Life has a way of dealing harshly with us at times. Other times, we bring that harshness on ourselves. In Jacob’s case, he was experiencing both by the time we come to Genesis 29. It would seem that lies and half-truths ran in the family, but consequences would follow. So many times we think, “howRead More…
First we had news groups. Then we had bulletin boards. The days of dial-up only allowed for those two methods of what would be considered early forms of social media. Those were the days of ICQ (wanna bet my number is smaller than yours???), AOL, and Comcast, with Netscape Navigator ruling the roost. Netscape ComposerRead More…
Have you ever had a personal prayer time where your thoughts seem to wander repeatedly? Has it ever gotten so bad that you’ve given up the prayer time and gone straight to your Bible reading, only to have your reading for that day completely align with what you thought had been troubling during prayer? ThisRead More…
The afternoon of 0911, I heard a whisper as I sat watching the CNN news as the events of that fateful day unfolded. This whisper stated, “Arise, make yourselves ready, for behold, the Bridegroom comes”. Two weeks later it would be added to, becoming this admonishment, “Arise, make yourselves ready, trim your lamps, for behold,Read More…
Before writing about today’s thought, I have to make one somewhat humorous observation! Chapter 22 must be the first recorded time when Birth Announcements were sent out! I’m not entirely sure what the big deal was necessarily for this particular birth announcement, but the very quick genealogy given as an addendum to the birth announcementRead More…
Finally, years after that initial promise God made to Abraham before He changed his name, the promise is brought to fruition! The laughter from Sarah in scorn a year earlier, now turns to the laughter of one in amazement! Isaac, the son of promise, has been born! As we can see in the chapters betweenRead More…
How many times have you heard the reproof, “Quit jumping to conclusions!” A few chapters ago, I’d commented about Abram, who became Abraham, figuring he could issue a white lie based on a technicality that we would learn about in this chapter here. In both instances when this lie is recorded, God steps in withRead More…
There are times when the choices we make outright derail us and either set us back in God’s plans for our lives, or result in God having to find someone else to complete those plans instead while He directs us down plan B. Other times, the choices we make in life don’t derail God’s plansRead More…
Genesis 16 brings us to the beginning of a story that I found myself relating to incredibly closely the first time it was re-introduced from a new perspective back in the Fall of 2007. When most people read this story, they focus on Abram and Sarai jumping to conclusions, taking matters into their own hands,Read More…
As we carry on in Genesis, it is important to remember that everything happening so far is all “pre-law”. In other words, the interactions, the faith, the belief toward God, the obedience, it was all happening outside the bounds of what we will be introduced to later in the Books of the Law. As aRead More…