It has been an interesting few weeks to say the least as January transitioned into February.

First, we closed out January with Canadian truckers creating the largest convoy in world history, leaving BC to travel across the Canadian land mass to Ottawa, Ontario, the federal seat of government in this country. Some in the watchman community were worried this might be a Liberal setup, and organizers of the convoy took many opportunities to ensure convoy road captains communicated the necessity of peaceful, nonviolent, law-abiding protest against vaccine mandates, first over those affecting border traffic, and second to all mandates across Canada.
Second, as the convoy made their way across the country, rumours of war began to rumble from Russia to Ukraine, and Iran stepped up ammunition and wartime supply movement to the Houthis and Hezbollah. China made more noises about invading Taiwan while the US administration sent token war ships into nearby zones while encouraging diplomats to leave Ukraine, and stating too loudly for Russia’s liking, that Ukraine would fall to Russia.
Now here we are, mid-February. The Freedom Convoy has become an international sensation, spawning freedom convoys in other countries, most recently as of the date of this piece, in Israel with a purported 20,000 trucks taking part headed to Jerusalem. In Australia, the police have accepted their role as political pawns and begun a nasty crackdown on the convoy in Canberra. Here in Canada, Prime Minister Trudeau is set to enact the Emergency Measures Act, originally set up by his father to replace the wartimes act after WW2. This will be the first time this measure has ever been used and gives powers to the federal government to confiscate property that could be used as a threat, as well as take control over matters that provincial measures can’t deal with.
The timing of everything is very interesting to say the least. In addition, the apparent need to use both invasive and non-invasive means to beef up soldiers and members of society via “human augmentation” (look it up) makes the biotech research into graphene’s ability to let others control the vagus nerve (again, look it up, but not on google) give more logical sense why organizations such as Health Canada backtracked on the dangerous nature of graphene in masks, and why scientists have found it in all four major mRNA “vaccines” alongside the hydra parasite, which has been used in nature to control it’s host to make the host do what the parasite needs for propagation.
My daughter had a dream about being given a mask, in shape similar to an infinity scarf that can protect your face in the winter months from the cold, but the front was shaped very mask-like, and when she had it on her face, it tried to initiate control at the base of her skull at the neck. She would stop each effort, but the effort would look like she had developed a tick off to one side. This tells me that the born-again believer who is Holy Spirit controlled, has the ability to reject non-invasive efforts at transhumanist human augmentation by extension, the remote control efforts of others to tap into their bodies to make them do what the controllers want.
Wartime often brings with it, conscription. This same dream where she was given this mask, saw high school and young adult aged people being given similar masks of different descriptions and colours. When she inquired if the mask would let her eat, she was told she could eat through it, and she did not see how, till suddenly a badly-painted red-rouge lipstick mouth appeared on the mask. She described the way it appeared as the way that Venom’s mask would appear, and with that analogy occurring right inside the dream itself, she likened the creepy feeling that came with the mask, to how Venom’s mask makes one feel when they look at it. But the person handing out these masks appeared to be “head hunting” the way a scout looks for talent. My daughter has not read a recent article by Dr Mercola discussing human augmentation or another report discussing researchers looking for “neuro-diverse” individuals to test their augmentation on for the purposes of code-talkers/breakers in wartime situations. It should be noted that “neuro-diverse” is one way to refer to those who are mentally handicapped in some way.
What the World Economic Forum couldn’t do peacefully using the COVID scare to accomplish, may very well be achieved by allowing, practically creating, world war three! This may be one of the reasons that President Biden of the US, is handing Ukraine over to Russia on a silver platter. Another reason for doing this may be to burn and destroy the documentation that should have threatened his run for president, surrounding his and his son’s dealings in Ukraine. Every embassy burns and destroys their paperwork as they leave a given country, but this time, it may be used to cover up the crimes the Biden family had committed, while on the surface, closing down the embassy and getting diplomats out of there.
It is observed that if Russia moves on Ukraine, China will move on Taiwan at the same time, with both knowing the USA is no longer able to maintain both fronts. Both China and Russia want a reset of world superpowers, and so does Iran, with Iran’s additional goal of wiping out Israel.
Trudeau isn’t going to let Canada off the hook he hung us on at the WEF to lead the way toward The Great Reset. So if he can’t address the truckers directly, enacting Emergency Measures right before the potential for World War Three, is the next best thing. What won’t happen voluntarily, will be forced to happen or else, but reasonably within Canadian style still, conscription being taken to lengths we haven’t yet seen.
I knew that with the covid narrative falling apart, and the voluntary and sometimes mandatory uptake of “vaccines” not happening on schedule, that the string pullers would have to find another way to achieve their goals. As of right now, it appears they are scrapping the bandied-about concept of making climate change the next major threat, and going straight to war. This will bring about lockdowns again, and even food rations, all in the name of supporting the war effort. Supply chains will be disrupted more than they already are, ostensibly in support of the war effort. The war cry worked to rally nations around a common cause in world wars one and two, why not jump to that level again for world war three?!
Remember, the goal here, is the Great Reset, otherwise known as the New World Order. “vaccines/masks”, protest management, war on two maybe three fronts, biotechnology, conscription and resource reallocation, are all fingers of the same glove.
Born-again believers need to renew their submission and surrender to the Holy Spirit, renew their knowledge of God’s Word, get back in tune with the Holy Spirit and His desires for them and the areas of influence He has given them, and get active! For some, that is in preparing stores they will use for themselves and others. For some that is in outreach ministry with words and tracts. For some it is in retraining to gain skills and abilities God will need from them in the days ahead. While we are all to be about the mission of saving souls, it is concurrent with providing for our families, being wise about the times, and taking action where necessary to ensure viability remains till God calls each person home. What is God calling you to be doing right now? Are you doing it?