April Fool’s was yesterday, and for the first time in forever, I didn’t see much in the way of tasteless lying going on in the name of so-called fun. Too many people are waking up to realize the past 2 years saw mainstream media and mainstream medical alongside government officials and string pullers attempt the greatest, most devastating lie yet perpetrated on the planet next to that old fake promise “ye shall be as gods”. . . although. . . even that one is apparently in play as Klaus Schwab’s apparent top advisor believes through the use of biotechnology, mankind is finally approaching that claim!
But the claim that the “vaxx” would protect against COVID-19, was a lie. The claim that accepting the “vaxx” in enough numbers would return life back to normal, was a lie.
We are now a long way from “normal” as we knew it before March 2020, ever coming back, and with WEF/IMF/WHO plans in the works that I’ve downloaded off their websites, normal will never come back as we once knew it!
As I think about the unofficial holiday that most let fall by the wayside this year (thank goodness!), anyone who fell for these lies over the past 2 years and is aware of what has happened since, now feel they were foolish to have done so. As I mentioned in my workshop, even those I’ve personally spoken to offline feel foolish for having gotten the shot, with one lady battling breathing issues that we feel is a combination of her workplace environment (being the person responsible to identify mold spores around marijuana plants) and the shots.
Anyone with eyes, ears, and a platform with a mouthpiece is now calling out the foolishness of carrying on with the failed official narrative. Some of these voices are directed at government leaders, with varying levels of success. The Canadian Freedom Convoy made the common man on the street realize they had a voice to stand up and be heard as well.
More and more, those still insisting on enforcing The Official Narrative, are being seen as foolish.
Unfortunately, it is a foolishness that serves a purpose beyond the immediate issues of daily function, business, and putting food on the table in a social and relational manner. Those continuing to push The Official Narrative from positions of formerly-trusted leadership roles, are doing so because it supports The Great Reset, the push toward the One Health Initiative, and the world health treaty that WHO wants in place by 2024 that would essentially remove national sovereignty in every nation that signs on. But The Great Reset doesn’t stop at the ruse of public health, it carries on into Digital ID’s (vaxx passport being a test run) and national/globally -controlled digital currency, building on the success of digital coins such as BTC and Etherium.
I couldn’t attend it last week as I was busy with prep for the workshop, but TechCrunch was a big participant in a major FinTech conference that was being held free online, where the major discussion was to be all around the idea of programmable money! Particularly the session that would have taken me through the lunch period from 11:20am to 12:40pm. I wish I could have attended those sessions!
What seems like folly on the surface has its grounding in a complete upheaval of life as we’ve known it since the early 1900’s. The push toward the deemed chaos necessary to usher in The Great Reset, has seemingly caused some unexpected and unplanned for detours as globalist efforts at international trade suddenly began reverting back to national supremacy needs first. This first took a hit with “vaxx” border mandates, and took a second huge hit with the Ukraine/Russia war. Countries just have NOT gotten on board with support for the war the way corporations have, and so-called isolationist tendencies to serve one’s own country first, have caused what one WEF rep here in Canada referred to, as a “slight detour” in plans.
I’ve always told and warned people who put up with cutting, demeaning sarcastic jabs, that just because it was said in a joking manner does not mean there isn’t anything behind it! Those words cause long lasting pain long after the memory of the apparent joke is gone. Proverbs speaks harshly of the person who throws around such jokes and says they are like someone who throws around arrows, javelins and death.
As a mad man who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death, So is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am not I in sport?
Proverbs 26:18-19
In a similar manner, I’ve come to realize as I’ve watched people such as OAC in the US government, seemingly constantly putting her feet in her mouth up to her kneecaps, somehow seriously and persistently straight-faced, even insistently vehement about what she says no matter how off the wall it is. . . I’ve watched people like her over the past several years, realizing that for background plans to actually be pulled off, they first had to sound preposterous to the extreme! They had to sound completely out in left field so far off the map they may as well be on a different planet! That way, when the necessary plans were put into place, what would have otherwise been observed as unacceptable, would be deemed as more viable because it doesn’t sound as bad as what was publicly stated before! Hyperbole can be just as much a tool in the hands of the deceiver as it is in the hands of the author!
During the 2016 election in the US, Trump played the media like fools and played them so well they couldn’t figure out how to stop the kneejerk reactions. But in 2020, it was the mainstream media, mainstream medical, in combination with Big Tech and government agencies, playing the general public for fools, and many are no longer alive to correct their ways and choose a new path. Some won’t admit they were played for fools and forcibly insist on carrying on like the foolish ways are the only right way to do things.
Meanwhile, the string pullers who managed to get so many on side with their plans, have been free to push ahead, laying down the framework for life that no one in their right mind will accept in the future. Sadly, fear and stress have caused many to not function fully in their right mind and as such, they will accept the coming changes as their ticket out of their misery (or so they will be told to think).
It’s a sad state of affairs to consider as April 1st 2022 passes by this year.
As believers, how should we handle those around us who are waking up to the folly of having fallen for the lies they’ve lived under for the past 2 years?
First, we tend to their literal, legitimate needs for health in all areas of life.
Second, we give them an ear as they share and vent whatever level of anger, regret, and frustration they need to get off their chest.
Third, we offer workable suggestions unique to them, to help them move forward and make the best of what they can when they can where they can how they can while they can.
For some, those efforts will rescue them, particularly if they were subject to a batch of the “vaxx” that didn’t have some of the troubling ingredients in it. For others, their lives could be extended by following daily food suggestions that keep their blood from clotting, keep their body free of heavy metals, etc.
The reality is that we won’t be able to rescue all of those who regret falling for the lies. Many won’t avail themselves of what is possible to undo some of the damage that was done because they are sick of the whole charade (as they should be) and want to be done with it!
Lies are seriously NOT a good way to have fun, to protect others, or hide activity going on in the background! One of Batman’s nemesis could easily be a character that takes Joker’s deceptions to a level times 10! Call him The Great Deceiver! Actually, such a personage DOES exist, and NOT in a comic book! That personage is our archenemy the Devil, satan, the serpent of old sometimes called The Dragon in Scriptural end-time prophecy.
Lies are harmful, destructive, and as we are seeing all around us now, DEADLY!
The world is now looking for a hero to step onto the stage and rescue them from the tyranny they see bubbling up under every so-called civilized government’s platform! Scripture says that someone will be known as the Anti-Christ, capital letters, who will embody the lower case spirit of anti-christ already at work in the world. Scripture sometimes calls this man The Man of Perdition, and he will become possessed by demonic entities, both him, his image and his false prophet. Revelation says they all appear to have frogs coming out of their mouths, a sign of their possession.
All will seem lost when these come to power, but that is not the end of the story. Christ wins the final battle! But between now and then, deception is rampant!
As believers, let us not get caught telling lies to advance some agenda, positive or negative, intended for good or bad. A lie is a lie is a lie and God abhors it!
(For more articles written after March 2022 related to the intersection of faith and health, please visit my coaching website categories: health, and Natural health.)