Today the Canadian Health Alliance highlighted a substack written by Naomi Wolf, entitled, “Have the Ancient Gods Returned?”. She references a book by Jonathan Cahn called “Return of the Gods”. I have not read this book myself, but similar to Naomi, I have watched what has transpired around the world in recent years and marvelledRead More…
I couldn’t find it, so I built it. I’m talking about a social platform called Ixthus Catacombs. I originally tried to build this on my business hosting account, but with other sites there already, the result was too slow! I’ve rebuilt it on a free server now. It doesn’t offer photo albums, and it’s not lickety-splitRead More…
I’m not a gardener! Let’s get that out of the way right off the bat! I have been known to kill Christmas and Easter Cacti if that helps to set things straight. (yes that is a nopal, not a Christmas cactus, and somehow it’s growing since this pic was taken a year ago) So whyRead More…
Big Tech has been busy the last 3 to 4 years, and as the habit of development is, by the time they were quietly speaking out loud in the fall of 2020, had been deep in the R&D space for years prior! In fact, what I’m going to share today had it’s infancy in theRead More…
The modern Christian concept of grace, a seeker-sensitive blend of “live and let live” and worldly tolerance, has resulted in various denominations rewriting Scripture, allowing blatant sin in the pulpit, and flying sodom’s flags out front of their church buildings. I’ve been inside meeting halls where some of these denominations have tried to couch thisRead More…
Today we are going to play another game of, “Marilynn Dawson’s Puzzle Pieces”. We will begin with the picture, and look at a number of the puzzle pieces that have led to how that picture looks right now, with an eye for how THEY want it to look by September 2024. Note that date! AnotherRead More…
Found an interestingly-named product in my preferred grocery store’s flyer today: OneWorld Halal Beef Patties Apparently OneWorld Halal is a subsidiary to OneWorld Foods, which is a Canadian “small business” headed by second-generation Canadian Muslims. The company apparently was founded, according to LinkedIn, back in 2013, and began their trademark process in 2016. They receivedRead More…
The acronym is misspelled in the title of this article, but the accusation against the organization reminds me of a bit of Scripture: Did the NWO Use HAARP to Punish Turkey? Luke 21:10-11 Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: 11 And great earthquakes shall be in diversRead More…
For years, we have remarked how the Culture of Death continues to sacrifice children on the altar of Molech! Well, it appears Molech has, himself, had a gender-change, and now stands on the New York Courthouse! According to reports from Lifesite News and the Daily Wire: “The sculpture, entitled “NOW,” was installed on the roofRead More…
Today is the Candle of Hope! Hope has been dashed on so many fronts over the past few years. ~Hope in science to save humanity is now dashed as we watch science co-opted to kill humanity instead. ~Hope in experts to teach us the best way to do things has been dashed 6 ways toRead More…