I must ask everyone’s forgiveness. I just realized that my last blog posting took place near the final weekend in November. At that time, I was just putting together my latest book: 30 Days of Advent Colouring Journal, and diving into a busy choir season with Kelowna Community Gospel Choir. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEGdI13dZmg Add to that playingRead More…
There is a saying that when life hands you a lemon, make lemonade. There is a more cynical and destructive version that says if life hands you a lemon, toss it back as hard as you can! As I was sitting at my dining room table eating breakfast this morning, I realized that God hasRead More…
Ruth 3:18 Then said she, Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day. I had been in prayer this morning, bringing needs before the Lord and thanking Him, showing appreciation for all that He hasRead More…
My notes for the book of Judges were sparse to say the least. If there is a book showing the incredible yo-yo effect of followers rather than those who make solid choices, this book was it! The book of Judges also shows the dangers of not following God’s commands fully, as nations they had notRead More…
My blogging has been quiet through the Book of Judges so far. Israel was doing what it did best at that time, serving God and then whoring after other gods. God was keeping His promises, the positive ones as well as the negative ones, and ensuring that in His way of doing things, the beneficialRead More…
Ok, I’m ticked off! Ticked off at our throw-away society in the so-called modern world! I won’t use the term civilized, because that means different things to different people in different places around the world, and I’m not really sure that many areas of the globe are falling into that category too well right now. Read More…
In a dream my daughter shared with me for a second time tonight, she and Isaiah had gone to a youth conference in another town, they went into an auditorium packed full of people. Much was being said and it was unsettling, but she had not paid attention to what exactly was being shared. TheyRead More…
There are people today who still believe that what they bring into their homes will have no effect on them. They can have novels, music, DVD’s and magazines about witchcraft, sex outside of marriage, first-person shooters, and more and still think that because it is in the form of entertainment, that it’s fine. They don’tRead More…
My blogging lately has not followed my personal devotions. The first chapter of Joshua had already been written about at length earlier in June long before I’d even finished the book of Deuteronomy. I confess that today, my thoughts are not in the book of Joshua either. Instead, my thoughts are straying toward the conceptRead More…
Yes, it IS that time of year again! For some, classes are already in session. For others, classes are due to resume following Labour Day in September. Regardless of when children and teachers are returning to the classroom, its hard not to observe all the sales going on in the stores right now! Paper, pencils,Read More…