For everything there is a purpose, and a time and season under the heaven. This is a slight paraphrase to a well-known passage out of Ecclesiastes, and a nod to the song popular back in the late 60’s/early ’70’s, Turn Turn Turn. I bring this up today, because of having landed in Leviticus 25. LeviticusRead More…
priestLeviticus 17: 14 . . . for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: . . . Although Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday are now past for another year, their significance in the life of every believer from that day till now, continues to be felt! As I continue my reading in Leviticus,Read More…
In my devotional gallivanting one time, I ran across this verse: Isaiah 45:3 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. Many times, people associate the concept of darknessRead More…
Perhaps its timely as we get closer to Passover and Resurrection Sunday, that I would find myself going through Leviticus now in my personal devotions. The past few chapters have outlined various sacrifices for various situations both for the people, and for the priesthood in how they would carry out their duties. When we comeRead More…
So I’ve reached the end of Exodus. The 10 Commandments have been given, the Tabernacle has finally been built, and the second book of the Torah is finished. When I was a child, my parents ran a Sunday School mission in a logging camp an hour out of town in a little place called Holberg. Read More…
How many times have we said that about someone? How many times have we said that about God? How many times have we not only felt that God was taking too long, but did as the people of Israel did, and took matters into our own hands? How many times have we “fashioned gods” forRead More…
Exodus 31:3 And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, Way back in Genesis 4, we meet three children of Lamech, even while Adam and Eve were still alive and still able to bear children (they had Seth afterRead More…
Well here we are, the day before the draw to see who will win a copy of this amazing book! Did you enjoy the research articles? Did you enjoy the various excerpts taken from around the book? Then sit back, click full-screen on the slideshow below, and enjoy one final recap before you make yourRead More…
In writing the content for this book, it became crystal clear that a discussion on the Bride of Christ would not be complete without addressing the outward display of an inward concept known as Modesty. Today’s excerpt discusses the failings within various arms of the Church in trying to understand this very critical concept. ModestyRead More…
Today’s excerpt from “Dressed for Eternity” does not feature any research over at Hubpages this time. Instead, we look for a few minutes at the subject of Sanctification. Sanctification Let us begin with a bit of a word study. While there are those who consider use of such words as “sanctification” to be some sortRead More…