Dr. Terry Dorsett has written a study aimed at addressing the spiritual gifts within the body of Christ. (paid link to the left) He seeks to not merely delve into their Scriptural basis, but also repeatedly draw out how those with various giftings can best work together to balance each other out for the good and growth of the Body of Christ.
The layout of the book leaves it up to the individual or group Bible Study leader to figure out how best to divide up the study into workable sessions. There are seven lessons overall, some longer than others, and some with more Scriptural question sections than others. So the first thing the reader needs to do, is decide what a workable pace is for themselves or their group, and then go through the devotional accordingly.
Dr Dorsett comes from a Baptist background, and this persuasion shows up clearly in some of his discussions of the various spiritual gifts. Those of other denominational backgrounds will notice how some of the verses within the passages he asks the reader to review, are either not discussed, or interpreted quite differently than what they have been taught. Other passages that would give a different perspective on the discussions presented, are not offered at all. Consequently, this reviewer is forced to conclude that Dr. Dorsett chose to stay firmly within the bounds of the teachings of the Baptist denomination rather than venture into broader territory.
For the reader who wants to broaden their understanding of how various denominations view things such as the Gifts of the Spirit, this book will offer them another opportunity. It is important for Christians of different persuasions to understand how fellow believers from other denominations interpret Scriptural concepts so that such potential points of division between church families can be accepted as mere differences and not lead to the division that the enemy of our souls is after so desperately.
This reviewer was unable to agree with everything Dr. Dorsett brought out in his interpretation of the Scripture passages he chose, but he said many things I do agree with.
One of the gifts discussed in the book is the Gift of Discernment. It is the desire of this reviewer that each person who picks up this book will be like the Bereans and not only read the Scriptures offered and their interpretations, but delve even deeper into the Word, asking the Holy Spirit for discernment as they seek His empowering to engage in their specific role within the Body of Christ.
Thank you Dr. Dorsett, for the opportunity to review your book.