As a computer repair technician by day, I am a huge proponent of security! This means paying attention to how users behave online in particular, but it also relates to data security. It is not uncommon for me to inquire of a business client whether or not they have a backup system in place. I’veRead More…
There are people today who still believe that what they bring into their homes will have no effect on them. They can have novels, music, DVD’s and magazines about witchcraft, sex outside of marriage, first-person shooters, and more and still think that because it is in the form of entertainment, that it’s fine. They don’tRead More…
My blogging lately has not followed my personal devotions. The first chapter of Joshua had already been written about at length earlier in June long before I’d even finished the book of Deuteronomy. I confess that today, my thoughts are not in the book of Joshua either. Instead, my thoughts are straying toward the conceptRead More…
Yes, it IS that time of year again! For some, classes are already in session. For others, classes are due to resume following Labour Day in September. Regardless of when children and teachers are returning to the classroom, its hard not to observe all the sales going on in the stores right now! Paper, pencils,Read More…
It happened again! This time while taking my daughter to work at 6:15am! Yet another cyclist thought that a) they were in their right to be on the vehicular side of the bike lane’s white line, and b) in their right to be riding tandem with the cyclist who was obeying the law and stayingRead More…
Songdove Books Presents: gets to be part of a book tour this week for a very cute compilation of stories! Book Description: “Close your eyes. Imagine kitties were in space. Open your eyes. Read” (paid link to the left) Light-hearted tales of feline adventure from across the cosmos, by a collection of authors from acrossRead More…
The last time I blogged about anything in the book of Deuteronomy, it was back in chapter 15. This is largely due to the fact that most of this book was a rehash of the Law as it had been given in other areas of the Torah. But today, I have come to the endRead More…
There are times when parents enabling their children turns bad. We see parents bailing kids out of jail after they nearly killed someone or stole to support a drug habit. We see parents enabling children by drug-running for them, making excuses for them, or continually acting as advocate to buy time when the child shouldRead More…
The latest malicious email warning got me thinking. As an author, writer and blogger, I read articles that discuss how to get people to visit and then read my content. In the world of ghost-writing blog articles for people, the trick is to find what’s trending, then write about that, or use it as aRead More…
(So I actually read this chapter several days ago, but Deuteronomy 15 came back to “haunt” me in a big way today!) Every now and then, I hear a sermon that tweaks something in my heart and mind, and I have no choice but to ponder, think about and generally process it. Most times, thisRead More…