Commentary on Thoughts Related to the Growing Evil We Now See in the World

three greek godsToday the Canadian Health Alliance highlighted a substack written by Naomi Wolf, entitled, “Have the Ancient Gods Returned?”. 

She references a book by Jonathan Cahn called “Return of the Gods”. I have not read this book myself, but similar to Naomi, I have watched what has transpired around the world in recent years and marvelled that so much I am seeing reflects back to ancient times.

In her dissertation on why the Jewish satan is different from the Christian satan, she misses a number of places that outline who the arch-enemy of God is in the Old Testament, and how he came to be that arch-enemy in the first place, and that he drew a third of heaven’s angels with him in that action. The devil, as the New Testament sometimes calls him, or “that old serpent” who first deceived Eve and has since deceived anyone he can, is this arch-enemy and he has “strong men” who are like his 5-star generals according to an incident in the book of Daniel when a messenger angel was detained in battle 40 days by the strongman over the area.

Cross over the World - Songdove BooksScripture also tells us that as the leader of the nation goes, so goes the nation. In the Book of Revelation, we see God dealing with the nations in Old Testament ways. God did not come to save nations, He came to save hearts and in turn, through the saving of those hearts, redeem the nations. But just as when the nations before Christ would turn against Him and be punished, so it is and will happen to nations who reject Christ now. Living in what is known as “the post-Christian era”, is nothing to brag about.

As Naomi gathered together in her substack, celebrations of evil have been taking place at the Grammy’s, in honour of chief justices, at the Olympics on a number of occasions over the past decade, have been erected in front of major global institution’s buildings, etc. She forgot to mention the fashion catwalk a number of times in recent years, companies who seemed dedicated to displaying if not outright encouraging the dabbling in the dark arts by children, the setting up of so-called satan clubs in various schools, etc. She now says she can’t unsee what she’s been seeing of late, and I can’t blame her.

As a spiritual warrior from childhood, and watchman on the wall since my youth, the experiences and people God has allowed me to meet and interact with over the years have given me insight that many of my Christian offline contacts over the years have NOT appreciated! But when your eyes are opened to both the activity of the spirit realm and the physical, and you see how they knowingly or unknowingly interact with each other, you can’t unsee it and there is a level of responsibility to try to open eyes whenever an opportunity presents itself.

I do not have Naomi’s level of higher education, nor am I Jewish, I am gentile and a born-again Christian at that. But I pray that she will come to know her Messiah as Saviour the way Jonathan Cahn did, that she will run to the Cross as Amir Tsarfati did, and that she will prepare herself for an eternity with her Creator rather than with her arch enemy who has apparently decided that our period of history is worth reinserting himself in a more boots-on-the-ground way than in the years since Christ defeated him on the Cross at Calvary.

Scriptural accounts of history, and secular accounts of history have indeed shown that when God walks out of government halls, the enemy walks in and terrible things follow.

2020’s sudden spin out of common sense into the realm of the surreal happened so fast that my head spun for awhile. I sat silent as I watched and took note, paying attention to what was and wasn’t being said, to how official reports contradicted each other in ways the authors and pundits never could seem to grasp or even acknowledge. Finally I began to speak up in the latter half of 2020, not every day, but whenever something showed up I could not let pass my desk without comment.

Do I feel the ancient gods have supposedly returned? I personally don’t feel they ever left. They were merely held in check and not allowed to be as blatant as they have begun to show themselves in recent years. The overt return of the various Olympic opening ceremonies were showing spiritually negative overtones since at least 2008 that I was personally aware of. The clips that began to go around from the 2012 Olympics apparently predicting the covid outbreak and the threat to our children, were indeed eery to say the least. Way back when the greeks and romans celebrated the Olympics, they paid homage to “the gods” at the start of the games, and in 2008, I couldn’t help thinking this was happening again. To see Naomi reference the 2020 games opening ceremony and show a picture of it, just proves my point.

Wonder Woman DollNo, the “gods” have not “returned”, they are merely stepping out of the shadows into the light and they are being accepted, even revered! It wasn’t lost on me that the movie about Wonderwoman gave her the name “Dianna” and a history of being a goddess from Olympus, raised among Amazons. If you look in the book of Acts, the uproar in Ephesus was over Paul converting so many to Christ in the city that it was affecting sales of temple trinkets to the “goddess Dianna”! Hmmmm.

I learned years ago, that demons do not necessarily lose or shed the names they had from centuries past. A demon that claimed to be a “teacher”, who had plagued a family line leading to a young lady I met, was eventually found out to carry the name of an Egyptian “god”. Cahn and Wolf only look at 3 to 4 idols in ancient history, but a broader look at the ancient world from Asia to Africa to the Middle East to northern Europe, reveals a very similar pantheon of “gods” who all had similar personalities, behaviours and demands of the people who worshipped them, just with different names, apparent genders, and appearances. The demons behind these idols and described in their stories, mythos, legends, and artwork, did not disappear into the anals of history, they simply disappeared from overt daily life because the tenets of the Christian faith pushed them back. As long as God through Christ was welcomed into government halls and respected in courts and schools, these entities could not be out in the open as they are now. However, there is far more than three of them!

Spiritual Warfare 101Christ Himself cast out demons from adults and children, and taught His disciples to do the same. Paul and Silas cast out demons and got in trouble for doing so from authorities of their day. There are entire Christian denominations who believe that in spite of Paul teaching how to do this, even giving us an outline in Ephesians 6 of how to prepare ourselves for spiritual battle, they instead teach that this was only for Christ’s day and not for today. None of the Scriptures they try to use actually prove their point, but they try anyway. There is no better way for the enemy of our souls to ensure he can move uninterrupted, than to convince God’s own people that dealing with him was for a time in the past, not now.

Thanks to the push to get God out of schools, out of the courts and out of government halls, we are now seeing the enemy walk more openly in areas of influence, whether that is in law, entertainment, commerce, etc. The darkness that descended like a curtain in early 2020, is growing! It is using government, para-government, technology, entertainment, education, medical, and retail to promote it’s diabolical agenda! Those who put up spiritual and social blinders will be the ones to pay with their lives! I say this both in and out of the Church, I regret to observe!

In order for some of the events of the book of Revelation and major portions of Daniel to play out, the modern world has to accept the waking, walking, speaking presence of the spirit realm, more specifically, the presence of the demonic spirit realm. By the time the events of Revelation have played out to the moment Christ visually returns in the clouds to set food on the Mount of Olives, the modern world, or what’s left of it, will be so used to surrealness of life, that Christ’s visual, physical return will hardly bat an eye. We are returning indeed, to a modern version of the days when evil literally walked the earth.

I couldn’t find it, so I built it.  I’m talking about a social platform called Ixthus Catacombs.  I originally tried to build this on my business hosting account, but with other sites there already, the result was too slow!  I’ve rebuilt it on a free server now.

It doesn’t offer photo albums, and it’s not lickety-split fast and needs “waking up” from time to time (free server limitations), but it will let me offer in-site live workshops and challenges, allows the creation of groups and “fan pages (group setting to allow this)”, has a basic classifieds system, course system, event management, collaborative document creation, buddydrive (similar to google docs), etc.

Other than tweaks here and there, it is live and ready for use. I’ve created a few groups and “fan pages” already. There is test data here and there, such as the sample course I’ve been testing with. I should delete that and add my own sample course to show how it can be used. The two main add-ons that many use for photo albums seem rather clunky to me, but if people really want albums, I’ll pick one of them and install it.

Emails were an issue earlier this week, but it appears to finally be fixed. They weren’t being sent at all! Now they are being sent again.

I’ve installed a points system normally used to encourage activity and interaction, and figured out how to use it as a rudimentary in-site “currency” of sorts, that can be used to buy and sell in-site for anything where offline money wouldn’t be necessary to replace, such as shipping costs, cost of materials, etc. This is an answer to barter and trade that has no exchangeable cash value. If you are looking for ways to do life away from “the system”, this will be one of those answers until the string pullers make the very act of getting online impossible away from “the system”.

It is my hope people will create local groups allowing them to make exchanges in person of physical goods and services that require physical in-person presence to carry out. If this can happen well enough while we have Internet access, then when it’s taken from those who won’t comply, offline connections will be easier to build and maintain.

Digital goods and services that don’t require in-person pickup or delivery can happen across the globe for things like books, documents, music and video files, virtual assistant tasks (online secretarial for those not familiar with the term), coaching, tutoring, courses, workshops, challenges, and many other digital goods and services that can be offered from your desk to theirs across cyberspace. I anticipate groups and “fan pages” being built for those who need and offer these too.

I’m all about repurposing things to handle tasks others think can’t be done without certain tools. It is my hope that others will see the tools I’ve provided and come up with novel ways to use them to help themselves and others not only be social online, but meet needs as well.

poppy fields

I’m not a gardener! Let’s get that out of the way right off the bat! I have been known to kill Christmas and Easter Cacti if that helps to set things straight. (yes that is a nopal, not a Christmas cactus, and somehow it’s growing since this pic was taken a year ago)

So why am I suddenly interested in helping you discover ways to keep your plants hydrated and plump during the growing season?! Perhaps this quote might fill you in:

“According to the military manual, to serve as fuel, all living vegetation on the ground level must be killed by a desiccation treatment. Wigington asks incredulously, if it is just an amazing coincidence that moisture levels in forests are now at record low levels in countless regions all over the world causing them to be incinerated at record intensity.”

From Dane Wigington – in his video entitled‘Wildfires as a weapon’. The above quote appeared in a recent Canada Health Alliance newsletter article discussing strange wildfire “coincidences”around the world in recent months. As videos cannot be pdf’d, searched for phrases, or copied and pasted into articles, I appreciate CHA taking the time to transcribe this section of the video.

So after reading this article, this societal rebel and her daughter began brainstorming ways to maintain what grows around us. The article mentions:

“According to Wigington, who has been investigating this for decades, these desiccants that are showered down upon forests include aluminum which also kills soils and root systems and thus forests, making them ever more flammable.”

pumpkin patchNow as human beings, we can ensure we are eating metal-chelating foods to help our bodies get rid of unwanted minerals such as aluminum. But how do we help our plants, and by extension, the animals that eat them and then us?

First, we keep our food-growing areas from drying out too badly. It is possible to research online and learn various ways you can keep your garden hydrated, from mulch and watering schedules, to vermiculite and polymer water crystals/beads that release water slowly back into the soil.

Xeriscaping is the art of growing plants native to your area, that are also conservative on water usage. Many of the articles I scanned for this article, talked about “weeds” having deep taproots and therefore grow hardier, stronger, and more likely to take the moisture from the plants a gardener really wants. I had to chuckle a little at that. As a forager, the list of edible and medicinal plants that grow natively to my area just keeps getting longer, and if those are the ones known to be hardy with deep taproots able to hold onto moisture, then those are what I WANT to grow!

Don’t fight nature, work with it, and ask God for the wisdom and knowledge to do so. He planted it after all and therefore knows what it needs. He also knows what you need!

It is time for gardeners and foragers to consider how they can keep their patches alive and well. Find out what vermiculite and water beads cost at your local garden centre and stock up. Learn how to add these to your soil and watering cans.

Second, look up the various kinds of desiccants capable of being sprayed, as rumour has it these are contained in chemtrails and spread that way. When we’ve compiled this list, of which aluminum is one, calcium chloride is another, silica is a third – we want to learn of plants that are quicker on the uptake of these minerals than others, so that we spare the plants we want to keep. If there are mineral blends out there that help plants fight against desiccation, then we need to obtain those and learn how to put them into the soil or spray them on our plants. The goal is to keep the plants we are responsible for, from unnecessarily drying out sooner than necessary.

So here’s your homework:

1) Research the various desiccants out there
1.1) How many affect plant life and how is that plant life affected? Is it by how the desiccant blocks leaf action, root action, both?
1.2) Are there mineral blends to help plants maintain moisture levels within their roots, stalks, leaves, etc?

2) Research various ways to maintain adequate hydration without using more water than you are right now, and potentially less in case your area gets hit with water restrictions.
2.1) Things like mulch, vermiculite, water beads, dripper hoses, underground irrigation, etc
2.2) Look up plants that naturally attract water to the soil. Plants share with each other, so when you find native plants to your area that are known to attract and store water, ring your garden and your property with them.

3) Get familiar with the so-called “weeds” that grow native to your area. Those that are good for food or medicine that are known to have deep taproots should be included around your property going forward.

When we learn what the string pullers are up to, we don’t have to sit back and play dead. So share this article in your gardening groups, your homesteading groups, your foraging groups, etc, and brainstorm how to deal with this. When the brainstorming has created a list of 1 or more actionable points, get out there and do them!

The day is coming Revelation 8:7 says, when a third of all trees and all green grass will be burned up. We do not have to enter that time without fighting back. Revelation 8 takes place after the rapture and during the Tribulation (the seals are not part of the Tribulation). This means we are living in the birth pangs Christ speaks of in Matthew 24. Between now and when Christ catches us up in the air, we can be resisting to the betterment of those around us.

Cross over the World - Songdove Books

The modern Christian concept of grace, a seeker-sensitive blend of “live and let live” and worldly tolerance, has resulted in various denominations rewriting Scripture, allowing blatant sin in the pulpit, and flying sodom’s flags out front of their church buildings. I’ve been inside meeting halls where some of these denominations have tried to couch this acceptance of sin as “loving”, “kind”, and “inclusive”. To say the sight made me cringe is an understatement!

Scripture teaches us to love the sinner and hate the sin. Christ told the prostitute to “go and sin no more”. Godly love accepts the person where they are, but loves them too much to leave them there. Godly love does not condone the person’s sin and even encourages them to stop engaging in it. Godly love does not participate in the person’s sin, but may sit nearby with a hand reached out should the sinner take it and accept the pull to the Cross. This is how some Christians can walk into bars and walk out with baby Christians in tow. It is the attitude with which I attended my first holistic fair as a vendor in early June. Though they didn’t invite me back, and ghosted me when I tried to resume contact with the organizers, the people who stopped by my booth were ministered to in an otherwise dark place.

But Christianity’s “acceptance” of sodomy in the parades, has resulted in sodomy in school libraries, in public libraries, and in positions of governmental leadership.

Contrast this to another religion who is known for killing the dhimmi and the infidel. A religion who holds a sword over your head and demands you describe them as a religion of peace or they will kill you! A religion whose moderates can be upstanding citizens of society until suddenly they are angry and they can’t figure out why, the teachings of thought and behaviour are so subtle to them. A religion whose “radicals” are simply following the tenets of their holy book to the letter, and whose sects have made up their own laws along the way (fatwas) that their own societies must follow or be beheaded, flogged, or killed by torture.

Canadian International Cultural Expo 2007This religion considers sodomy to be reprehensible, a blight on society, and worthy of the death penalty for any who are caught up in it. A big reason for this in their books is that sodomy is a death sentence to society. Sodomy cannot, in it’s own community, propagate the human race, and this religion prizes the concept of family and children (even if its a bit skewed and abused at times). This religion has it’s own ideas of what constitutes alternative lifestyles, child brides being a common one, but sodomy is often seen as completely different and how dare anyone teach it to their children!

Guess which faith is standing up the loudest against the teaching of sodomy and the grooming of children in public schools??!! Which faith is NOT a religion of peace, and which one SHOULD be?! Which faith offers freedom to it’s members and which one offers regulated chains?!

The latter is not only a threat to sodomites, but is also a threat to Christians anywhere they are found. Moderates will live and work side by side with Christians, but their own guide books explain how to subjugate dhimmis once this religion’s global caliphate is finally put into place. Due to moderates being willing to live and work beside Christians, it is possible to share God’s love with them and in some areas of the world, there is a massive revival going on as people from this religion come to Christ in droves!

BUT. . . the western world has a reckoning coming, and one of the first leaders to begin facing this reckoning is the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. He has tried to show himself friendly to both “the religion of peace”, and the sodomites. He’s sat on prayer mats and marched in parades. Now, this religion is standing up and telling schools to stop grooming their children for sodomite use. They are marching against drag queen story hour at public libraries. They recently had a chance to stare Trudeau in the face and bring the controversy directly to his feet! It will be interesting to see how Trudeau handles this clash of trains right in front of him. I predicted this would happen years ago, and we saw smaller clashes off and on over the years since then, but this is the most pronounced yet. Adherents of this religion are trying to be civil and legal about their protests and have not as yet, pulled out the sword against the sodomites or those promoting them (such as Trudeau who actually showed up on a prominent drag queen’s TV show). However, I have a feeling those days are numbered!

one world

one world established in 2013Found an interestingly-named product in my preferred grocery store’s flyer today:

OneWorld Halal Beef Patties

Apparently OneWorld Halal is a subsidiary to OneWorld Foods, which is a Canadian “small business” headed by second-generation Canadian Muslims. The company apparently was founded, according to LinkedIn, back in 2013, and began their trademark process in 2016. They received a venture funding round from District Venture Capitals in 2018, one of whose sponsors is Bank of Montreal and another named Tree of Life.

But the crazy thing for me, is wondering seriously, what is up with Islamic focus on one world this and one world that, and united this and united that.  Their own plans generally don’t unite anyone.

Yes, I know about their desire for a global caliphate and have some of that information on my machine since 2004. In that set of guidance, they encourage their people, wherever they are in the world, to work their way into leadership roles in one of 10 pillars of society (not unlike NAR’s 7 Mountains of Influence, though Islam had their list first). The concept of the Grand Caliphate includes preparing the world for the 12th Imam, also known as the Grand Mahdi. Scripture calls him the Anti-Christ or Man of Perdition or Beast. According to some shiite end-time prophecies, this man will fight against Christ, who descends down a ladder from heaven. Various shiite end-time prophecies are darkly laughable in their embellishments of how things will go once the Tribulation period begins, but suffice to say that the father of lies has a very hard time lying about his impending doom and that of his followers. All he can do is embellish the truth to make it sound less dire than it actually is.

The instructions for carrying out efforts toward the Grand Caliphate, include how to treat dhimmi’s, that’s those of us who are “people of the book”, and those who are non-muslim in general. Under caliphate rules, dhimmi’s are to be tolerated under most conditions, with the option to tax them, and if taxed, it is to be a fairly sizeable sum. Dhimmi’s who do not pay the tax can be killed with no questions, as they are infidels.  There’s nothing here about unification, unless you define unification as everyone under your way of doing things.

I don’t remember reading anywhere in grand caliphate literature that muslims were to not merely become leaders in the 10 societal pillars, but to seek a greater degree of tolerance (and supposedly respect) between various groups of people otherwise known as infidels to the islamic religion. But this is what we are seeing. The so-called moderates among the islamic faithful, are encouraging unity between groups of people where there has been history of animosity and in some cases, animosity well-earned.

Songdove Books - Wine GobletTake the efforts at unifying the world’s three major religions: Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam. There are now two centers, one in Germany and one in the UAE, where all three have buildings on the same site, and they are encouraged to meet with each other and learn about each other. At the same time, a third place is also being built (or soon, not sure if the shovel dug the dirt yet) that would be a conference center of sorts, featuring the three faiths yet again. Islamic leaders have been at the forefront of round tables encouraging delegates of the world’s religions to sit down and come up with a draft of common ideologies and values. The Catholic pope isn’t happy with just his organization at the table, and for a number of years now, has sought to re-integrate protestant Christianity with “the mother church”, entertaining various high-level evangelical names in the process, much to the dismay of those of us who are watching. The pope and a high-ranking Islamic Imam signed a memorandum ostensibly creating a new set of climate-change 10 commandments. They would have signed this on “Mt Sinai”, but Egypt wouldn’t allow it, so it was signed in London.

It has always been my understanding from years of going over the Scriptures, that the person who becomes the AntiChrist (capital AC), will be charismatic enough to bring the jewish and islamic worlds together. Various people have their favourite candidates, but the person will not be revealed until after the Church is raptured, so we can only conjecture at this point. We know a false prophet arises, a smaller beast according to Revelation, that will force the world to worship the AC, the first beast. So a one world religion WILL take place!

G20 HLIP ReportThe World Economic Forum has their One Health initiative spanning several organizations and pushed by the World Health Organization. Talking points were laid out for this over several years and neatly formulated into a 92 page pdf available for download off their site, look up “A Global Deal For Our Pandemic Age”. This document sounds increasingly like a one world government the more you read through it. Then we have climate change, which some are starting to refer to as a religion in it’s own right.

Back when Ahmadinejad was President of Iran, he said it was his duty to bring about the chaos that would usher in the Grand Mahdi. I would shake my head any time he reiterated that purpose for being on the world stage. Iran has a role to play in the end times, but I was dubious this leader would be the one leading it. However, Iran is now buddying up with both Russia and China, and China has succeeded in getting Iran to sit beside Saudi Arabia for the first time in decades!

The world is changing, and sometimes in eye-brow-raising ways. The rhetoric of the string pullers is filtering down to the lesser players as we get companies like OneWorld Foods here in Canada selling their goods in grocery stores and seeking to show the world that while we are all different in so many ways, we all eat. That’s a very simplistic way to look at the world, but it is how the Islamic world is obeying the dictates to implement the Grand Caliphate. Food and agriculture are one of the 10 societal pillars.

In the same way that a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name opens the door to a new life, Islam offers to feed your belly if you will eat in the way their halal dictates have laid out. Accept Halal, and you may be more likely to accept other fatwas as well, and more willing to bow when the time demands. After all, its just food, right? Right???

God and Calamity

The acronym is misspelled in the title of this article, but the accusation against the organization reminds me of a bit of Scripture:

Did the NWO Use HAARP to Punish Turkey?

Luke 21:10-11  Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:  11  And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

The passage in Luke is during the same conversation that is discussed in Matthew 24. These are many of the happenings before the Tribulation with a capital T, and before the Anti-Christ with a capital AC (as the spirit of anti-christ, small ac, is already at work in the world) The book of Revelation goes into detail how this Man of Perdition will behave, referring to him at one point as a Beast, in Revelation 13:

Revelation 13:1-18
1  And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2  And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
3  And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
4  And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
5  And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
6  And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
7  And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8  And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9  If any man have an ear, let him hear.
10  He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
11  And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12  And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
of aerial concern13  And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14  And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15  And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18  Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

In this chapter, we have the first beast, the Anti-Christ, the Man of Perdition, rising up from a group of nations and world leaders. The second beast shows up, and not only demands all to worship the first beast, but is able to call down fire from heaven and other “wondrous” deceptive acts to deceive the followers. He often referred to as the False Prophet, and commands an image be built that he “gives life to” and the command for all to take the mark.

We see the technological props going into position and I’ve been watching these props take shape since at least the early 2000’s, while watching the international props going into place before that. But it seems with each passing decade, the speed has been picking up steam so that now, development on these props is a breakneck, with governments and elites claiming they are at an urgent, narrow window in which to act and that they better act “yesterday already!”

Suspicion around the recent Turkish massive earthquake is pointing fingers at a research installation in Alaska, known as HAARP. I was unfamiliar with this research facility, so I went digging, and found that it is capable of messing with ozone and weather, and designed to assist with “below plate” (as in tectonic plate) research. In October 2022, they were going to see if they could send a signal out to Jupiter, among 10 other projects that month. Someone who worked with the installation for a time, first name is Nick, is quite concerned the installation has been used as a weapon in the past, and could be used as a weapon in the future. Concerns over how HAARP could affect weather patterns, reminds me of the two Scripture quotes above. Some out there wonder why HAARP has been so secretive since it was built in the 90’s, but how do you, as a human, act like a god if you don’t have technological means to do slight-of-hand? Do I support the notion that this tool may have been behind the Turkish quake? I don’t know if HAARP’s electron-harnessing/directing systems can do that or not. I’d be more likely to accuse CERN of doing this. At least I know that tool is already embedded in the ground and therefore able to affect it directly. I don’t know CERN’s schedule or what they were up to at the time of the quake, or in the days before, so I won’t lay official blame there either. But I will say that such tools will be used to great effect in amazing and deceiving the masses in copy-cat attempts at emulating what only God can do through those He chooses to do it.

Revelation 11:1-13
1  And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
2  But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
3  And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
4  These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
5  And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
6  These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
7  And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
8  And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
9  And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
10  And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
11  And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
12  And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
13  And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

of aerial concern

For years, we have remarked how the Culture of Death continues to sacrifice children on the altar of Molech! Well, it appears Molech has, himself, had a gender-change, and now stands on the New York Courthouse!

According to reports from Lifesite News and the Daily Wire:

“The sculpture, entitled “NOW,” was installed on the roof of the Appellate Division Courthouse of New York State, First Department on Madison Avenue last week as part of an art exhibit from artist Shahzia Sikander.”

“Sikander has another piece with similar designs placed in the area. That statue, an 18-foot tall recreation of the same figure, but with a metal cage symbolizing a hoop skirt, is entitled “Witness” and is placed in Madison Square Park across from the court building. The two statues together are entitled, “Havah…to breathe, air, life.”

“Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won. You earn it and win it in every generation.” Never fading words by Coretta Scott King. Inspired and humbled that breathe, air, life’ ‘NOW’ & ‘Witness’ are open on MLK day Jan16, 2023″

“The “NOW” statue also hints at the satanic: a naked, golden woman with braids fashioned into horns coming out of her head as she emerges from a pink lotus, according to photos in the New York Times. Images used by Satanists and The Satanic Temple often depict Satan with goat-like horns.”

“Also notable, pro-abortion politicians’ and abortion activists’ talking points frequently now include fighting “like” to keep the killing of unborn babies legal, and “Hail, Satan!” sometimes gets shouted at pro-abortion protests. In recent years, The Satanic Temple also has filed numerous lawsuits that challenge laws protecting unborn babies’ lives on religious grounds. The group claims abortion is a religious ritual.”

New York City Erects Satanic Statue on City Courthouse to Promote Abortion

Switching gears only slightly, my young adult kids who are starting to approach their 30’s, are gamers and have been since their youth. Way back in high school, my daughter came across a game that didn’t have a big following, and to this day, whenever she gets sentimental and checks in on it, it still doesn’t have a big following. She hasn’t played it in years now, but back when she did, her talk about game dialogue often had me educating her on the dangers of the New Age, and at times, the game seemed to be warning the player too.

When I showed her the above two articles and their accompanying images, faint memories began to tingle and she did a quick search for something in the game known as, “The Buzzing”.

I will present the first paragraph here, with some parts edited out because to leave them in is to educate the reader in stuff I’ve seen from satanists in recent years, most notably from a witch/satanist that Microsoft has partnered with on occasion in the last 5 years. The visuals presented by the phrases nearly make me ill as a result, so I am omitting them for the sake of this discussion. The brain’s propensity for suggestion is another reason not to share them, as I do not know who all reads these blog articles and as a spiritual warrior, it behooves me to be sure I am not causing undue distress when seeking to educate on the ways of the enemy.

Computer Video Game: Secret World: Legends: The Buzzing

“TRANSMIT – initiate anima signal – RECEIVE – initiate the Enochian frequency – WITNESS – initiate the Merovingian syntax – … – crawling roots, heavy with sizzling sap, stab your skull – … – offer expires at the heat death of the universe – FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY – the dark days cometh, absolute zero, maximum entropy – ACT NOW! – initiate Agartha broadcast – TRANSMIT – open the 49 gates! – WITNESS! – The Buzzing.”

Note the two words: Now and Witness.

Secret World expected it’s readers to unravel various riddles throughout the game, and to ensure that happened, they built an Internet browser into the game that loaded full websites when clicked. Some of the puzzles and keys to enter or leave various areas of the game, required answers only found in these online searches. Taking the above paragraph for example, looking up Merovingian as a term in a search engine, leads one to a historical dynasty among the Franks, but also mentions a legend. When you look up the legend, you come to a story of rape by a demonic entity, and a depiction of that entity.

That depiction looks amazingly similar to other depictions of satan himself and one of his henchmen.

A second game, one my daughter is currently playing and that I caution her about from time to time because of it’s nature as high fantasy, is Elder Scrolls. Part of the appeal of this game for her are the various “books” the player can read scattered throughout the game. They are often short stories by offline standards, but give clues necessary to various parts of the game, or give “history” to add to game lore as the player goes along. There are two ruling factions in this game, one of the good side and one on the evil side, and a faction that tries to be neutral between the two. One of the rulers on the evil side has the name Molag Bal. It doesn’t take much to hear the similarity in pronunciation of this name, to a given idol in the Old Testament, known as Molech, and Baal.

Again, the depiction of this character, looks very similar to the entity described in the Merovingian legend. Look up “modern day” depictions and sketches from the last few hundred years of the henchmen worshipped by satanists, and you get a very similar appearance yet again!

It is no mystery to myself or my household, that people are so abruptly weirded out by this new statue in New York. The number of sayings that my daughter shared with me from Secret World that line up so amazingly close to what the enemy is doing through the New Age, through the public education system, through mainstream media, and through advertising in general in the last 50 years, has been literally uncanny! It’s as if the writers of that game had a warning to get out there, although due to the small following, it’s dubious just how loudly anyone heard the warning. But it was a warning nonetheless. The game will often reference Scripture or draw from illustrations in Scripture though not necessarily in context or kept to the same meanings,. So the warnings can’t be interpreted as coming from a fellow believer, but they do show how the enemy can take Scripture and accurately quote it for twisted purposes.

But the site of this statue was another memory jog for my daughter that I felt should be passed on to everyone! We are looking at a female representation of satan’s high henchman, with visuals to appeal to New Agers, Pagan Earth worshippers, and satanists in one fell swoop. The god who demands human sacrifice, specifically child sacrifice, influenced this sculptor to put their likeness over top of Ginsberg’s, and use her memory to promote their end goal, the killing of your children!

Cross over the World - Songdove BooksI therefore agree with those who were quoted in the articles as calling for the destruction of this statue! in Scripture, God had statues and shrines to Molech thrown to the ground, crushed, and burned. That is how God views the deliberate murder of His prize creation! One day soon, the Rapture will happen. It will be a matter of mere years before the AC comes to the world stage after that, the third temple is built, and he desecrates it, kicking off 7 years of trial and tribulation such as the world has never seen. This wraps up with Jesus returning with His Church to do battle against the AC and his forces, after which satan, his henchmen and minions, the AC, the False Prophet, hell, and death, will all be cast into the Lake of Fire, alongside all who rejected Christ before they died. One day soon, this deliberate assault against God’s prize creation will be thrown done once and for all, never to rear up again!

In Matthew 24, Christ tells His disciples that in the last days, life will get more and more difficult, using the analogy of the birth pangs of a woman in childbirth. But He says “the end is not yet”, meaning, those birth pang events are not part of the Tribulation, although many mid- and post-tribbers will say otherwise. Because Christ accused the Pharisees of trying to use their own righteousness to avoid The Wrath To Come, we know that in Christ’s righteousness, we as believers will not live through God’s wrath that is poured out on the unjust. Beware of those who teach that the righteousness of Christ does NOT spare us from God’s wrath on the unjust! I just saw another warning by a mid/post tribber the other day and tried to warn the group admin about it.

Lawlessness is increasing all around us. Worship of satan and the various false religions he set up is on the increase and getting more and more obvious and “in your face”. The enshrining of abortion as child sacrifice to an entity rising out of the New Age/Pagan/Wiccan symbol for the “life” of the earth and bearing the horns of the satanist/high masonic god is just the latest step forward in this increasing boldness. To refer to the things coming out of the statue’s shoulders as “tentacles” is very apt. I have a feeling those are supposed to represent the billowing nature of the robes that Ginsberg wore, and how the sleeves looked on her arms, but as my son keeps pointing out, the arms are simply NOT there! Only these tentacles are there! The enemy of our souls has very much done his best to weave into as many aspects of modern life, the thoughts and impressions necessary to shape the sociological/political/educational landscape that we now live in and from which things like this statue are springing from. So tentacles are a very bold statement on the sides of this statue.

It is understandably human to feel dismay at this kind of thing showing up, when we thought humanity had progressed so far, only to discover we have finally reached the level of the ancient peoples with their gods of gold and child sacrifice! It has been pointed out to me more than once that when God told Noah to build the Ark, He observed that all mankind had corrupted itself on the face of the earth and that only Noah and his household did not corrupt themselves.

Genesis 6:11-13  The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.  12  And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.  13  And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

Over the past three years, some theologians now wonder if perhaps the gene therapy that has come on the scene is similar to this corruption God spoke of to Noah. Jesus Christ says that as in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man returns, and then clarifies saying they were marrying and giving in marriage, eating and drinking until the day that Noah and his family entered the Ark.

Matthew 24:36-39  But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.  37  But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  38  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,  39  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

If you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you live in His righteousness, not your own, and can look forward to the day when the evil we see growing around us will be vanquished for good! One day that statue WILL be destroyed, and all who refuse Christ and worship it, will be destroyed as well.

The Age of Grace is coming to a close. The Church Age will soon give way to The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, referring to Israel and the struggles that nation must face in the years to come, before they accept Christ as Messiah. Are you ready for the darkening clouds gathering around us? Do YOU have Jesus living in your heart? If not, I encourage you to read John Chapters 1 to 3, then bow your head, admit you are a sinner, admit that Jesus is God, and ask Him to forgive your sin and to come live inside you. In Romans we read that he who believes in his heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, and declares with his mouth that Jesus is Lord, is saved.

Romans 10:9-10  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

I don’t know how long we have now, judging from events on the world stage. Christ’s clue to look for the budding of the Fig Tree, also known as Israel becoming a nation again, was the BIG thing to look for, and it happened in 1948, although some point to 1967 for different reasons, both pertaining to the nation of Israel once again in her homeland. In my own lifetime that began a few short years after 1967, I have watched the props necessary for end-time prophecy to be fulfilled falling into place faster and faster to where the last few years have had my head spinning at times.

The time is short now. Christ said we would not know the day or the hour, but that we would know the times and seasons, and those times and seasons are upon us. So I urge you! If you have not yet accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour, to do so now before your window of opportunity closes. Currently, that window closes at death’s door, and any who come to Christ after the rapture, will seal their salvation with their very life, as they will be hunted down and killed. Already the modern world’s tolerance for all things Christian is ebbing fast.

Are you ready???


Lighting the CandleToday is the Candle of Hope!

Hope has been dashed on so many fronts over the past few years.

~Hope in science to save humanity is now dashed as we watch science co-opted to kill humanity instead.

~Hope in experts to teach us the best way to do things has been dashed 6 ways to Sunday and then some, as we discovered that so-called “experts” were literally leading us down the garden path, and while many have died from this misleading, many many more are yet to die in the years ahead.

~Hope in tolerance leading to a better, united humanity has been dashed, as we’ve seen those crying for tolerance brainwashing our children into deviant, dangerous and damaging lifestyles resulting in untold numbers now facing mental health issues, physical health issues, and some have even committed suicide over it.

~Hope in democratic voting systems to bring in a better, more productive or more sane group of leaders in various nations around the world has been dashed as string pullers have learned how to rig the system to their favour more times than not.

These are just four of the places modern humankind has tried to put their hopes in times past and that have proven drastically incapable of delivering on those hopes.

a baby's face, women's rightsHumanity’s only hope, literally, is in Jesus Christ Himself, the Creator of all things who took it upon Himself to take on the form of man by coming to earth as a baby over 2,000 years ago, to not only show us the way to live, but also to die for our sins and rise again to give us eternal life. In the Old Testament days, the Prophets looked forward to His coming, prophesying of both his birth and death, but also of His coming as King. When the 400 years of silence came, the Jewish people began to focus less on the lowly nature of Christ’s prophesied birth, and more on His coming as King, so that when Christ did show up on the scene, they were heavily disappointed that He was not going to restore Israel to them and get them out from under Rome’s rule.

However, Christ IS returning as He told the disciples He would! He will return first in the clouds for the Church, and then we will return with Him when He sets foot again on the Mount of Olives, at which point He will be returning as King of the Universe! Various passages found in both the Old and New Testament speak to these events. Christ got after various religious rulers who thought that just being law-abiding would have them avoid “The Wrath to Come” as Christ put it. To this day, there are those who believe the Church will live through God’s Wrath, which goes against what Christ Himself says. (If you’re one of those people, let me tell you now, I will not debate you on this! Your argument is with God, not with me!)

Songdove Books - Cross in the cloudsThe only way mankind can find hope that does not disappoint, is in Jesus Christ. This world is getting darker by the day, and will continue to do so until Christ returns, as foretold in the Scriptures. For those of us who have been watching the times and seasons for more than a few decades, the times we are living in now are headshaking and sometimes hard to comprehend, that what we saw coming down the pipe is actually here in our lifetime! The Birth Pangs of the days leading up to The Days of Awe (an Old Testament Term) are most definitely upon us as outlined in Matthew 24.

For fellow believers reading this, keep copies of the Gospel of John in your pocket to give out to those who are losing hope. If you are not a believer and reading this, get yourself a copy of the Bible, or just the Gospel of John, and read that New Testament book through at least once. (You can also read it over at Give serious consideration to where your soul will go when your body dies, because you WERE created as an eternal being! Your choices now affect your life going forward into eternity. Only while you are in your body do you have the option of choosing Jesus’ gift of Salvation.

Our Hope is indeed in no other, but Jesus Christ Himself, God the Son, and we with those who have gone before us, Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus! The world may be spiralling out of control, but in Christ, we have assurance that eternity on the other side will be drastically better!

This Advent Season, be praying for those you know who are losing hope, and ask the Holy Spirit to make Christ real to them.


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