Welcome to the Virtual Book Tour for, “A Year In Prayer With Jesus”! We are pleased to feature Jansina Grossman today with her blog, Rivershore Books. She offers this about her blog: Rivershore Books is a non-traditional publishing company that is services-based and uses print on demand. Rivershore began in 2012 with a goal ofRead More…
Sometimes, finding one’s wings in the world, means creating distance from and within family. There are times when being close-knit can actually produce unwanted strife and the plans God has for those members can’t come to fruition while that strife remains. It doesn’t mean family ceases to care for each other, it only means thatRead More…
It is with some sadness and heaviness of heart that I come to this chapter in the book of Genesis. The first reason is found in Genesis 12:2-3 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 AndRead More…
Between Genesis chapters 10 and 11, we begin to get a sense of how civilization redeveloped following the flood. We are introduced to which sons of Noah went where and how their descendents built up the land into regions and nations. Included in all this would be the separation of the continents as we nowRead More…
Welcome to the Virtual Book Tour for, “A Year In Prayer With Jesus”! This is a tour with a twist, as each blogger that will be hosting me, will also be featured here on this blog! We are pleased to feature Pamela Rose Williams as the first blogger to host me on tour June 19th. Read More…
My next book, “A Year in Prayer With Jesus” is due to launch in September and to celebrate, Songdove Books is holding a pre-launch virtual book tour! At each stop on tour, I’m giving away a one-month sample before it’s even released! In addition, there will be free downloads at every stop on tour, includingRead More…
(Photographer’s caption: Here the beetle is a friendly pollinator sipping nectar; however when entering human houses …. fur, skins, textiles will be readily 🙂 ) From time to time, we have carpet beetles in our home. Little round black beetles who do have wings under those shells, but seem loathe to use them. I happenedRead More…
In Genesis 3, we see the first prophecy of a way out of the sin had befallen the earth. In Genesis 7 we see the first act of salvation for those who fear the Lord. In just five short chapters, we see God’s love, God’s concern, God’s judgement over sin, and God’s offer to escapeRead More…
Genesis 6:5-6 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. Genesis 6:8 But Noah foundRead More…
How a parent aches when their child refuses to listen and gets hurt. How the tears fall when a child has been repeatedly given opportunities to come to Christ and dies in their sins instead. The quote that titles this piece is not from Genesis 5, but that is the chapter we are in today. Read More…