It has been an interesting few weeks to say the least as January transitioned into February. First, we closed out January with Canadian truckers creating the largest convoy in world history, leaving BC to travel across the Canadian land mass to Ottawa, Ontario, the federal seat of government in this country. Some in the watchmanRead More…
As the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) announced a new article series in Faith Today, a national evangelical magazine, I was reminded of a few conversations I’d had over the years that I wanted to hunt down and compile into a series of thoughts. Living life online is like living life offline in many respects.Read More…
So, we are nearing the end of January 2022. How does it feel?! If that question made you think of the movie: Princess Bride, you are on the right track! From the terrible prince of the kingdom to the terrible doctor/researcher, heck even the rough ocean scene fits the bill I’m sure. As I lookRead More…
We’ve all heard of saline solutions over the years, most typically in reference to eye drops or throat gargles. In both cases, the solution washes and disinfects the eye or the throat. We’ve all heard of Iodine being an important part of a first aid kit, and perhaps even used it as a wound cleanser,Read More…
A meme shared earlier today reminded me of the movie: Birdcage, where a mom and her kids see these hideous beings (never shown to the camera apparently according to reviewers, never watched the movie myself) and cover their eyes while trying to get away from them. The meme was joking about wearing eye masks toRead More…
Today’s blog post may seem disjointed, but read through to the end, then reread if you need to. My son has a friend who observed changes in his own personality after getting his shot. There is an article further down discussing psychological reports in the UK. Sandwiching this article are two moments in our homeRead More…
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. AndRead More…
A recent discussion sprang up over access to Ivermectin in New Zealand, Canada, the US, and a few other countries. It’s common knowledge that mainstream media, mainstream medical, and government string pullers alongside Big Pharma, are all against the use of Ivermectin to treat covid. Wormwood came up in the conversation and I began doingRead More…
Behavioural Science Tools!!! Are we feeling played yet??? G20-HLIP-Report.pdf Original location An annotated version highlights this statement on page 31 of this 92 page document: “Governance, communication and behavioral science tools have also been important in shaping social adherence to public health measures, and minimizing distrust of science and medical professionals “ Behavioural science toolsRead More…
It’s no mystery to those who have been following my blog for the past few years, that the idea of entering the world of coaching began taking shape in 2019. The original goal was nutritional coaching in the world of food-as-medicine, I found a Christian online college teaching Natural Health, Biblical wellness, whole food nutrition,Read More…