Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) I saw this acronym earlier tonight, and thought it sounded like words I’d heard in passing but forgot what they were. Taking a somewhat phonetic approach to the acronym, the first word I thought of was:
feek, which according to Merriam-Webster, refers to a lock of hair.
Kind of fits. The WHO’s power grab attempt certainly is hair-brained. My daughter found another spelling pronounced “fyke”:
fiec which apparently refers to feces.
Many would say the WHO has been and plans to dish a fair bit of manure on the world’s population! Another word, if you take the C and make it a soft c, is:
phyc as the root word of phycology, which apparently refers to the study of a list my daughter read.
Most people think of algea as that slimy stuff growing on the walls of pools and hot tubs. If what the WHO is trying to pull off isn’t slimy, I don’t know what is. Another spelling of the hard c pronounciation:
fike, according to WikiDiff, has a number of unflattering definitions:
To feign; dissemble; flatter. To move about in a quick, uneasy way; be constantly in motion. To give trouble to; vex; perplex. Restlessness or agitation caused by trifling annoyance. Any trifling peculiarity in regard to work which causes unnecessary trouble; teasing exactness of operation. A sore place on the foot.
Wow! Lying to the global public. Flattering pharma companies and government leaders to get them to come alongside, or perhaps the same being done to WHO leaders by other string pullers to have WHO do their bidding (Bill Gates anyone???). The WHO is definitely causing agitation among those who don’t agree with what they are doing, precisely because of the unnecessary trouble they’ve caused and intend to cause, with a fair bit of “exactness of operation”! If you’ve ever walked on a sore foot, you know how painful it can be, and how it can hamper movement, something WHO, WEF, and others most definitely want to inflict on the world. 15 min cities or lockdowns come to mind.
How do you pronounce the acronym for Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and do words come to mind that sound the same that carry meaning for or against this proposed creation of the WHO?