As the world watches Russia and Ukraine while various nations roll back pandemic measures, it should be noted, particularly in light of the official narrative around COVID-19 falling apart and as the heightened level of pandemic fear wanes, that it is necessary from the string-pullers’ perspective, to fabricate new narratives to maintain heightened stress levels atRead More…
2 weeks in March 2020, turned into 2+ years that maybe, possibly, kinda-sorta might begin to ease up in some areas of the world by summer 2022. Strong emphasis on the word “might”!!! Have the events of the past 2 years stressed you out? Have you found yourself dealing with anxiety more than usual asRead More…
As the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) announced a new article series in Faith Today, a national evangelical magazine, I was reminded of a few conversations I’d had over the years that I wanted to hunt down and compile into a series of thoughts. Living life online is like living life offline in many respects.Read More…
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. AndRead More…
It’s no mystery to those who have been following my blog for the past few years, that the idea of entering the world of coaching began taking shape in 2019. The original goal was nutritional coaching in the world of food-as-medicine, I found a Christian online college teaching Natural Health, Biblical wellness, whole food nutrition,Read More…
A group on MeWe that won’t let me post half the time, has people in it who not only accepted the vaccine, but are apparently sick and tired of hearing warnings about it that the admins allow others to post. The problem I see however, is that while others do post warnings about the vaccine,Read More…
(This was originally written August 16, 2010, then posted to FB October 18, 2012. I left FB mid-Feb 2021, slightly edited for better flow) The powers of observation come in many different forms. . . taste, touch, smell, hearing, seeing, and intuition. By themselves, these methods of observing our world tell us about it andRead More…
Various disasters over the years have shown that when God’s people are able to jump in with relief, medicine, and whatever forms of assistance are required, those who are unsaved are often more receptive to the Gospel being shared alongside the cup of cold water. We are watching the setup for disasters that Scripture hasRead More…
It’s interesting to observe, as my mind flits through past historical accounts of manmade surveillance vs God’s surveillance through the centuries, that man’s usage of state surveillance has always been, without fail, on the harsher end of the stick than the benevolent. While yes, history records God wiping out whole civilizations whose ways were anRead More…
A “worship” song was introduced to my church roughly a year before the “pandemic” hit. Most of the song is fine theologically-speaking, but the bridge has given me, my daughter and a few others, serious pause where we can’t sing it. The bridge goes like this: “It’s rewriting my history. It covers me with destiny.Read More…