Less Money, Same Quality! Buy No-Name or White-Label!

This is a money-saving tip that many people balk at.  There is an erroneous understanding and expectation that if a product does not have a known brand-name on the label, that it won’t last as long, taste as good, perform as well, etcetera.  This is hog-wash!  Occasionally a white-label or no-name product will be inferior, but for the most part, they will often actually be healthier and taste just as good as products wrapped in the labels of well-known brands.

The healthier claim is seen in food ingredient lists.  The longer the ingredient list for a simple product, the more likely that product is high in preservatives, chemicals, petroleum products, food colourings, sweeteners, etc.  The shorter the ingredient list, the more likely the product has more of what you need or want, and less of what will harm you.

Food labelsGenerally, no-name and white label products are cheaper than their brand name cousins, because packaging is simpler and not bearing labels from products with high reputations.  The more highly a label is regarded, the more companies charge for their products.  No-name and white-label get rid of the added cost of reputation.  Many food packing companies package their food for more than one brand.  This was brought home to me in a big way when comparing Jaimeson vitamins to Exact vitamins at the store I shop at.  I was specifically looking at Vitamin C.  The tablets in the Exact brand bottle tasted and looked like the tablets in the Jaimeson brand bottle.

Switching to no-name or white label groceries when out doing your regular shopping routine, will a) save you money, and b) have the potential to reduce the harmful additives in your packaged foods.

Ideally, in a perfect world, staying away from packaged foods in general would be the better way to go period.  However, we don’t live in a perfect world, so there are times when buying packaged foods fits better with our lifestyle and health needs.  Do yourself a favour and save both money and physical health by switching to the more affordable product lines.