Sunday, a day when most of us are used to the concept of being in church in the morning, in the evening, or in the afternoon taking church to a care home somewhere. But what do you do when you are in lockdown, self-isolation, flattening the curve, or self-quarantine? Scripture says: Matthew 18:20 For whereRead More…
The image shows up in fantasy art, superhero depictions, descriptions in books and acted out in movies. Often the depiction involves the sending of interference between good and evil either on behalf of, or against the plans and efforts of an entity, human, organization, etc. What am I talking about? Before I answer that question,Read More…
In the past whenever gas got this low, we would make it stretch by walking almost everywhere, from grocery shopping to church etc. It is quite honestly the only downside to living 20 minutes out of town now. We can’t walk to the areas we used to. This morning after my son did his chores,Read More…
Pastor Will finished a series this morning about learning to thrive not just survive, in a godless culture. The series was based on the life of Daniel and his three friends from the early pages of the book of Daniel in the Old Testament. Today as I sat behind the video booth clicking next onRead More…
The last time anyone heard from me on this author blog, was in July! That’s a long time to go without saying hi, hey? Now here I am with the latest Songdove Books Christmas Promo! Summer this year was crazy, as was the Fall. Things are settling down now, which means I can once againRead More…
Sometimes, I like listening to the radio to get a bead on what society is thinking, feeling, and longing for. Occasionally, listening to Christian radio ends up affording the same opportunity for discovery. This morning, I was listening to Praise106.5FM again, streaming it over my ‘net connection, when Dan Bremnes’ song, “Where the Light Is”Read More…
Regular readers of my blog will know that a steady daily devotional time doesn’t always happen. I went for quite a while judging myself over this until I realized that my daily intake of God’s Word was still happening, just not all in one shot or in the way many people assume. My prayer timeRead More…
It’s a peeve of mine every year. I warn those near me not to engage in it or face the consequences. I’m often seen as a kill-joy as a result, and this post will probably be taken in that vein by those who don’t see a problem with the subject matter. But this time IRead More…
If you follow my blog or have read more than one of my books, you’ll know that God regularly speaks to me about focus and rest in Him no matter what is going on around me. This came up again part way through the morning service as the congregation sat in a moment of silentRead More…
Isaiah 5:8 Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth! This verse came back to mind as I was reading the news on Two headlines grabbed me and it wasn’t hard toRead More…