team songdove

ANNOUNCEMENT! InfinityTrafficBoost Webinar Today!

Passing on a quick announcement here that won’t fit in most Social Media status updates!  This is from Clinton Clark, Co-founder of InfinityTrafficBoost himself!  If you are looking for a less-stressful form of work that has the potential to pay the bills, sign up NOW!

Webinar Thursday! 
Okay, we are finally getting on track and starting to hold regular LIVE Webinars so you can learn more about the ITB system and opportunity AND invite your prospects and referrals!

We always hang out after each webinar to take any questions and to help you and your team to fully understand ITB and it’s potential to help you grow your income and online business.

Okay, so, we’ll eventually have a set schedule each week, but, for now, this week we’ll have TWO webinars on Thursday, April 12th at 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. U.S. Pacific Daylight Time (Check your local time on the registration page, easy to do!)

6:30 p.m. Webinar, Register Here:…/register/d6011a7ecb94db2fc5b9141539e44ee6

Thanks and we hope to see you and your referrals and prospects at one or both of the webinars tomorrow.


I’ve registered for the 6:30pm time slot.  Will you join me?

Earn 3.24BTC in JUST 51 Days!

Quoting Clinton Clark, Co-Founder of Infinity Traffic Boost

Clinton Clark Co-Founder of Infinity Traffic Boost and Co-Admin of the Official “Infinity Traffic Boost Members” group on Facebook (Jan 28, 2017) shared the following in answer to a frustrated member’s post in the group. I have permission to share it here:

Here’s the deal… ITB was created to:

(1) Provide a fantastic advertising platform with an ever-increasing value proposition and
(2) to allow an easy way for ANYone around the world to earn money.

For those who do not have funds, even $2 or $3 to get started at TPO1, the surfing provides the opportunity to begin.

Now……….. think about it…….think about the POWER.. especially for those in “less developed” nations where incomes are much lower than the “developed” world.

ALL THAT PEOPLE HAVE TO DO is to surf 100 pages a day, and SHARE with 4 people who all they have to do is to Surf 100 Pages (every day: edit mine) and share with 4 people who will do the same.

WHY is that so hard? There is NO money out-of-pocket, the system is sound and mathematically solid and a HUGE Income can be realized over time.

What other options do people have? Jump into a ponzi scheme and hope to get out before it collapses?

Where else can people work from home, be around family and have such a HUGE upside potential with NO risk (other than time spent?).

I just don’t understand why people are so afraid to share this incredible opportunity. The upside is so incredible and the downside is basically non-existent.


Now go and view the following video or read the linked PDF here:

ITB is the foundation for my 10 Steps to Financial Freedom:

10 Steps to Financial Freedom

Clinton Clark and Frank Bauer are the real deal, with extensive experience in online marketing since the early days when I first ran across Frank at AdlandPro in the early 2000’s. AdlandPro continues to this day as a testament to success over the years, and so much more!

If you work the system as designed, you are in good hands! Fail to work the system by being committed to just 100 pages every single day, and there is no one to blame but yourself. This is one of those few programs out there that will take someone with no cash (or worse than no cash, and only debt) and give them a legitimate and workable way to raise themselves out of their poverty.

All that’s needed is an Internet connection long enough to get those 100 sites surfed each day.

Who do you know could use this program?

team songdove

When One Thing Leads to Another And. . . Business and Ministry Collide???

bitcoinAs anyone who follows this blog now knows, I began a blockchain experiment back in February, outfitted my day-job’s website to accept Bitcoin as payment for services in May, and began a new business venture in late June. More recently in August, I found a marketing platform that has potential to earn a decent monthly income once I can find 4 people to copy me on that platform. I have 9 immediate referrals in that program and two more referrals under two of them, but so far no one is following my lead despite weekly team mailings. I’ve set up a support group on Facebook hoping to get the team members over there to share tips and tricks, but so far no one has taken action to join the group.

While the lack of action in this marketing platform is a little disappointing, I have run across another user somewhere around the world who is using the platform in a very surprising, encouraging, and uplifting manner. Two others are using another marketing platform I am part of, for similar purposes.

Christian flagImagine using your primary source of income to share the hope of the Gospel with people?! It is my hope that this marketing platform will become a significant monthly source of income, and I came to that conclusion early in August when the income-generation side of it was first made clear to me. Here we are almost at the end of September now, and this ministry opportunity is staring me in the face!

It’s interesting that I’d come across these users’ methods of using these platforms this week. I’d realized after a tea with a friend earlier this week, that not everyone who might want to use this platform to bolster their income will have anything to promote. The platform is a marketing method, so you do need something to market to others. If I run into Christians who could use this system of income, I now know what to suggest they promote: None other than the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The Salvation message! The current user doing this has created a page called The Four Steps to Salvation, complete with Scripture, video, and links to more information. Another user on the other platform has a picture of Christ and John 3:16 under it before carrying on with sharing their business opportunity. That user has created quite a gap on their page between the salvation message and the biz opp.

Earning commissions on advertising sales while sharing the Gospel of Christ is probably the best merging of two worlds I’ve seen so far! I am a huge proponent of the fact that the Internet is the final missions frontier. I had never thought of using existing marketing methods as a way to spread the Gospel, but stop and think about it a moment. . . Other business owners, other affiliates, other networkers, other opportunity seekers are signing up to use these services. They see your site just like you see theirs because they want to get their own message out about their opportunity. However, in the process of getting their own message out, they run across yours – the Gospel message. Opportunity seekers are often desperate for financial help. Affiliates are trying to augment household income, and business owners are looking for traffic as well. But while their goals may be somewhat different from each other, they ALL need Jesus. Once again we see another opportunity to use the tools of the day to spread the message of hope and healing, provision and eternity. Talk about tent-making! If Paul could make tents while preaching, we can earn sales commissions while sharing too! So far as I can tell only three people are doing this on two platforms, but hey, the door is there. . .

Now I know why I created the FB group image the way I did! (see image at top of post) It captures several things all at once:  Technology (the bitcoin), teamwork (team songdove), and the Holy Spirit (the dove). My username (songdove) incorporates music too, because singing has always been my love language between me and God.  Whether music plays into the business venture I don’t know, but the other elements now all make sense.

Paying the Bills: Figuring out if Your Income Will Stretch

Two months have gone by, and we are in the middle of grad season!  Soon, that special high school graduate will be out in the real world and having to face the same financial challenges that you do.  So far on this blog, we’ve discussed a few ways simple changes around the house can save you money.  We’ve discussed how changing shopping habits can save you money, and discussed how organization versus scrambled cupboards can also save money.

We discussed how careful organization, planning, and a critical eye can help when out shopping for groceries.  But eventually you have to go through the till.  You may save money on electricity, but eventually that bill has to be paid.  Bills simply need to be paid.  Companies appreciate it when you are early or on time with your invoices.  People who are perpetually late may find themselves with reduced service or being cut off altogether.  Not fun when your electricity runs your heat registers and you get cut off in the middle of winter!

This part of budgeting can be a challenge for people.  The focus here, is knowing how much you bring in, versus how much is spoken for by the bills you have agreed to take on.  When you sign up for a service with a company, you are promising to pay them for the service they provide.  That portion of the money you earn is effectively spoken for before you even earn it, because you promised to pay that amount.

Make a list of the bills you have every month.  Make a second list of the income that comes in every month.  Make sure groceries are on the list, gas, car insurance if you have a car, etcetera.  Ideally, the income total will be more than your bill total.  If it isn’t, some hard decisions need to be made about how you are going to cover your bills.  Perhaps there’s too much miscellaneous spending going on.  Some households discover that when they pare back their miscellaneous spending, they suddenly have money for their bills again.  Maybe there’s a bill that isn’t necessary, it’s a want.  Cancelling that bill’s service will free up funds toward covering a bill that is necessary.  Paying for TV subscriptions when your water bill isn’t paid is an example.  Cut out the TV subscription and you’ll have funds toward your water bill.

If income is less than your bills and you’ve already cut out all non-essential expenses, then it’s time to consider how you can spread your income across all your bills so that no company feels you are not paying them.  Look at your schedule and figure out how you can increase your monthly income.  Maybe spending time building up residual income might help, and you’ll find a few options for doing this in the sidebar of this website.

Songdove Books - Mom's Little Black Book: Godly Advice for the High School GraduateFinancial tips are available to your young graduate in my book, “Mom’s Little Black Book: Godly Advice for the High School Graduate”.

The financial section contains a sample budget sheet, a sample grocery list, note pages, and more tidbits of advice not mentioned here.  Take a look and put a book in their hands that will guide them well into their young adults years and beyond.