(originally written and posted to FB in 2006. Slight edit to repost in 2021) It would appear as if the North American mind set taught in the public schools, colleges and universities, that has crept into political arenas, business, the arts, and social philosophy, the mind set that is pushed through the various forms ofRead More…
At first glance you may be thinking the title’s components can’t possibly be related to each other. I am going to share commentary on an article shared today by Dr. Joseph Mercola. The PDF for his article is included in his credit line below this list of quotes: “Prion diseases are a group of conditionsRead More…
I’ve said it many times over the years. I am a firm believer that the world of entertainment has been used since at least the 40’s if not earlier, to test ideas on the masses and groom them for acceptance of such ideas in real life. I’ve watched this play out with euthanasia, the homosexualRead More…
If you’ve been wearing the triple-layer commercially-manufactured face mask for the past 1.5yrs, despite Health Canada’s rollback on their recall back in the Spring, you may still want to switch to a cloth mask, if you bother with a mask at all. This article does mention Health Canada’s recall in April 2021 due to findingRead More…
Various disasters over the years have shown that when God’s people are able to jump in with relief, medicine, and whatever forms of assistance are required, those who are unsaved are often more receptive to the Gospel being shared alongside the cup of cold water. We are watching the setup for disasters that Scripture hasRead More…
West Nile Virus (WNV), a mosquito-borne disease that arrived on North American shores in the late ’90’s, is a virus that tends to scare people when they first hear about it. For 90% of the human population, there is nothing to fear from this virus, the remaining 10% may come down with some form ofRead More…
It’s interesting to observe, as my mind flits through past historical accounts of manmade surveillance vs God’s surveillance through the centuries, that man’s usage of state surveillance has always been, without fail, on the harsher end of the stick than the benevolent. While yes, history records God wiping out whole civilizations whose ways were anRead More…
It’s been interesting, watching how Canadians have handled the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s efforts over the past number of years. I watched a well-respected Indigenous Christian educator and musical artist get so wrapped up in people’s stories, that she lost her marriage and began blocking anyone who tried to bring her back to a moreRead More…
Sometimes, birthdays, anniversaries, and special days on the calendar become the day when something terrible, or negatively-unexpected happens, forever leaving that day as a reminder to the event instead of the reminder of the day’s intended celebrations. For many in Lytton BC, today will become known as the day a summer fire took out theRead More…
Looking for a fun way to boost your immune system in the new viral landscape, potentially protect against “vaccine” shedding, and a low-dose way to feed your brain, your endocrine and your cardiovascular systems? Then Look no further than the Canadian A&W Rootbeer recipe! Seriously! Check out this news release from July 2017! How theRead More…