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No doubt you’ve read many articles and heard many around you talking about the benefits of writing e-books.
You’ve read how they can be about literally anything from a detailed account of how Grandma makes that famous apple pie, to how the latest business sensation worked his way out of his basement office.
But how exactly do you go about making one?
You’ve probably heard of the nightmares turning PDF’s into ebooks. The software is too expensive. Small publishers asking too much before you even get started. Yes, the rumours are true that you won’t get very far if you don’t buy over $1000 worth of just the right software to get the job done. Some authors actually do make those purchases in order to get the book they want published. Rumours swirling around self-publishing efforts are full of trouble formatting one’s book for e-book creation.
Exactly how does one do this economically with decent output?
- What if I told you about tools that wouldn’t cost you very much, if anything to obtain?
- What if you could obtain links where you could download and install these tools to try them out for yourself?
- What if I showed you methods of managing your rough draft that would make e-book creation easier?
- What if you could learn of e-book options that could potentially reduce your publishing costs to $0?
These answers are available in a 12-day email-based course following on the heels of my first e-course:
“Practical Thoughts on Becoming an Author”.
This 12 day e-course will not only take you through the basic steps necessary to create your first e-book, but will present these answers to you in daily bite-sized manageable chunks.
Each day will have a short email session followed by a daily task that shouldn’t take very long to carry out.
(In order to take full advantage of this e-course, please watch for the welcome email, and add that email address to your whitelist. Failure to do so may result in missed email sessions. )
By the end of this e-course, you will:
- Understand the types of books that are best suited to the e-book format and when PDF should be chosen instead.
- Address ISBN, Image, and layout concerns.
- have the tools you need downloaded and installed to your computer whether it’s PC-based, or Mac-based. There is even the odd tool available for Android and Linux.
- have learned how to use two or three of the tools discussed, and
- have the potential for a sellable e-book by the end of this course.
All that’s left for your writing project is the editing.
(In order to take full advantage of this e-course, please watch for the welcome email, and add that email address to your whitelist. Failure to do so may result in missed email sessions. )
This is one $15 USD or $17.50 CAD registration fee that you’ll be glad you paid!
Why put out thousands of dollars when you can do most of the job for far less?
So get ready for some free software and priceless advice to get your author career off to an affordably good start!
Click the link below to begin your journey.
(In order to take full advantage of this e-course, please watch for the welcome email, and add that email address to your whitelist. Failure to do so may result in missed email sessions. )
Once you have purchased this course, you will receive a short PDF followed by your welcome email within 24 hours.
So what are you waiting for?
Save yourself countless headaches and debt payments with this simple, $15 purchase. You’ll be glad you did.
***AFFILIATES! Want to earn $3.50 per sale of this course? Become a Songdove Books Affiliate and begin sharing your own affiliate link on your blog, your social network, forums, etc. Click here for details.
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