Wild Adventures with Marilynn Dawson

Wild Adventures Part 2 – Taste-tests as the Research Continues

So far in our research and taste-testing, we pretty much have the makings of a spinach salad replacement figured out.  Everyone has taste-tested Dandelion leaves, Dandelion flowers, chickweed, plantain, and purslane.  Based on the research I’ve been putting into these plants and creating a spreadsheet to compare nutritional value, uses, and medicinal value, it will be wise for our salads to rotate among these greens.

CattailsPlants we haven’t taste-tested yet, but that sound both promising and grow in our area, are burdock and cattail.  So far we’ve only had a small burdock in the house when we were preparing the oil infusion for my daughter’s horse.  I didn’t realize at the time, that I unceremoniously tossed food out the window when I was done!

Supposedly, burdock flowers and leaves taste similar to artichoke!  The only way I’ve ever eaten artichoke has been in vegetable dips and I’ve always enjoyed it that way.  This might be a free (minus travel) way to enjoy such a dip at a cheaper price.  The roots are apparently eaten like carrots and cooked in all the various ways carrots are in Japanese recipes.  So there’s a potential carrot replacement.

Speaking of carrot replacements, apparently one can do that with dandelion roots too, although I haven’t tested that theory yet.  Forage educators say not to dig up the roots from areas where pesticides and sprays may have been used over the past 3 – 5 years.  So that eliminates the dandelion roots in our lawn.  However, if we find the plant where there hasn’t been sprays or pesticides, that will be something to test with everyone as well.  If these tests pass, we’ll have a free carrot replacement.  Another carrot replacement is Queen Anne’s Lace, if it grows in this area.  I need to confirm that still.  I believe I’ve seen the poisonous counterpart around (no purple flower in the middle and spread out clumps rather than tight clumps of flowers).  So if those grow here, maybe so does Queen Anne’s Lace?  Have to look that up.  Supposedly, researchers say this plant is the precursor to the modern carrot.

Many articles I’ve read about the cattail boast about it being a multi-food plant that can be enjoyed year-round.  The roots apparently make a decent, gluten-present flour whether by soaking/separating or by pounding to release the starchy contents.  The lower part of the stalk supposedly reminds people of cucumber when eaten as a trail-side snack.  The lower parts of the leaves apparently can be added to salads, and young cattail heads can be cooked and eaten like corn on the cob!  Those heads remind others of asparagus if the plant is really young.  The pollen apparently makes decent flour as well and can replace corn starch and regular flour as a thickener in soups, gravies, stews, etc.  Needless to say, I have to find the time to head out and get a few cattail plants, roots and all, to not only see what the others think of it, but what I think of it too!

If cattails pass the family taste-test, my daughter wants to make wild pasta.  I just ran across a noodle recipe for green pasta using dandelion leaves rather than spinach!  Needless to say, possibilities are playing around that could save us money on buying flour as well!

These various plants have medicinal qualities that we’ve already used as far as Dandelion stems go.  The oil infusion made for Bella is very high in anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties thanks to the burdock, plantain, and chickweed that was used.  Both the narrow-leaf and the broad-leafed plantain can be chewed up and applied on the spot as a poultice to aid in blood-clotting, cleansing, etc for wounds.  One blogger joked that this was great because of how proliferantly it grows around areas where children play!

I’ve found a number of recipes for dishes that use various plants in this list.  Many of the baking recipes could be interesting if regular wheat flour with it’s heightened gluten content is replaced by cattail flour with it’s wild gluten content instead.  I make basmatti rice milk these days and have heard that the pulp is referred to as rice flour.  Imagine drying both cattail and rice flour for use in baking instead???  Cattail pollen added in for good measure?

One researcher I chanced across while busy reading and bookmarking various sites, muses that so-called “Primitive” mankind probably ate far better than so-called “modern” mankind today!

coffee grinderThe fact that many recipes for skincare products have you grinding this and that till it’s very small has me on the lookout now for a hand-grinding flour mill.  It appears there are several designs for sale in ample quantity on eBay and Amazon.  Some users have figured out how to remove a particular bolt on some of them in order to attach a regular hand-drill to speed up the process.  This would mean that if we gather seeds from these various plants, we could add their flour to the mix as well!  It also means that some of the seeds which research revealed have been used by various cultures for spices and flavourings, could be used for that in our house as well.  Just need a grinder!

Those saddle bags I was talking about the other day are now fully-pinned and ready to be sewed together!  Straps to stabilize the bags on the horse’s tack have been made and ready to be fitted as well.  Soon, my daughter will be exercising her horse will foraging for the cupboards in the kitchen.

The sheer number of recipes available for the dandelion plant alone have me eager to find a massive patch of them to harvest!  If we can make the time to go shopping in the forest, and make the time to prepare, preserve, mill, and create, we could save money on skincare, cough medicine, salad greens, carrots, cucumbers, flour, maybe even adding new spices to the mix!

Now to go see that BC list of weeds. . .

Wild Adventures with Marilynn Dawson

Wild Adventures Part 1 – Edible Weeds!

daughter and her horseIt all started innocently enough. . . my daughter’s horse comes down with rain-rot on occasion and unless we want to pump her full of dewormer constantly, we had to come up with alternative methods to kill the fungal infection.  Last year we had some success directly applying in alternating turns, tea tree oil and lavendar oil. This year, while walking through the “Made in Canada” bazaar downtown on Canada Day, we found a booth by a herbalist and thought to inquire what he would do.

edible burdockHe suggested obtaining chickweed, plantain, burdock and optionally, violet and make a double-boiled oil infusion.  We were to use the leaves of three of the plants and the root of the burdock.  No turtle tongues were harmed in the making of this infusion.  Promise!

Off we go trying to identify the apparent weeds in our list.  A week later filled with bouts of online research and visits to the local farmer’s market to hunt down a guy nicknamed “the weed whisperer”, we found ourselves discovering the world of foraging!

Our first discovery was that chickweed is edible!  That was followed quickly by the discovery that so was plantain and the root of the burdock plant being used by the Japanese in cooking, and going by the name gobo!  After doing a little research on the “weed whisperer”, we decided that we’ve been living around food for a long time and never knew it!  We could have been saving ourselves money at the grocery store years ago, simply by shopping in the woods instead!

1024px-Портулак_огородный_-_Portulaca_oleracea_-_Common_Purslane_-_Тученица_-_Gemuse-Portulak_(23184809024)Well, now it was time to see what we all thought of these plants.  My daughter took the plunge first, trying out both broad-leaf and narrow-leaf plantain, and a succulent we discovered in a blog article the night before.  She quickly made an additional discovery that many travelers face when eating foreign foods for the first time.  Her stomach wasn’t used to the wild food and initially didn’t know what to do with it.  A few hours later, it stopped feeling strange and she was fine.  During her system’s recovery, I went next and made a tiny salad of dandelion heads, a couple dandelion leaves, and a few narrow-leaf plantain leaves (as that’s all that grows in our yard).  I added a few rasberries and a bit of canned salmon, then used a vinegrette salad dressing.  I LOVED IT!  But then I had to remind myself that as a child, I used to nibble on clover tops, pine needles (which are also on one blogger’s edible plants infographic), and grass fronds.  Back then I didn’t know pine needles were edible, so I chewed them for the flavour and spit them out.  But my stomach was not anywhere near as upset as my daughter’s, and recovered faster from what little upset it did have.  Clearly eating such things as a child had done something to prep my system that never left.  Next came my son and our boarder.  I made similar tiny salads for them and let them use the salad dressing of their choice.  I was so excited to hear “not bad, it would taste better if it also had. . . /this needs. . . “.  To me, that was a resounding success!

The double-boiled oil infusion for Bella has been made and she had her first topical treatment today.  This mare is discovering trail rides, prompting my daughter to see about making soft-walled saddle bags so she can go on trail rides and collect our grocery greens while she’s at it.  We are now designing these bags, drafting measurements, etc.  These bags will be unique because most of what exists out there for English saddles looks more like glorified hip packs than actual saddle bags.  The closest thing we’ve seen so far for a saddle bag looks for all the world like a purse attached to the two D-rings that occur only on one side of the English saddle.  I guess the idea of balanced loads isn’t as prevalent in English riding as it is in Western.  But suffice to say, this horse that was gifted to my daughter back in the Fall of 2014, will start to “earn her keep” in a way none of us had ever considered before!

According to the “weed whisperer”, he harvests over 300 edible plants between the Okanagan and Revelstoke.  It is now our goal to learn more about the flora and fawna in the area to discover just how much we can reduce our grocery bill by heading into the bush.  I’ve also put in a call to the BC Parks Authority to learn any rules they may have about foraging in BC provincial parks.  I’m not sure if those rules even exist as this weed forager was found foraging at the base of Knox Mountain recently.  I can find them for Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Alberta however.  So hoping to hear if there are any rules for BC provincial parks. We’ll see where this story takes us.

EDIT:  Bella’s rain rot spots are responding quickly!  This blog article was actually written 7 days ago, but not posted till today (July 18th).  Those saddle bags have reached the design, draw and cut out stage with one pinned together already and my daughter is now nibbling on weeds at work rather than going through the granola bars!  Saving money on groceries already and we’re not even into this whole-hog yet!

Change, Affordability, and our Perceptions of “Normal”

Sometimes we have to adjust our perception of “normal” before any true, lasting change can be engaged in or even considered.  Sometimes, “the way we’ve always done it” is no longer the best or most expediant way to do it anymore.  Life has a way of throwing things at us that require change to adequately deal with.  Change is a difficult word for up to a solid third of modern society.  It is a threat for some.  A difficulty for others. Some types of change require time, effort, and/or money to accomplish and those requirements are not always available the moment change barges in.

Change arrives for various reasons:  Someone dies and family or work life must be changed to accommodate the gap left behind.  Health fails and change must take place to function in a manner conducive to healing or simply moving forward in a new way of life.  Locations change because of going to school or accepting a new job and change must take place to accommodate the move.  Prices rise and fall, forcing changes in how available earnings are spent.  These are just a few of the circumstances that tend to force change in a person’s life, whether or not that change is wanted or unwanted.

Over the days spanning the Canada Day long weekend, I’ve found myself reading various local news articles, thoughts and comments that reveal even more starkly, the issues that change can force upon unwitting or unwilling recipients.

The first article was about people living in a mobile home park in town, who have been or will soon be forced to move out due to inspectors ruling that various homes in the park are no longer livable due to mould and mildew having been found.  The park owner has been told these homes are not reparable and must be torn down.  For these poor home renters, health and finances are not on their side because of the rise in rental pricing elsewhere around town.  They can’t stay because of health reasons, yet their finances are not high enough to manage the change to a more expensive place to live.  Regardless of their financial situation, health demands irrevocable change to hopefully better circumstances.

Hours after coming across that article, I came across a photo someone took of a list of foods someone else had made for themselves to avoid.  The comments attached to this photo revealed a battle for change that many nutritionists, dieticians, health food gurus, and others have been trying to win via educating the public for possibly going 2 decades now!  The perception of a normal grocery list screamed quite loud as I saw junk food, sugary foods, and items I’d only consider the occasional splurge on being touted as impossible to give up.  The challenge posted with this photo was asking the public if they could go without these items for 30 days.  I sat mildly shocked as I realized I go without those things for months at a time, generally only engaging in them on special occasions such as Christmas, birthdays, and national holidays such as what we just celebrated this weekend.

This photo was followed a day or so later by yet another article where a local news source was contacted by desperate parents complaining about how expensive it is to live in this town!  This bolsters another article I read earlier in the past week, where Kelowna was ranked the 11th most expensive place to live, and on a per capita basis with regional incomes taken into account, one of the most expensive in terms of rental properties for families.  Both complainers of the recent article had families, but neither could find homes that would accept their kids, in their price range.  This is a research reality on the ground in this town ever since I began looking into it myself back in and 2005.  Rents have increased dramatically over the past 11 years, once again creating the situation where change is being forced on people who don’t have the funds to deal with it.

However, the question rears it’s head for me, are they seriously having trouble affording life in Kelowna due to income versus expenses, or do they think the items on the 30 day challenge are a normal part of everyday life?  If those things are normally part of their weekly or bi-weekly grocery runs, do they also spend money at the local coffee shop every week or every day?  Is a meal caught at local fast food places a normal part of their workday routine?  I work with people who regularly buy their lunch rather than make it at home, so I know there are those out there who think this is normal on their expense list.  Do they go out for dinner once a week or even once a month?  How do they shop for clothes?  Is it important to them to have a different outfit for every occasion, shoes and jewelry included?  Are they offended by people who wear the same outfit two or three days in a row?  How do they handle their errands?  Do they plan routes to save on gas or do they go whereever as needed with no thought of the hit at the gas pump?  In other words, are these people struggling because they are trying to live at financial levels they don’t actually see in the bank account?  Or are they struggling because none of this is normal and they are seriously broke?

Those last two questions are an affront to many people because they don’t want to consider that maybe, just maybe, what they consider normal is not helping their financial situation.  Maybe, just maybe, wearing one outfit for two days, only having one pair of shoes for each type of occasion and wearing the same jewelry might help their financial goals.  Maybe, just maybe, cutting out most of the foods on the 30 day challenge might actually mean other stuff more important can suddenly become affordable.  But for any of these maybes to become reality, change has to take place.  Time is needed to identify the non-essentials that were once thought to be indisputable.  Effort is needed to ensure identified expenses are indeed cut out of the budget to make room for more important necessities.  I know for myself in times past, that doing these exercises has always resulted in better financial coverage across rent, clothing, groceries, hygiene, transportation, and debt payments.

Costs have risen for this author as well.  Income has risen and fallen quite scarily at times and made it difficult to pay the bills.  The financial lessons I’ve learned as a single mother raising two kids in a town such as Kelowna, has not only allowed me to recover from low income periods better, but has opened my eyes to the financial plight of many  in my situation who don’t realize that societal norms are actually harming their ability to make ends meet.  Occasionally someone will come along who like one of the parents complaining to Castanet, will realize that the only way they can make ends meet is to sell stuff and cut back.  While they were cursing the thought of having to do that, I’ve lived that way!  I’ve even contemplated having to do that in more recent times as well.

Change can be an adventure, or it can be a threat.  It can be viewed as a doorway to better things, or the iron gate swinging shut on one’s dreams.  The perspective is entirely up to each person facing it.  Time, effort and finances are freed up for better things when unnecessary stuff is removed from the picture.  Modern society is a slave to materialism.  Toys big and small require maintenance to keep in running condition.  Homes and properties big and small require maintenance to stay healthy and useful.  Special care clothing takes time and money to keep in optimal condition.  The less you own, the less you have to put out on such maintenance.  The less you put out on maintenance, the more you have available for needs, health concerns, and emergencies down the road.  This goes for time, effort and finances.  Change happens so much easier when all three of those criteria are adequately available.

For the daily cost of a trip to Starbucks, and for less than the cost of lunch every day from the store or fast food restaurant, you can learn how to begin changing your own perception of “normal” and discover lost money in the process, by signing up to take my course, “The Poor Man’s Budget (or anyone for that matter): 5 week course – learning to live within your means”.  The first trick a person who feels life is too expensive in Kelowna must do, is find $5 per day, or $125 for the entire 5 week session.  Classes are one hour each Monday to Friday, with timeslots available being 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am or 1pm.  Sometimes, a person won’t know where to find that $5 until they have completed the first week of the course, then it will dawn on them where that money was hiding and they can continue more confidently toward a deeper understanding of where their funds are going, why they are going there, and how to better spend their resources in a manner that comes closer to meeting their daily, weekly and monthly needs.

Kelowna is constantly being touted as a two-income town in order for families to survive here.  My kids are now young adults and one has a head injury he’s recovering from.  Neither are able to move out on their own yet and have found it cheaper to pay the room and board I’m asking, than to attempt getting into a rental situation here.  Yet somehow over the years, I was able to raise them on one income that was generally seen as less than the required amount to live on.  I’m not saying it’s easy to make ends meet in Kelowna, but I am saying with a financial scaple in your hand, it is possible.  All it takes is a shift in perspective regarding what is and isn’t necessary, what is a need versus what is a want, examining spending habits, bills and transportation norms.  Check out my course for yourself.

Paying the Bills: Figuring out if Your Income Will Stretch

Two months have gone by, and we are in the middle of grad season!  Soon, that special high school graduate will be out in the real world and having to face the same financial challenges that you do.  So far on this blog, we’ve discussed a few ways simple changes around the house can save you money.  We’ve discussed how changing shopping habits can save you money, and discussed how organization versus scrambled cupboards can also save money.

We discussed how careful organization, planning, and a critical eye can help when out shopping for groceries.  But eventually you have to go through the till.  You may save money on electricity, but eventually that bill has to be paid.  Bills simply need to be paid.  Companies appreciate it when you are early or on time with your invoices.  People who are perpetually late may find themselves with reduced service or being cut off altogether.  Not fun when your electricity runs your heat registers and you get cut off in the middle of winter!

This part of budgeting can be a challenge for people.  The focus here, is knowing how much you bring in, versus how much is spoken for by the bills you have agreed to take on.  When you sign up for a service with a company, you are promising to pay them for the service they provide.  That portion of the money you earn is effectively spoken for before you even earn it, because you promised to pay that amount.

Make a list of the bills you have every month.  Make a second list of the income that comes in every month.  Make sure groceries are on the list, gas, car insurance if you have a car, etcetera.  Ideally, the income total will be more than your bill total.  If it isn’t, some hard decisions need to be made about how you are going to cover your bills.  Perhaps there’s too much miscellaneous spending going on.  Some households discover that when they pare back their miscellaneous spending, they suddenly have money for their bills again.  Maybe there’s a bill that isn’t necessary, it’s a want.  Cancelling that bill’s service will free up funds toward covering a bill that is necessary.  Paying for TV subscriptions when your water bill isn’t paid is an example.  Cut out the TV subscription and you’ll have funds toward your water bill.

If income is less than your bills and you’ve already cut out all non-essential expenses, then it’s time to consider how you can spread your income across all your bills so that no company feels you are not paying them.  Look at your schedule and figure out how you can increase your monthly income.  Maybe spending time building up residual income might help, and you’ll find a few options for doing this in the sidebar of this website.

Songdove Books - Mom's Little Black Book: Godly Advice for the High School GraduateFinancial tips are available to your young graduate in my book, “Mom’s Little Black Book: Godly Advice for the High School Graduate”.

The financial section contains a sample budget sheet, a sample grocery list, note pages, and more tidbits of advice not mentioned here.  Take a look and put a book in their hands that will guide them well into their young adults years and beyond.

How Organizing Your Home Will Save Both Time and Money

Today we wrap up our little series saving money through organization. Food and clothing aren’t the only things around your home that can save you money if you look after them properly.  If you take the time to look around the house, you’ll discover more areas as well.

Cleaning supplies
If you’re like most people, what you don’t see can lead to duplicate purchases because the item either couldn’t be found in a reasonable length of time when you needed it, or it apparently “got lost” only to be found again after you got home from the store.  It pays to take inventory occasionally of your cupboards, closets, and other locations where cleaning supplies are stored so that you know what you have, how much you have, and when you’ll need to buy more.

The Garage
Yes, that place reserved for the vehicle, if it should ever be able to fit inside, the lawn care machinery and products, tools, left-over materials from repair projects, etc.  Keeping your garage organized will let you see what you have at a glance and keep it from filling up with unnecessary purchases because the fertilizer got buried under a pile of craft boxes left over from the last major patio upgrade.  Go through your garage periodically and toss out what is irreparably broken, expired, or otherwise completely unusable.  Give away or hold a garage sale for stuff that is in good condition but not used anymore, grown out of, etc.  You might even earn money from your garage this way, not merely save it.

Organizing the AtticThe Attic/Shed/Crawl space
The longer you live in a place, the more likely you are to accumulate things and the more prone to losing and replacing things you’ll become.  Just as with the garage, go through these areas periodically to remind yourself what’s there, clean out what’s not needed anymore, and rearrange the stuff you do need so that you don’t forget you have it the next time the need comes up.

Organization saves both time and money.  Whether you are organizing your time, or organizing your things, knowing what you have, how much, how long it’s good for, etc will go a long way to keeping money in your pocketbook.

Entire books have been written about time management.  Just as many if not more have been written about organizing everything from your kitchen to your garden shed and everything in between.  You can find entire isles of products aimed at helping you get organized around your home from storage units under the bed to closet organizers to shelving units, you name it!  The trick is using all these aids wisely and not spend more than you’re saving.

What if a Simple Concept Called “Storage” Could save Money? Part 2: Your Clothes

Interesting question, huh? But the ramifications of what I’m about to share may just aid in putting you on the road to more savings. Let’s consider several types of storage that can aid in this endeavour:

Last week, we covered several types of food storage. This week we’ll cover clothing storage, beginning in your closet!

Many articles have been written about closet organization. Companies such as Canadian Tire sell DIY closet organizers that you can install and configure yourself. The goal is to arrange your clothing so you always have easy access to it. When it comes to saving money with your clothing, the other major reason for keeping an organized closet is to keep yourself from buying clothing you already have. You need roughly three changes of clothing for each season at a minimum. If you are the type to dress up for various occasions, you may want an additional three changes of dress clothes for each of the four seasons as well. Any more of this and you’re spending based on wants now and not needs.
When you can see at a glance what you have in your closet, you’ll reduce the impulse to run to the store to buy more. Being able to see what you have also means you have room to manage the freshness of your hanging clothes via mothball bags hung on hangers or placed on shelves to further ensure your clothing is not enjoyed by the local bug population. This too will reduce the need to head out and buy more clothing.

dresser storageDresser
Similar suggestions exist for managing your dresser drawers. Good clothing management begins with optimal folding techniques. You can find various folding instructions for everything from socks to shirts to pants and even linens for your linen closet that will not only keep your clothing looking nice, but allow you to pack more into smaller spaces. Just like your closet, you should organize your drawers so that you know what you have at a glance. Seasonal clothing gets stacked at the back of the drawers to make room for the current season’s outfits up front. Again, you only need a minimum of three changes of clothing to get through a week of showering roughly every other day or so. Only those who have incredibly dirty jobs need more clothing than this. Anything above this is in the want category. Wants cost money too and can eat away at your family budget. Knowing what you have available will, ideally, lower your perceived need to always get a new outfit, saving you money.

Proper care and storage of your clothing (see the hotwater article) will reduce how quickly your clothing breaks down and requires replacing. Clothes do age and reach a point of no repair. Only at that point should you consider going out to buy more clothing.

If you are the type to store your clothing in cubbies, do the same thing you would do for drawer storage, keeping in mind the front is fully open. In either case, a well-organized and properly folded drawer or cubby will have room for mothball bags as well, so that critters getting into those areas won’t eat and prematurely wear out your clothing.

These concepts can be applied to other areas of the home as well, such as the gardening shed, the garage, Christmas storage, etc. The idea is to organize your home’s closets, cupboards, shelving, cubbies, etc, in such a manner that:

  • a) nothing spoils
  • b) things are used up before they go bad
  • c) clothing doesn’t wear out before its time
  • d) impulse buying is reduced to a minimum
  • e) items aren’t “replaced” because you can already see that you have them.

What if a Simple Concept Called “Storage” Could Save Money? Part 1: Your Food

Interesting question, huh? But the ramifications of what I’m about to share may just aid in putting you on the road to more savings. Let’s consider several types of storage that can aid in this endeavour:

In this article, we’ll cover types of food storage. We’ll cover clothing storage in the next article.

Songdove Books - Author's freezerFreezing your food
Many articles have been written about sealing your food properly when placing them into storage, but what about accessibility? I saw a Pinterest photo how-to about ensuring you don’t have to thaw out and cook an entire frozen block of meat just to have homemade hamburger patties. That how-to spawned this article.

The first step in managing your frozen food, is solidly related to how you buy it at the store. If you buy large portions of meat that are already frozen, you won’t be able to engage in the money-saving tips mentioned here. Try to buy your meat fresh. Buy it in bulk, but buy it fresh.

Your second step occurs when you get your fresh meat home. Consider just how much meat is necessary at each mealtime, then break up the fresh meat package into meal-sized portions. If you have a family of three, each portion will include enough meat for all three of you at one meal. Carefully wrap each portion so that no meat is exposed and juices stay trapped within the package.

Your third step occurs as you open the door of your freezer. This step is the same whether discussing a deep-freeze, or a little freezer at the top of your fridge. Older purchases must be brought forward and the newer purchases placed in the back. This ensures that meat is eaten within it’s best-by date, or within a reasonable time frame after that. Meat can suffer freezer-burn if left too long, and should be thrown out when that appears. Allowing freezer-burn throws your hard-earned money in the trash. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the idea of throwing my money in the garbage can! If I paid for it, I want it eaten, not wasted. If someone else paid for it, I want it eaten and not wasted.

Canned and boxed goods (see top image) also need care and attention when storing for later access. While it is quite true that canned goods and dry packaged goods last a very long time, it is also true that improper storage can waste them just as much as wasted frozen foods. This is perhaps more true of canned goods than of packaged goods. The danger with canned food in storage, relates to a) what is in the can and b) whether or not the can has been damaged in any way. A dented can should have its contents eaten sooner than later to avoid the contents becoming contaminated and growing such problems as botulism. If the can is bulging, toss it out! The contents have already begun to grow unwanted bacteria and the food is spoiled. If neither of these conditions exist, then the big point to cover when storing these forms of food, is placing newer purchases at the back of the shelf and bringing the older purchases forward.

Bringing older purchases to the front allows the food to be eaten in a timely manner and prevents the food from going past it’s best-before date. Some people are more sensitive to how foods taste following the best-before date than others. If you are the sensitive type, arranging your shelving in this manner will always ensure you are not eating anything that tastes old or stale. For the rest of us who will eat almost anything provided it isn’t growing, managing your dry food storage in this way merely keeps you from tossing out food that could have been eaten before it went bad. Either way, you’re saving money by ensuring you eat food while it is good.

Songdove Books - fridgeRefrigerated foods
Refrigerated foods follow similar guidelines to the above methods of food storage, with the added concern that refrigerated foods generally have a shorter shelf-life. Their ability to go bad before or after the best-before date will be contingent on how cold the fridge is, how often it’s accessed in hot climates, and whether or not it gets pushed to the back and forgotten. Some fridges come with shelving systems that allow for greater organization than others. For those that have little to no shelving assistance, you are the one required to remember why you placed something where you did, and keep it there. Educating the household on the importance of this is crucial!

Older foods should be near the front while newer foods should be near the back. The only time this won’t be true is if the back of your fridge tends to freeze things. Your point of organization then will stop around the middle of the shelf instead of going all the way back for leafy items, vegetables, fruit, etc. Breads, cheeses, and other items that can handle accidental freezing can be placed near the back of such fridges.

The goal of organizing your fridge in this manner is again, to save money and not throw it in the trash can or compost heap. Taking care to only buy enough perishables to last till the next grocery run also avoids unnecessary spoilage. Plan your grocery trips so that you aren’t overstocking or understocking your fridge.

The concept of saving money by proper organization extends beyond food to other areas of the home as well. Take clothing as yet another example. We’ll cover that in our next article.

Pour a Little Cold Water on Your Personal Finances!

Sometimes finances, particularly personal or domestic finances, gets to be a very  hot topic!  Heated arguments, er, debates, can inflame discussions so badly that nothing gets accomplished.  It may be time to add a little cold water.

Seriously.  Laundry is the worst offender.  Most loads of wash can now be handled quite well on the cold water cycle, rather than the hot water cycle.  Stains don’t get set in as badly, clothes don’t shrink as readily, the hot water tank doesn’t have to work as hard or as often to keep hot water available,  and money is saved in the process.

This one trick has also saved money at the clothing store or thrift store as well.  You’ll be amazed at how many care-tags on clothing say to wash in cool or cold water.  When I was growing up, such clothing was lumped into the “special care” category, but these days, the tag that says to wash in hot water should be in the “special care” category instead.

Using hot water to wash clothing or linens should be reserved for those times when you’re disinfecting the house, killing pests, etcetera.

Hot water showers should be kept to under 10 minutes as well.  Figure out time-saving methods to get clean that don’t involve standing there letting the hot water rush over you.  A little time management combined with a little task management in this very private aspect of life can also mean the difference between a constantly-working hot water tank and money saved on your gas or electrical bill (depending on how your tank is fueled).

Choosing to shower every other day not only will save your hot water bill, but will also be kinder to your hair and skin.  Many people are unaware that their societal habit of showering every single day is actually contributing to their dry skin and straw hair.  A whole industry has sprung up offering body creams, hand and face creams, lotions, oils, etc. in an effort to continue perpetrating the myth that you MUST shower every single day!  But I have news for you!  Unless you have a severe health issue or work in an absolutely filthy job, you do NOT need to shower every single day!

Not regularly stripping your body of its needed oils will reduce your need to buy supporting products to rehydrate and remoisturize.  When you let your body do what it was designed to do instead of interfering with it every day, you’ll save money in the personal care section of your favourite grocery store.

If we combine the two suggestions above with one more, the comment earlier about saving money at the clothing store will become even more apparent.  I’m talking about only changing your daily outfit when you shower, or when it’s too soiled for presentable use, such as receiving a stain, heavily sweated in, etc.  The other social taboo seems to be wearing your clothes for two days in a row, or more.  This social behaviour is wearing out clothing unnecessarily fast.  When clothes are constantly going through the washing machine, the fibers wear out, colours fade, and usability lowers faster than if the clothes only entered the wash once a week or less often than that.  Much of our socially-accepted/expected behaviours when it comes to cleanliness and presentability are unnecessary.  Is it important to be clean? Yes!  Must your clothes be presentable? Yes! Should you wear something different every day? No! Does being clean mean showering every day? For most people the answer is also no! The truth is, most people don’t care what you’re wearing, only about their interaction with you.  The rare person might be turned off by your thrifty behaviour and appearance, but most people honestly don’t care if you wore the same clothes three days in a row. (I live out this test on a regular basis)

Saving on your hot water bill will by extension, save money on your clothing bill and your personal care bill as well.  Gotta love it when addressing one issue solves several others in one fell-swoop!

Quick CashCrate Update!

Just wanted to share a short update on CashCrate.

I am now awaiting my second $20 cheque as noted in the earnings banner here:

I’ve also received three referrals now as well, meaning I will begin to earn commissions once they start getting their first cheques.  This isn’t an income-replacement by any means, but pennies add up!

If you want to join me, click the banner to sign up.  You won’t qualify for surveys every day.  But between the 3 cent daily check-in, and the surveys you DO qualify for, you will get paid for sharing your opinion.

Sometimes the check-in button doesn’t let you click the offer.  When that happens, reload the CashCrate page and try again.  Sometimes it works right away, other times it takes a few tries.  If you think you should be paid for telling companies what you value, then come join me.

CAUTION!!! Doing the offers can be a great way to quickly increase your account balance!  However, software installs “call home” which will cause your antivirus program to flag it as an intruder.  As a technician by day, software that “calls home” is often considered spyware.  The purpose of offered software calling home is so they can track that you have indeed kept the software active on your system for the prescribed length of time, whether that’s two weeks or three days or whatever time length the offer set before issuing payment.  Just be warned, if you don’t want software on your system “calling home” all the time, you may want to avoid offers that pay for downloading and using their programs.

Save Money With a Careful Eye at the Thrift Store!

Thrift stores get scoffed at, made fun of, treated like second-class citizens, and worse.  There is one thrift store where I live that sees its busiest time of year at Halloween!  But your local thrift store has so much more to offer you than gardening clothes and costume material.

My favourite place to shop is the Salvation Army Thrift store.  This store has been a revolving door for my family as we bring clothes the kids grew out of, then buy what they need.  One time, a pair of jeans my daughter found ended up going back to the thrift store a couple years later, still in wearable condition!

We have discovered that living in a an affluent city such as Kelowna means that people give away the most amazing things!  I have a long fur vest that I paid roughly $25 for one year, that would have cost 5 times that new on a department store rack.  My daughter found a two-piece winter coat that allows her to remove the inner lining to use as a spring jacket in its own right.  We paid less than $15 for it at the store that gets halloween business.  A blender I bought from the same store a couple years ago is still working fine.  The toaster I’ve written about twice now, was bought from the Salvation Army Thrift Store, meaning it was used when we got it, and all these years later it finally died!

If you’re concerned about brand-name clothing, my daughter just recently picked up a Levi’s and another pair of designer jeans for roughly $5 each at Salvation Army as well.  You seriously never know what you’ll find when you show up, but the quality of stuff people give away will blow your mind!

Next time you need to go buy another pair of jeans, tops, skirts, yarn, dishes, linens, furniture even, check out your local thrift store first!  A set of dining chairs fits my redone table top extremely well!

There is no need to hit department stores unless you need an item “yesterday” or can’t find it in the second-hand stores by the time you need it!  $40 formerly spent on a single pair of jeans will get you several pairs plus a few shirts to go with them.

Help your wallet smile and take advantage of the amazing generousity of others who give away name-brand stuff, sometimes with the tags still on.  Dress well for a fraction of the price!