium bowls that filled the ice cream pail later that night.  Those bowls of leaves and twigs are being pounded down for use in loose-leaf tea.  Not all the twigs can be used, but smaller ones are kept in the mix.  Those bowls are still drying as we speak.  I crushed some into the storage bag already, but most of it is still drying out.

I decided to try my hand at making grape-chokecherry jelly, following instructions for chokecherry jelly.  I almost made candy instead!  I have a jar of very solid jelly that nearly broke a butter knife when I tried to get some out of the jar after it cooled!  I’m now thinking of warming it up to hopefully either “water it down” or add eucalyptus powder to it and drop it onto plastic wrap to make my own “soft” lozenges.

Nettle leavesWe did eventually get the nettle, bringing home a full grocery bag’s worth of leaves and stalks.  Taking care to pick them clean of the stalks resulted in filling a salad spinner!  The wet leaves didn’t take up much room, but as the leaves were spun dry, they fluffed out to fill the entire thing!  I’m looking forward to making some infusions with the nettle, one of which I will try drinking as a way of assisting my adrenal health, hair, etc.  We’ll see how it goes.  I don’t know if we picked enough for the full experiment, or if it will be “as supplies allow”, but we’ll see.

This picture was after one of my cookie trays came available and I took some of the leaves to spread out to dry.  I’ll spread out more as more of my sheets come available.  I was reminded of a few trays I forgot I’d hidden in the laundry room, so need to pull those out and press them into action.

My attempt to soak a burdock tuber did NOT soften the bark.  I had let it soak for at least two maybe three weeks, but all I succeeded in doing was drawing out the oils in the root, and infusing the water.  So I threw out the root and poured the water into a jug for use in some of the other products we plan to make around the house.  The other two roots as a result may end up going the same way.

We’re doing a lot of “play it by ear” right now.  It seems as I’ve read various blogs on foraging and processing, that every single blogger out there has gone down the same path in some fashion.  Figure out what you want, find what you need to make what you want, locate recipes or create your own, find out what works and what doesn’t, stick with what works and move on.

We are still quite near the beginning of this path.  Some stuff has worked out already, some stuff still has to be created and tested.  Some stuff has been tried and worked while others have failed.  The jelly idea being one of the failures.

We will be entering fall soon.  I’m not sure how much money will be saved over the winter months this year, but as the saying goes, the adventure continues. . .

Wild Adventures with Marilynn Dawson

Wild Adventures Part 4: Ingredients and Preparation!

Going wild takes preparation.  Ingredients necessary to make various things you’d normally buy at the store must first be prepared before the item can be created.  In the last post, I shared a picture of drying greens, another of an oil infusion simmering away on the stove, etc.  Yesterday, those steps continued.

liquid glycerin hand soapBacking up to the previous night, I took a jar of old glycerin soaps my kids had made at camp as kids, chopped them up, and made liquid hand soap out of them.  The recipe called for 6 cups of water to every half cup of chopped soap.  I ended up with a full cup, resulting in 12 cups of water in a soup pot.  The soaps had been coloured various shades of blue, green, yellow, clear, red, etc, so as they melted, the water began to take on an aqua-marine colour.  Once everything had melted and the pot had come to a simmering boil, I was to remove the pot from the heat and allow it to sit for up to twelve hours, 24 if necessary, or longer if the soap needed more time to set.

Hardly four hours later, the hand soap had thickened up considerably, gone from translucent to opaque, and taken on a very light aqua-marine colouring.  Yesterday morning I decided to pour it into a container as it was doing just fine.  This step was necessary for various skincare recipes calling for a liquid glycerin or castille soap.  Many such recipes call for the Castile, then also call for the glycerin, so I figure, just replace the castille with the liquid glycerin soap and be done with it.  Whenever this almost 3 litres of liquid soap finally runs out, we’ll have to find more, but for now, this works great!

The shampoo and conditioner recipes call for water.  One of them instructs you to add herbs to boiling water and let steep for over 4 hours.  When I saw that the second recipe didn’t call for this step but still called for water, I went to a list of herbs that help hair in either shampoo or conditioner or both, and decided to make a water infusion for it as well.  I now have two containers sitting on the counter, labelled for which recipe they’ll be going in once the first family member runs out of that item in the shower.  I also have a vinegar infusion prepared that will take up to 6 weeks before it can be used in the shower as a hair rinse.

These infusions required dried, crushed herbs.  The day’s temperatures here in the Okanagan were up in the high 20’s.  Two dandelion plants that we dug up in the morning were thankfully fully dried by late afternoon, allowing me to crush what was needed for the above recipes.

Saddle-bags fitted to BellaThe saddlebags my daughter was working on were fitted to her horse yesterday as well, and they do indeed fit.  The mare also didn’t seem phased whenever Ashley demonstrated going into the bags to fetch or return full water bottles.  This means that the two can now go trail riding and bring home food when they’re done.

The one product I did get made yesterday used some of the oil infusion from the night before to make a facial cleanser/scrub.  It’s been put into a squeeze bottle, but it separates, so it will either need stirring with a tool to reach to the bottom, or flipping on it’s head every now and then to keep the oil filtering through the baking soda.  We’ll see how it goes.  But it was the first complete product to make using one of the prepared ingredients.

EDIT:  The above had to receive minor editing because it is being posted a day AFTER it was written!  As well, more math has been done, and a sheet in my wild greens comparison spreadsheet is now created to track expenses and recouped costs.  So far, expenses involved in this little endeavor have totaled almost $94.  The facial cleanser, wild salad greens, chokecherry salad dressing, and shortly the shampoo and conditioner will have totaled almost $26 in recouped costs so far.  All expenses and recouped costs so far have been for the month of August.  This means I should be paying my VISA that $26 as soon as I am able.  Good to see these numbers so soon!

Wild Adventures with Marilynn Dawson

Wild Adventures Part 3 – Getting Real, Seeing $avings!

The transition has begun!  We are eating wild salad greens at dinner each day. We’re seeing roughly $4.69 in savings two or three times a month buying spinach.  This is somewhat offset by the gas being spent to make three foraging runs so far.  However, the gas being spent has already been paid for several times over.  We are using chokecherry vinegar salad dressing instead of the applesauce, offering reasonable savings off the cost of toppings offering both Vitamin C and Iron.  Vinegar still costs money, but nowhere near the cost of even no-name applesauce.

In addition, we have leaves and berries drying and a grain mill similar to the one pictured here, on order.  Being newbies to all of this, we thought we found several antique grain mills at a local thrift store.  Turns out they were antique meat grinders instead.  All is not lost however on that discovery, because there are times when a tray of chuck or utility steak is cheaper than hamburger.  In the past, I’d merely spend a fair bit of time chopping that steak into tiny cubes.  The next time such a sale is on, I’ll try out one of these meat grinders.

Antique meat grinders I don’t need all three however, so if you want one, send me $30 via paypal and I’ll ship it off to you.  Only two of you can take advantage of this deal.  Most of that $30 will go into Canadian shipping costs, as these are heavy little units!  If shipping ended up being more than $25, I’ll ask you to cover the rest via paypal again ASAP.  $5 each is what I paid for them at the thrift store, although they look like they could sit in a museum case somewhere!  The middle grinder is not for sale!  That one is mine!

When our grain mill arrives, we’ll be grinding up a batch of rice flour I attempted to make and see how that turns out.  We’ll be grinding up dried chokeberry into flour as well, and when a couple sprigs of plantain seeds dry, we’ll try grinding those into flour too.  Grinding dandelion root turns it into a powder suitable for coffee substitutes or for use in baking and skincare or haircare products.

Nettle leaves dryingSpeaking of which, we have leaves drying for use in a shampoo and for use in a water infusion that I’ll use when making the leave-in conditioner as well.  Dried herbs are also useful in making an infused vinegar hair rinse.

Oil InfusionI have an oil infusion gently boiling on the stove.  The result will go into a facial cleanser/scrub. A pot of liquid glycerin soap is cooling on a back burner on the stove as well.  It will be used in little amounts for shampoos, anti-bacterial hand soaps, and similar products.

Grinding the herbs required buying a mortar and pestal.  We picked up one at Home Sense a bit larger and less flashy than the one pictured here.  It wasn’t cheap, but hopefully the uses we’ve bought it for will have it paying for itself over time.

We didn’t have to buy the glycerin soaps, as those had been kicking around in the bathroom cupboard for years!  Whenever we finally run out of the 2+liters of liquid soap I’ve just made, we’ll have to get more glycerin soap then.  But for now, that step hasn’t cost us anything.

Once the necessary herbs for the water infusion are dried and crushed, I’ll be able to make the shampoo and vinegar rinse and leave-in conditioner.  We are including Nettle in these infusions because of nettle’s reported hair strengthening, dandruff treating, and scalp healing properties, among others people have listed around the DIY hair care community.

Not buying shampoo, conditioner, facial cleanser/scrub and hand soap for awhile will see savings of at least $60 – $100 over the next year just on personal hygiene!  That will definitely pay for the mortar and pestal and grain mill, just in our first year of making the switch to wild produce!

We brought home more burdock root, so we have enough now to soften and remove the bark, then cook to see what everyone thinks of them.  The effort needed to dig up a root is worse than trying to dig up potatoes, I have to say.  We bought a $20 folding shovel from Canadian Tire almost exactly like this one pictured here, to help with the task of getting roots, and was I ever glad we did!  This shovel stores nicely in a backpack and it’s carrying case has a belt loop to attach it to camping gear or a utility belt.

If everyone likes burdock root as a vegetable (and there are well over 200 ways of cooking it apparently!), then hopefully the number of roots we find to dig up will pay for the shovel as well.

Nettle rashLifestyle changes are rarely free of charge.  We had to buy garden gloves, because to this point we had never owned any other than those my daughter took to work all the time.  The garden gloves are to allow us to pick stinging nettle for use in our hygiene products.  Apparently you can eat nettle, but when I was out with my daughter gathering the other night, this is how I came home!

The lesson??? Don’t go foraging for nettle unless your legs and arms are protected!  My hands were fine, my arms were fine thanks to how I was reaching around plants, but my legs were rubbing on smaller ones near my feet!

So we’ve had to buy a grain mill, a folding shovel, a mortar and pestal, and garden gloves so far.  Somehow between the two foraging runs this past week, I’ve lost my rose cutting sheers.  I hope I find them before eventually having to buy those again.  They’re handy for snipping stems and thick leaves off plants rather than try to snap or tear them off.

So salads, root vegetables, shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, facial cleanser, even recipes for skin toner and toothpaste (been making the toothpaste for awhile now already) will not only produce savings on our grocery bill, but through the removing of more chemicals and the adding of unprocessed nutrition, make us all healthier as well.  We’re looking forward to seeing how this all turns out.

Speed Foraging! Video-game Style!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go out onto Crown Land and gather as much salad material as you can before the clock runs out!  Should you be late, your vehicle will be impounded for 9 hours.  Your only tool is a small shovel.  You are given five bags, one each for plantain, dandelion, burdock, chickweed, and purslane.  Foraging for any other items does not count toward completion of this mission.

Welcome to:  SPEED FORAGING!

You won’t be on horseback for this particular quest so send Bella back to the stable.  Your assistant will hold your bags and tools but will not slow down.  You must gather what you can ahead of them and only place in the bags what you were able to acquire before they reach your stopping point.  Remember to get back to your launch point before one hour is up!

Click the title of this mission to begin!  May your trails be blessed, and avoid the mosquitoes!


Parts of a local walking trail following a large, popular creek in town, are classified as Crown Lands according to FrontCounterBC’s Crown Land Discovery Tool.  When overlaid on Google Earth, this tool shows various land uses and land interests.  This means that occasionally, lands designated as Crown Land overlap other uses or interests such as school district properties, regional parks, Aboriginal regions, etc.  So it was with pleasant surprise that we discovered this one portion of this local trail is both not on Aboriginal land, nor overlapping other key uses or interests.  We set out to explore and hopefully bring home salad fixings, late Wednesday this week.

We had to walk out past a certain km marker before entering the portion of the trail on Crown Land.  This walk took roughly half an hour with a few side trails being explored along the way.  As we reached the designated marker, the mosquitoes came out in full force!  I’d sprayed myself down with OFF, including my clothing, but my daughter hadn’t, relying on her job as a stable hand to confuse the little flying annoyances.  The designated marker had an info booth with a map on it, so we marked out where we’d be going next.  Part of the trail was marked off as closed due to the potential for falling rock and other hazards, so we dutifully took the higher trail, straining knees on multiple stairs in the process.  This portion of the trail could certainly give another popular park across the lake a run for it’s money!  That one has stairs too, but I’m not sure it has as many. . .

Burdock tuber, leaves and topsAt the top, we found scrub everywhere and very little of the items we’d come to find.  Eventually, we spotted a small burdock specimen and decided to pull out our plastic gardening spade to see if we could get at the root.  When documentation you read says it looks carrot-like, they aren’t kidding!  When they say the root could go down 2 to 3 feet, they aren’t kidding!  What many sources fail to say however, is that the first almost foot’s worth is quite fat!  My daughter dug down just below this tuber then used our tiny rose sheers to snip her way through the inch-thick root (the part the Japanese harvest to sell and cook) to remove the tuber.  This took a bit of time when we realized we should head back before they close the parking lot gate where we left the van.

Dandelion greensWe got back down to our marker when Ashley discovered a whole stand of chokecherry!  She began picking a number of sprigs as quickly as she could.  As we speed-walked back to the van, I told her that anything she spotted ahead that she could grab before I got there, would go in the bag.  So off she went!  You might wonder why this article was started as if beginning a quest in a video game.  Ashley kept remarking as we speedwalked back to the van, that she felt as if she was doing in real life what her characters did in her MMO’s (short for MMPORG or Massive Multiplayer Role Playing Game).  Dandelion rootsApparently in her games, characters can be given quests where they need to gather materials before they can make things.  Some games call these recipes, others call them schematics, etc.  The character has to run around (and they literally run around, not walk) and when the player sees an item they need, they use in-game commands to tell the character to pick up the item.  For some games, you select the item, for others, you choose a tool, then click on the item, for others, you merely come into range and the character picks up the item.  So there was my daughter, running ahead of me, picking up what she could along the path, snapping up this and that on our list.  Before we knew it, we saw the parking lot up ahead!  Somehow, we made the trek back to the van in less than 25 minutes!

Narrow-leaf PlantainWe had a good handful of narrow-leaf plantain, dandelion leaves and a couple roots, chokecherry, a burdock root, a couple burdock leaves and a couple small burdock heads.  Ashley had grabbed a few clover heads along the way as well.  We didn’t spot any chickweed or purslane, and cattails don’t grow along that trail either it seems.  So we drove home with what we had.

Chokecherry leaves and twigsUpon arrival at home, it was time to clean the greens, clean the roots, and learn what to do with the chokecherries.  They literally look like tiny cherries WITH pits!  I did some research and bookmarked a couple sites that shared recipes for chokecherry juice, jams, jellies, bread, muffins, etc.  I need to get my hands on a hand mill of some type because dried chokecherry flour can be added to baking!  I learned that you don’t eat this berry raw due to cayonogenic properties.  You need to sun-dry or boil them to kill these properties.  Our first foray into chokecherry processing then, became an infused vinegar salad dressing.  The chokecherries ended up boiled twice as a result, first to mash them, second to make the salad dressing as the vinegar needed boiling.  The leaves and bark make a nice tea according to some sources, so we kept the leaves and twigs to dry for that purpose.

We’ll have to soften up the burdock root to get the outside bark peeled off.  Trying to attack it with a paring knife cold was met with quite a bit of resistance.  It is possible that we found a 2nd year growth, as those apparently are quite woody compared to first year growth.  I also need to read up more on the use of the green tops and leaves, as apparently they can taste similar to artichoke.  I’ve never eaten artichoke outside of the dip, so I don’t know what to expect raw, but a mature leaf has a very SHARP immediate taste with quite the bitter aftertaste!  May try wilting the leaves in a frying pan and see what happens then.  Maybe that’s the stage at which it tastes more like the veggies in the dip.  Supposedly the flowers taste this way too.  Need more research on that one.

We hoped to come across stinging nettle as well, because of it’s ability to help with dandruff in shampoo.

Our first foray into the world of foraging is done!  Ashley estimates we brought home enough greens for a couple week’s worth of salads.  All we spent was gas to get to the parking lot.  Lifestyle changes aimed at both saving money and eating healthier are not easy and the first step is always the hardest.  That step is now done, and it’s on to the next outing, which will hopefully happen this weekend!