Today is Thanksgiving here in Canada.

Songdove Books - Ambrosia Salad
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Songdove Books - Ambrosia SaladThat means turkeys are in the oven of many homes.  In the past, our family has done a West Coast Salmon feast, roast beef, pork roast, even octopus chowder one year.  We couldn’t afford a big dinner this year, so we will be having a light o’dourves dinner instead.  But that meant I could attack the stovetop!  Had hardly used the oven since I cleaned it last, so didn’t have to worry about that.  But what a mess greeted me!  I could hardly believe the gunk I had to clean up under those elements!  Makes me want to add to my wish list – you know, those stovetops that are just one flat surface with heating pads where elements would normally go?  Yeah, no room for liquids to go hide, no room for messes to hide away out of sight!  As usual, the job was done with a few scratches and scrapes and cuts.  But that’s just me and physical labour.  I can’t even change out the video card on a computer without scratching or cutting myself on something.

But what am I thankful for this year?  I’m grateful for surviving another sweltering Okanagan summer.  I’m grateful for landlords who worked with me to overcome income troubles related to paying my rent.  I’m grateful for the myriad of ways God has provided for us over the past year.  I’m thankful that both my kids found gainful employment this past year and that my daughter’s work is in her chosen life’s passion.  I’m grateful that my health has improved, and praying for continued improvement going forward.  I’m thankful for three books selling to local church members over this past weekend.

Songdove Books - Fruit Canadian FlagThe Okanagan is orchard country!  This means apples, pears, grapes, cherries, corn, pumpkins, strawberries, and much more!  We have friends living on an orchard and they were told they could pick as much as they wanted.  We are counting our blessings as they have given us 5 bags of apples over the past month or so.  Two of those bags are now in the freezer as applesauce for the coming months.

God is amazing and none of this would have been the way it is in our household but for God’s choice to bless and look after us.  I am incredibly grateful for God’s decision to invade this home as unseen Father and Husband.  If it weren’t for God being who He is, if it weren’t for His nature and His character, I’m positive life would be different around this house.  But, God is who He is!  I can’t help thanking God for just being Him, just being who He is.  It isn’t enough just to focus on what He does for us.  None of that would happen if it were not for who God is!

This year as you celebrate Thanksgiving, whether with Canadians in October, or with Americans in November, don’t forget to thank God for just being Himself, for just being who He is.  Each of us acts out of what is in our hearts and minds.  God is no different.  It’s a deep-seated longing within me to be appreciated for who I am, not merely for what I can do for others.  God is the same way.  He wouldn’t do what He does if He wasn’t who He is.  So don’t forget to appreciate Him just for being Him.

Thank You Lord for all You are, and for all You’ve done in this household over the past year.  I know I say thank You a fair bit, but I can’t help it.  So here on this special day we set aside for display of gratitude and thanksgiving, let me say one more time, thank You!  Thank You just for being who You are!

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