They say, as Christ observed, that a prophet has no honour in his home town. Too often, those we watch grow up among us and who begin to live out a calling in their lives, are mocked, talked down to size, and former friends and family wonder how such a person can suddenly speak with authority or act in such a way. For Joseph, merely sharing dreams of what God would be doing for the family down the road, was cause for not only chiding and talking down, but eventually this scorning would turn malevolent. Little did these family members know, but they were playing right into God’s plans for Joseph. When we come to chapter 45 of Genesis, we discover Joseph saying as much to the very brothers who had been so mean to him years earlier. The perspective Joseph had on his situation was amazing!
Not only did it take perseverance going through the apparent downward spiral of life from favoured child to prisoner in a foreign land, but it took incredible trust in God Himself that even at this stage of history, Joseph would understand what we learn later in Romans, that all things work together for good to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Now many in Joseph’s situation would have seen an opportunity to exact revenge for all his brothers has done to him. Indeed, he did make life difficult for them, but he couldn’t keep it up forever. When the mask of his office came down, there stood Joseph not only forgiving his brothers for what had happened to him, but thanking them for their role in God’s plan for his life so that he could stand before them and save the family from dying out due to the famine.
Sometimes, what appears to be playing into the hands of the enemy, is in reality, the enemy playing right into the hands of Almighty God! In five more chapters, we’ll see the famous phrase that has been paraphrased into, “what the enemy meant for evil, God has meant for good”.
We may not always understand everything that God is allowing in our lives. Sometimes it may feel that we brought it on ourselves as could be said of young Joseph chirping one too many times about his dreams God was giving him. But even in our own blundering ways, God can work to bring out His purposes. The dreams God gave to Joseph did come true. First, the sheaves, otherwise known as his brothers, did bow down to him, and eventually his father would come down to live under his provision as well. It may very well be true that we bring trouble on our own heads at times and others will waste no words in telling us so. But don’t lose sight of the dreams and callings God has placed on your life. The journey can take years at times, the path can seemingly be going entirely in the opposite direction. But don’t lose heart. Keep your perspective. One day you too may be standing before those who mocked and tried to tear you down, being their benefactor in ways they never dreamed.